Haha, I'm gonna say blue is the hardest but that's just me. ;) I like how Hero is a "maybe" when clearly the best of the battle cry white guys (IMO).
Woo! Top Decks list! Haha, thanks EthanLewis.:)
As for the Unified Will argument, what happens after an early pyroclasm/Day of Judgement/sweeper of any form? Or against boros/Kuldotha Red? You will often lose that war, sorry to say. Also Rebuttal seems pretty good as having 3 guys down on turn one leads to a turn two hard counter in the Rebuttal anyways. Plus, it just gets much, much better the longer the game goes.
Nope, haven't played it but it looks fun. How does the pool really help against Valakut all that much? They drop Titan in one form or another and you get screwed... Also, 5 land will bring it to 23 which almost seems like you'll need at least as many. You even just mentioned that you have like 7 cards at 5 or more cmc. Even decks with a high cmc of 3 often play at least 22 land (elves can be an exception due to the many ramp cards already in it).
Haha, yeah.. Fetches are terribly annoying to acquire. No one wants to trade them at facevalue and yet their just a bit too expensive to go and buy all at once. If they were even like $5 cheaper things could be soo much different. Haha.
Haha, well, you just never know, huh? Haha. Sometimes even people who aren't amazing can be a big help, just by providing an additional perspective to the deck. This isn't trying to say you're not really good or anything. Far from it. I think you've clearly developed pretty rapidly into a good magic player and deck maker. The point I'm trying to make is just that anyone can help with great suggestions. I'm glad I could help so much, though. And surewhynot definitely seems to have a bunch of good ideas as well. Glad I can be considered with him.:)
As for the Zenith... I wish it wasn't so, but it is basically one of my only outs to your boros decks and others like it. Haha. Plus, it can be cast at 3 or 4 if needed. I see what you mean with the top end thing. It was something I looked at, but this deck isn't exactly control either, so I'm not sure I want to have too many less than 6. It's just that in a control deck, it doesn't usually matter if you don't drop your bomb until turn 15 or so. This deck will probably get smashed if I wait that long so 6 may be a necessary evil. Plus, having the Wurmcoil instead of the Mage gives me more artifacts to grab with Tezz. I can certainly see your point, though. I'll probably try testing it as is a little, but definitely keep in mind your advice. My hope is that having so many cards like Chalice, Pilgrim's Eye, and Grand Architect will help smooth this problem out. Guess only way to know for sure is testing.=) Thanks for your help.
Man, that's a bummer. It truly is just a really fun deck to play! I love it anyways. But yes, it is incredibly expensive (over $500 for my build on average). Luckily, I have a big group of friends to trade with and haven't actually had to buy many of the cards (besides a few lucky boosters and whatnot). The Inkmoths do have infect though, so the 1 damage wont help for killing the player, but I suppose could be ok against planeswalkers...
Hope this wasn't too much all at once. And btw, the latest version of UG I have run is actually not posted on here, but I have listed on starcitygames.com and will transfer over here to this site now. It's probably the best version I have so far, but less controlling and crumbles pretty well to lists like your boros decks. Even still, my last FNM I went up against 4 control opponents and stomped them all except a long match that ended in a draw, due to time constraints.:/ (And to be fair, it was GW control which was pretty rogue and a slightly better matchup against me). Also, I updated my UB artifacts pretty drastically again. Care to give it a look please?
Awesome. Let me just say that straight up, a deck like this is probably one of the most fun decks you will play. I have a UG build that I have constantly been building and adjusting for a few months now. At this point, I think I have a near perfect build (for my tastes) but I have learned one major thing about it... It is more than capable of beating any deck EXCEPT the red decks (a.k.a. Boros, Kuldotha Red, RDW, and sometimes even Vampires).The point is, your sideboard either needs to be filled with Red Deck hate, or you need to pray that is not the deck you play. Also, Inkmoth Nexus seems pretty terrilbe in this deck honestly... It really doesn't seem to serve much purpose. I have found that for UG, diversifying your threats can be really important, as well as including enough. The BEST bomb is actually often not the Titan but the Avenger in this deck. You don't usually need the extra land so much and are not going for the Valakut kill anyways. Avenger drops and they have at most, 2 turns to answer it or you win. Garruk is also amazing on all fronts. He fights planeswalkers, blocks in a pinch, and ramps like crazy. He's probably almost better than Jace. I have very little testing with Genesis Wave, but in most cases I have bothered, it seems like it's overkill and a Frost Titan or Avenger would be better. Against control, Spell Pierce and baby Jace are two of the best cards to use, as well as Acidic Slime actually. Using the Mana Denial plan can work wonders. Nest Invader also is quite an awesome card honestly, slowing aggro, attacking planeswalkers, and ramping in a pinch. Also, I like having a one-of Stormtide Leviathan in the SB. With multiple Slimes, Tectonic Edges, and Primevals for those Edges, the Valakut land isn't the problem. The problem is them attacking with Titans and Avengers of their own. They almost cannot answer the Leviathan and WILL lose if it drops. Give my UG deck a look if you'd like and maybe drop a comment or two. I really hope you enjoy this deck. UG ramp is honestly probably the most fun deck I've ever run, but will give you a great loathing for any not RUG red deck. Haha.
I checked it out and commented. Looked like a fun deck.
Well, just had the deck undergo some major changes. Basically, I discovered the gem in the form of Pilgrim's Eye which can help me hit my land drops better, block, and be a 5/5 flying beater with help from Tezzeret. I dropped Tezz back down to 3 to accomodate for a pair of Jace's as well and avoiding more troubles with the "legend" rule. Also, with Steel Hellkite and Battlesphere's, I had to drop the Thopter Assembly. I also switched out one Stoic Rebuttal with one Mana Leak for a couple reasons. First, if my opponent sees Mana Leak in game one, they'll fear it all of game two. Second, it provides a better possiblity of leaving turn two counters up in random situations where it may be important and I can't reach metalcraft. What do you guys think of the changes? The deck looks like it's becoming quite powerful, I think and can't wait to get more testing in now!
Well, after just making some major changes to the deck, I did opt for at least giving the Treasure Mage a try... I added a bigger mixture of 6 drops which may make it better than before, but for now, just one will be in for testing.
I like the mass of artifacts in the deck but you definitely need more land. Like, at least an additional 5 or so. Forgemaster seems like a bad idea really... It's like a 3-for 1 and your opponent always wins when you give them that. Also, the deck seems a bit conflicted in what it wants to really do. It looks like half the deck wants to go aggro while half wants to play big bombs and whatnot. I'd say try to focus the deck more in one direction and maybe throw the other half into the SB to make a transformational sideboard. That would be pretty sweet. Game one go pure aggro and game two, switch to slower bomb-dropping deck while they board in their sweepers and anti-agro cards. Unified WIll is also probably better as just Mana Leak, or even better with so many artifacts, Stoic Rebuttal.
This is true. Instead you should probably have a few more artifacts to fully take advantage of Tezzeret and his other abilities besides the -1. Actually, my biggest concern right now is seeing 62 cards in the deck. Maybe just cut it and 1 Distortion Strike altogether to bring it down to 60 cards. After that, work on your sideboard. You don't need the non-infect 6 drops because they don't help your deck at all. Instead, cards like Ratchet Bomb allow you to have more game against the new Kuldotha Red and Boros decks popping up all over the place. Those decks seem like they'd give you the most trouble of all.
Well, I was going to offer some suggestions but honestly, seems like EthanLewis has it all covered for the most part. If you're making the deck with a sideboard, move over the naturalize to that I think. At least 3 more land seems appropriate as well. 20 land is seldom enough, and it's something you'll learn over time as you continue playing more. The Nim Deathmantle requires a lot of mana to use and could probably go as well. More Acidic Slime is often welcome, though maybe not fully needed. Gatekeeper of Malakir seems like he's really hard to cast with kicker in this deck. Maybe I'm wrong but I would probably instead replace it with something like Consuming Vapors.
Except for EDH!! Woot! Haha.
I have in fact. However, I think in this deck there are more/better targets for Trinket Mage. Adding Treasure Mage would probably mean swapping it for the Trinket Mage or pulling more artifacts out, neither of which seem very apealing to me. I wish I could have it, or it was an artifact, but I just don't think there is room for it.:/
I think the dual lands are just fine for now, but I'll look at trying to maybe shave just one island and one swamp or something. Idk. I'll think about that one. As for the Ratchet Bomb, it's true that it can certainly hurt me as well, but in situations where it'll be used, it will likely be more important to just destroy the opponents stuff, even if a few of my cards die as well. For example, against Kuldotha red, if my chalice has to bite the dust to stop their wave of tokens and let me survive, so be it. Or if it can take out all the Avenger of Zendikar tokens, it still seems like a fair trade. Plus, at this point I'll be playing around the Ratchet Bomb a bit more as well, as it is a Sideboard card. Many of the cards it would backfire on me with are likely to be sided out anyways. So basically, I think it's a necessary card, even if it can backfire. Plus, being able to grab it with Tezz is awesome! But thank you for your comments. I'll give your deck a look soon, too.
Yeah, great suggestion. I do really like the idea of the Battlesphere. I'll look into that for sure. Thanks. I'll give your decks as soon as I have a bit more time on here (hopefully sometime tomorrow or the next day).
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