
148 Decks, 1,477 Comments, 183 Reputation

thats the point of midnight hauntings, it's 2 squad hawks for 3 mana at instant speed in which i can flashback via snap daddy.
when i said trying something new i meant new for me, lol
ive never ran caw blade.

Posted 04 October 2011 at 20:33 in reply to #204671 on Spectral Blade


Something new as apposed to green white...? lol what I usually play.
and also, there are no squad hawks. if you know of any caw blade deck that doesn't run squad hawks, let me know ;P

Posted 04 October 2011 at 19:28 in reply to #204671 on Spectral Blade


well i chose bskull in this list because it uses day of judgment a lot. bskull lets me replay said creature, which makes doj a bit less harmful on my side. this is why i don't use swords, mainly, and because if I equip them to my images they die. they can't be targeted.

if you want to see my and my friend shawn's version of caw blade, check out my new deck "spectral blade"

Posted 03 October 2011 at 20:11 in reply to #204447 on The New White-Blue


overall this is a really good start! My friends and I had actually tried out a similar concept, except there are a few cards you may want to look at!

first of all, green sun's zenith should definitely be a 4 of. It's too good to not use, haha.

but some cards I think you should look at are;
thrun, the last troll.
druidic satchel
and phyrexian metamorph.

im really surprised you don't use thrun, the hexproof father himself, haha. he's just so good vs control (:
druidic satchel is turning out to impress a lot of people. And it's really synergetic with overrun, (were you to add overrun)
dismember is almost a staple in standard, now.
and phyrexian metamorph really helps out when somebody has a sword.

So, even though you're going for hexproof, I don't really think you need it. Mono green can just stomp anything without the need for hexproof. but I would definitely use 4 skinshifter, hes really good.

I haven't really dipped into green much, i never really played green other than in GW, but i really don't think you need prey upon if you add dismember.

sorry my thoughts are a little all over the place, but I hope I helped (:

Posted 02 October 2011 at 14:47 as a comment on !! NEED HELP PLEASE !!


no worries man, always happy to help a brutha (:

Posted 02 October 2011 at 02:19 in reply to #203865 on Spectral Blade


So, heartless summonings is an amazing card. but, i don't think this is really the deck for it :/
think of all the anti-syngergies here;
it kills porcelain, vault skirge, and your timely tokens... :/

if you are committed to heartless, i think blue black is the way to go.
4 grand architect, 4 treasure mage, 4 myr superion, 4 wurmcoil, seems pretty solid.

maybe i over estimate the effect of the -1/-1, but it seems like so many cards here would be dead late game with heartless out :c

Posted 02 October 2011 at 02:15 as a comment on Death Metal


marrow shards doesn't handle koth, chandras pheonix, hero, or shrine :c

i think this deck will dismantle rdw. the swords are HUGE

Posted 01 October 2011 at 22:57 in reply to #203865 on Spectral Blade


sphinx has no need in my other list, because the images provide such good tempo. In this, if I run out of gas, I lose. And sphinx helps really well against rdw.

i don't know where I'm going with this list, I might give my other list another whirl next week, (went 3-1 this week) but rdw has such an amazing matchup vs it :[
this essentially stomps rdw

Posted 01 October 2011 at 16:07 in reply to #203865 on Spectral Blade


edna, you give a lot of extremely detailed advice, resulting in a long reply. what sure meant was that a lot of the comments here have a lot of questions to be addressed, which would result in a long reply to answer all the questions. (: its not offensive at all, we're all friends here :'D

Posted 01 October 2011 at 14:23 in reply to #203757 on The New White-Blue


some questions are too foolish to even respond to, lolol

Posted 01 October 2011 at 03:57 in reply to #203757 on The New White-Blue


guys, holllly comments. last time i checked this was at 41 likes, hahaha. there's wayy too many to address. i'll eventually get around to it

Posted 01 October 2011 at 01:46 as a comment on The New White-Blue


god love dismember. on that note, i'd definitely maindeck 4 spellskite

Posted 29 September 2011 at 02:22 as a comment on Phage the Untouchable


i hate pod with a burning passion.

"oh ill play this birthing pod turn 2, turn 3 play my viridian emissary, level it up with pod, get a land and bust out a 5/6", stupid, just stupid.

and man you could definitely enjoy standard, it's so wide open now (: and reanimator is on the rise ;P presumed to be top tier, actually :O

but thank you, once again. (: i feel im much better at standard than legacy, but I still try my best for both. I have a funny feeling I'll be making a u/w stoneblade deck soon for legacy !

Posted 29 September 2011 at 02:12 in reply to #203144 on The New White-Blue


So, it seems as if you're on the right track. And if this is one of your first builds, I'm impressed! Much better than my first attempts at control.. haha. But there still are a few points here that may not seem to make much difference, but in actually they're huge.

so, first of all i'll say it, angelic over seer is out of place. she's more of an aggressive card, and in a control deck they're simply... out of place, per se. I know that the point of a control deck is to present board dominance until you eventually can get aggressive, but 5 mana for a 5/3 potential indestructible hexproof that requires another creature is almost counter productive. in a control deck, i feel day of judgment is HUGE. and with said board sweeper being huge, it means that keeping your creatures on the field is even more of a task. for 5 mana you could be doing a lot more. even just another solid counter is better in the mirror.

So, now we can address some other aggressive cards... like geist. I know, this guy is amazing, but he can't play defense. A lot of players (including myself) miss that key aspect. every creature in a control deck SHOULD be able to save your ass if you need it to, and geist just can't :/
on the topic of aggressiveness, angelic destiny is wayyy too aggressive. remember how I said day of judgment was huge? well thats extremely counter productive. i think batterskull would be a much better fit (: your choice, though. all of this is merely suggestion (:

so, unsummon is good, but vapor snag makes them lose a life. could be relevant.

I will now tell you something that very few players understand... land drops... in a control deck.. mean everything. you just have to trust me. it makes their mana leaks worse, gives you more options to counter with, lets you go off asap, and lands in a control deck are utilities. trust me when I say no less than 25. some people even say that is too low, but 25 minimum.

it's half late here, and I'm too tired to talk about finer points of the deck, but if you have any questions, ask away and ill respond in the morning. (:

once again, well done. and I hope I helped.

Posted 29 September 2011 at 01:56 as a comment on U/W Control - T2


i agree. if you wish to hit birthing pod hard, use torpor orb instead (:

Posted 29 September 2011 at 01:09 in reply to #203153 on Invisa-Blade ( the new Caw-Blade??)


Glad to be back, man. The front page is filled with... for lack of a better term, lack luster designs. :/

But also glad you like the deck! And thank you, (: Lately standard's just been clicking for me. Maybe it's that school has started again, and has my brain juices flowing, but magic seems to make so much sense now, lol. I'm especially excited with the fact that valakut is no longer around, or splinter twin. :'D
Now birthing pod is my worst enemy.... stupid pod.

Posted 29 September 2011 at 00:49 in reply to #203144 on The New White-Blue


no worries man, whatever happens fill me in! i'm on the edge in regards to invisible stalker as well

Posted 28 September 2011 at 22:57 in reply to #203113 on Invisa-Blade ( the new Caw-Blade??)


wow, thank you so much for the compliment! I'm glad you like the deck, and i really hope it lives up to credibility you've given in. So far in testing, it beats the control mirror, and has a really solid game vs aggro.

But surgical extraction is a card that keeps coming up in debate... and I think that you all are on to something. I updated the sideboard to include 2. Where as although they shine in some matches, in some they aren't needed.

Once again thank you for the compliment, and I really am glad you like the deck. This is my favorite list so far (:

Posted 28 September 2011 at 19:42 in reply to #203112 on The New White-Blue


Alright, so first of all, there are a few things here that seem like you're still in the transition state between new standard and old standard.. primarily being concecrated sphinx.
Great card, no doubt, but he's really unneeded in u/w nowadays. But why? Well, a multitude of reasons. It's now a slower format. Before consecrated sphinx met valakut's demise... but valakut no longer exists anymore. Sure, he's great in the control mirror, but so are forbidden alchemy!! TRUST ME, this card is stupid good. lets say you need 1 card.. well, on their end of turn, you alchemy, and dig 4 cards deep. Then you have your draw phase... you get to look down 5 cards (1/12th of the deck) for ONE card... in which you'd probably run multiples of, so your chances are even greater! And then with snapcaster mage it gets dumb. So my point being; take out the sphinx, lol.

on another note, if you're tied down with budget restraints, and can only afford to really cash into 2 snap daddies, I perfectly understand. I have to starve myself to keep my lunch money in order to buy the cards I need (Lol, what a life), but if you're without budget restraints, use 4. Why? Well... he makes every non-permanent better. Just trust me. And he carries a sword :D

So now, what of caw blade.... well, there are a few cards that aren't exactly caw blade in this deck, and said cards are the 2 sun titan and 2 phantasmal images.
I know that may sound weird, coming from the guy who plays the combo religiously, but I use them for tempo. Tempo's good... so why wouldn't you want to use them? well simply because sword of feast and famine is tempo in itself. By using these 4 card slots, you're eliminating possible cards that could aid with your already solid tempo! I could see 1 sun titan, but 1 max. You really want to hit either a gideon or a sword. (and on that note, gids should be a 3 of)

Trepanation blade is a card I've yet to reallly test with. In pre-release it was amazing! But so were 3 mana 2/2 fliers... (see my point?) I think you'd be better off with the 3rd sword. For tempo, as mentioned above.

I'm a day of judgment whore... I just love killing EVERYTHING! hahaha, and in a deck that (should) only be featuring 8-9 creatures, the card shines so well. so, so, so, so well.

So, now here comes one of the most debated creatures of the set.... invisible stalker -.-
Yes, this card with a sword is bonkers. Yes, he's a pain to get rid of. Yes, he's unblockable... but what is he without the sword? a threat? hardly. and that's where he lacks luster. Yes, yes, he can get stupid, but why would you use a card that depends solely on the use of another card? :/ I guess it's a matter of opinion, but there are so many card choices that carry sword exceptionally well, and have practical uses outside of their sword wielding capabilities! mainly mirran crusader, or even blade splicer. mirran crusader is a solid choice in the new meta features rampant black decks, alongside the new green werewolves. also skinshifter and dungrove elder are seeing a lot more play.
like I said, it's strictly your choice, but were it my choice I'd probably just be running 4 snapcaster, 1 sun titan. and a secret card ; ]

if you do include 4 copies of snapcaster, spice it up a bit with some practical one ofs. disperse is good, visions of beyond is godly, dismember could be cut to 1, and oring could be cut to 2 main, 1 board. mainly due to the fact it's anti synergetic with snapcaster.

So I hope I helped, and if you have any questions, fire away. (:

Posted 28 September 2011 at 19:32 as a comment on Invisa-Blade ( the new Caw-Blade??)


hehe, indeed I did. :'D
and wotc... ffs. mental misstep... i loved that card so much. SO, SO much. sure, it makes reanimator better, but now fows are shot up in price. :c

preordain, ponder? really? yeah, combo is rampant, but for f**k's sake... REALLY? stupid. just plain stupid.

splinterfright is one of the exact reasons I run 2 doj, and nihil spellbomb side, lol. he's such a pain. and congrats dude! i got 2nd in the innistrad draft (:

and ghost quarter is a tricky little card. would you rather kill their inkmoth, or lose your tempo... hard choice in a control mirror. which is another pro to having inkmoth! the more difficult choices, the better (:
we've tested the control mirror so much, it's not even funny anymore, hahaha. like at first i ran shape anew.. which was nice but was ultimately too dependent on combo pieces. then we tried hard control, which was nice but died to aggro more often than expected. and now.. this.

this was my design actually. my buddy is going off on some secret tech he thought of, while i was still insistent on the tempo that phantasmal image gave you. he combos well with sun titan, forces a trade early game, can copy snap caster which = godly... he's just too good to throw away. and sun titan is also excessively good with inkmoth, ghost quarter, ratchet bomb, snap caster... and of course chaining off of images is amazing.

i really do love this list.

Posted 28 September 2011 at 00:38 in reply to #202865 on The New White-Blue


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