
148 Decks, 1,477 Comments, 183 Reputation

trust me, the sample hands are... for lack of a better word; shit.

this deck is essentially u/w/g, with 2 red sources for kessig and 1 sole black source for forbidden alchemy flashback. the white is there in the abundance that is to provide double white whenever I need to doj (actually very important in standard right now.)

you say you don't get a t8 titan, which is exactly what the deck wants to do anyways. if it were a ramp deck, that'd be a huge problem, but with this deck, I shouldn't need a titan til t8 after i've gained a bit of board control.
snap caster is amazing, trust me on this one.
red is actually fairly irrelevant, simply for kessig to give a control deck an easier out.

this deck is clearly still a work in progress, but i'm glad both you and surewhynot liked it! I think me and my brew-buddy may just stick to RUG, but this is definitely a contender. I like it. (:

Posted 21 November 2011 at 12:26 in reply to #216136 on 5 Color... Standard


ouuu... i love fenders, haha.
but overall, how do you feel this deck looks?

apparently I don't know how to play aggro, lol... (see that w/g human deck on the front page for reference, lol)

Posted 20 November 2011 at 18:16 in reply to #215555 on Wolf Gang


Right off the bat, this is a pretty good start. but, there are a few thing's I'd change. that's not to say you have to, but personally I'd do the following;

I think what you need here, first and foremost, are 4 grand abolisher. with angelic desinty, spellskite can easily steal it. grand abolisher prevents that, alongside making your spells uncounterable.
i reallly disagree with adaptive automaton. for me, the main purpose of "humans", per se, is that mayor gives them a boost, aswell as the fact that they pump champion of the perish. I mean, to each his own, but i would much ratehr grand abolishers.

i think 4 swords is a tad bit too many, to me 3 seems perfect. 2 faf 1 wap is what i use (wap for tokens and oring), but you can use whatever combo you want.

i'd consider some instant speed removal. you have access to beast within and dismember, remember. what i usually use is 2 oring 2 beast within 1 dismember. but again, it's a preference thing.

i like gideon, he's a boss.

andd village bell-ring seems really weak here. i'd consider cutting him for some abolishers.

i'm so tired at the moment, so sorry my suggestions are kind of spacey, but i hope that helped.

Posted 20 November 2011 at 03:48 as a comment on It feels good to be human G/W


ahh... vintage. that's far too expensive for me. do you actually own all the power 9? :O

Posted 19 November 2011 at 21:52 in reply to #215555 on Wolf Gang


(: would you believe me if I said I have this, my mono black infect, and my u/w humans completely built, no proxies?

Posted 18 November 2011 at 12:27 in reply to #215555 on Wolf Gang


will do! (:

Posted 18 November 2011 at 05:18 in reply to #215451 on I'm shocked I'm doing this again


ahhh... and what do these 5 cards usually consist of, and what cards were played prior to?
i'm guessing it's like a typical storm finish, but instead of tendirls you go doomsday?

Posted 18 November 2011 at 05:05 in reply to #215451 on I'm shocked I'm doing this again


...explain to me this concept of doomsday.

i just want misstep back...

Posted 18 November 2011 at 04:48 in reply to #215451 on I'm shocked I'm doing this again


hahaha i must say, it was a lot easier going from standard to legacy than I imagine it would be vice verse. but legacy, in all honesty, seems a lot easier once you get the hang of it. building the deck is a lot harder (well, building a new deck, per se) but playing is fairly straightforward sometimes.

I think I might try TES. simply because it seems like such a hard deck to play. reanimator is pretty straight forward. as is stoneblade and mud, lol

Posted 18 November 2011 at 04:34 in reply to #215451 on I'm shocked I'm doing this again


standard is a lot harder than one might think,

Posted 18 November 2011 at 04:28 in reply to #215451 on I'm shocked I'm doing this again


i suppose it's a thing of preference, but i think if you played standard for the next few months, you'd agree. it's FAST

Posted 18 November 2011 at 04:14 in reply to #215451 on I'm shocked I'm doing this again


i was in the same boat "i can see 3 with ponder... AND SHUFFLE??" but holding up leak turn 2 is actually huge in standard.

and control is actually very hard to pull off in standard.

Posted 18 November 2011 at 03:38 in reply to #215451 on I'm shocked I'm doing this again


You guys might be able to help me out in legacy, but in standard, it's my domain. (:

alright so minimum 23 lands. unless the top of your curve is 2, with the exception of hero of oxid ridge or like chandras phoenix.
why? games in standard go far, far, FAR longer than those of legacy (unless they're playing like stax or something but let's be serious). you want to hit your land drops so that later on you can do a lot more with those snap daddies, and hit a t6 titan, always.
you might want to drop phyrexias core for 3 inkmoth nexus, and definitely add 4 seachrome coast. scars lands are the best standard duals atm.
dismember is alrightttt, but i don't think you need 3. 2 max. in standard, life is so valuable, you cant just pull a win out of your ass like you can in legacy. every point of life makes the difference. like when i hear tell of people using snapcaster with dismember, all i can think is ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
vapor snag is probably the best "removal" at the moment. the meta is VERY fast, fastest it's been in a while.

so, ghost quarter, why four? well, inkmoth, and wolf run. those cards suck so hard when you haven't an answer. and also, they can fix your mana base in those rare situations. plus with sun titan theyre dope.

tumble magnet is also relatively weak nowadays.

champion of the parish is a nice thought, but i think you might be better off with delver of secrets. he's a wild nacatle in standard form! :D and has flying, aweyeh.
ponder's actually really bad in standard right now, as it's too slow. think twice enables you to hold leak mana up.
besides that, it should be good! just make sure you have a playset of mirran crusaders somewhere. the pro green is huge right now.

Posted 18 November 2011 at 02:19 as a comment on I'm shocked I'm doing this again


definitely! with primeval its always accessible! (: and emissary

Posted 17 November 2011 at 04:35 in reply to #215130 on Wolf Gang


hahahaha the red is only to activated kessig wolf run

Posted 17 November 2011 at 03:50 in reply to #215130 on Wolf Gang


thank you!

Posted 16 November 2011 at 01:31 in reply to #214782 on Human control


it is finished, i just didn't bother adding the lands because the landbase is almost self explanatory, haha.

and thank you! I'm not sure for how long I'll post here, but I've missed magic, and this is the deck I'll run this friday. (:

Posted 16 November 2011 at 01:16 in reply to #214783 on Human control


i rarely check this site anymore, now. I have no will to reply to anyone lately lol.
legacy for me has taken a break. magic in general has taken a break. it's been a rough few weeks and magic is the last of my concerns.

i may eventually get around to making more decks, but until then this is it.

and skittles is something i always want to see. if a control deck taps out i win.

Posted 02 November 2011 at 23:50 in reply to #211401 on There's a Viseen for this


man inkmoth is soooo good D:

Posted 24 October 2011 at 00:19 in reply to #208267 on Green White Grease


why thank you, I'm glad (:
and man, in legacy you could make a boppin' green white. stoneforge, tarmogoyf, gaddock, go nuts hahaha

Posted 23 October 2011 at 15:55 in reply to #209117 on Green White... Again...


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