Thanks sTr8-jAcKeT. I'll look into that. Only problem is, lifegain seldom seems to win games, except sometimes against quick red burn decks. I'll see how it goes though. Any other sideboard ideas?
Really cool deck, by the way! Just wanted to throw that out there. How does it fair against cards like doom blade and such? Seems like some cards like Autumn's Veil could come in really handy, especially as a sideboard option.
One good option may be the new green leyline from M11 (Leyline of Vitality). It pumps your creature's toughness just a bit, to help in blocking or burn situations and gains life for each creature you play. Lifegain is the natural enemy of burn so it works great.
Ok, the problem with the Beacon is that it's not standard legal anymore and the Behemoth Sledge is green, of which I have none and I don't really want to splash green simply for that. The O-Rings are incredibly handy and often times I can use my counters to back them up. As for the sideboard, I know it has to be 15 cards, but i'm not sure what else I should add to it. :S
Instead of blue, i would suggest red for blightning and burning inquiry which both go quite nicely with megrim & the caress.
Looks pretty good for after the Scars of Mirrodin rotation. But until then, I would use ancestral vision and as a great sideboard option against fairies, I think Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir seems like it could really be awesome! I'd also increase the cryptic commands to 4 and go with less (or no) pestermites. Seems pretty good overall though. Nice deck. Any advice for my Standard control deck?
Cool deck. Only 20 land in it, so I'd try to get the deck to 60 cards by just adding a few more land. Otherwise it looks pretty fun, but a tad creature light for a sacrifice deck. Maybe add some dragon fodders. Suggestions on my deck would be appreciated:
Looks like a sweet deck! My only problem with the leyline of lifeforce is that they can still pretty easily counter your dread return... I guess if you have the counter for theirs it'd be ok. But I do like the pact of Negation idea just as that extra counter. Otherwise, seems awesome. One more thing, I've never played with a deck like this, but would more tutors help? I realize you'd probably want to mulligan down till you get your winning hand anyways, but if that's the case... Do tutors help at all? Just wondering.
I'm surprised by the lack of Tarmogoyf, honestly. Also, it seems like an Armageddon could be awesome in sync with the Countryside Crushers and Knight of the Reliquary. If you could reach enough mana, Destructive Force and Wildfire could also be quite amazing.
Along with the Cloudposts, Vesuva combos quite nicely. Other than that... seems like an incredibly high curve. Good luck with that and only 21 land.
I don't really understand why you would have the Hankyu's in the deck at all... There are so many better damage options, lightning bolt being among the best. I'm not sure why have the Thrumming stones either, honestly. They don't seem to do a whole lot when there are only 2 of most of the creatures. Other than that, I agree with mr.magic in that it has a lot of good, powerful stuff but seems a bit slow.
I would bring the total Jace's Erasures to 4. Even in multiples, it only gets better. It is one of the best cards to place in the deck. It pairs well with any extra sort of card draw.
No Force of Wills? Maybe one more creature for the Ghoul would be good, too. Just in case you draw one on accident.
I don't think the Fireboar is all that great; there are much better creatures at the 4 or 5 drop spot. Same goes for Goblin Tunneler and Raging Goblin. Other great options could be Goblin Arsonist, Goblin Guide, or Goblin Bushwhacker all in the 1 (or sort of 2) drop spots. Tuktuk the Explorer seems pretty good as a 3 drop. As for dragons,Voracious Dragon and Predator Dragon both seem like they could be pretty awesome in a goblin deck.
Get rid of the coral merfolk. There are so many better merfolk! Cosi's trickster could be great. Also, not sure there are enough plains to support the sejiri merfolk well enough. Dispels should be replaced by other counters as well. Merfolk looters can be helpful as well.
Swap in 2 more rugged prairie. Hobgoblin dragoon, nightguard patrol, and glory of warfare dont seem too amazing and/or have better options available. The pristine angels seem expensive and slow for this deck. Scourge of the nobilis is a game ender with doublestrike or any red/white cards. 4 would be better. Lightning bolts would help too, as well as some quick goblin guides.
In a deck like this of 18 creatures, i don't think i'd want the vengvines. While good alone, their reanimation ability i doubt will happen often. Also, i'm not so sure the explores are such a great thing. They seem only marginally helpful some of the time at best.
I agree. Also, adding in some spot removal or disruption may come in really handy when trying to get your combo off.
Add your comments or suggestions please.
Warren instigator is total domination. The double strike brings its dame equal to or situationally past that of the piker. Plus the effect is amazing w/ siege-gangs. Also, raid bombardments seem too slow & possibly trumpet blast as well. Bushwackers for sure!
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