Ok, gonna try and jump on the Duress/Ratchet Bomb wagon.;) Personally, I think Ratchet Bomb is amazing. I think it needs to stay, honestly. It is one of the only ways for a lot of decks to actually survive the nuts draws that Kuldotha Red and Boros can get. Also, it is just very very versatile. At two, it can really set back a Caw-Go deck. As for the Duress, I think with the current metagame, Inquisition of Kozilek is better. Look at all the cards you two have been arguing about... Inquisition stops all of them! Really, the best things you want to grab against control are their counterspells and check how many more they have. Inquisition does that. Boros you may often want to grab a creature. It grabs almost every card they play (maybe not a Hero of Oxid Ridge). Against Valakut, you want to slow down their ramp so you grab a ramp spell. Their top end that Inquisition cannot grab, Duress typically cannot either (aka Avenger and Primeval). Now that I've said all of that, I do believe Inquisition would be great to add to the deck. To make room, I would probably cut 1 Doom Blade, 1 Go for the Throat, and possibly the 2 Royal Assassin. I know those are all great cards, but the deck is already packed to the brim with removal. The Assassins can only kill a dude after it has attacked you,which may not always be so useful. Caw-Go will just first equip their guys with a Sword of Feast and Famine. Red decks don't have too much worth the three-drop slot to slowly stop. Most other decks just run Titans, which means that they are going to get a 2nd trigger for sure out of their guys before you can kill one of them. Take Valakut - Are they really going to worry so much about not attacking with their Primeval when you just have an Assassin? Of course not, they've already grabbed 4 land with it at that point! Probably using some of those to do major damage to your face with Valakuts. Besides, Inquisition could just stop them from playing it too soon anyways. Well, there's my 2 cents. Hope it helped a bit.
Haha, no problem. I've done that before as well. :/ But yeah, I think I definitely agree with you on that change. The only problem now is finally getting that 4th Cobra!
Not meaning to say this in a sarcastic way or anything, but because I am honestly curious... How did those people do at the Pro Tour with those decklists? And did they report back with any problems with those cards? You mentioned what they did use, but not what any of them had to really say about their choices in hindsight. Just curious... 4 Duress and 4 Inquisition seem a bit crazy to me, but who knows. Maybe with the sideboard, I suppose.
Personally, I think the Necropedes could have stayed. Sure, you don't have the Culling Dais interaction, but they are still very good at blocking early rushes of creatures. Maybe would be better in the sideboard, though. Or even not at all I suppose would be fine. Bloodghast seems to be the weakest card if your goal is truly control. It is good against control, but because it can't block, it is not much good against the aggro decks. Also, it is a card that is much better for trying to race an opponent and the double black casting cost seems like a pain for this deck. If you remove anything, I think those are the next few cards to come out. Honestly though, I'm not quite sure what to add. I would personally want 24 land, so maybe one more plains and one more swamp. After that, maybe just some more decent control cards. Idk. Looking good so far.:)
Silence really does not seem like a card that will help the deck out at all. You need to perfectly time when they're going to actually play stuff. I guess it could kind of preemtively stop counterspells, but that's about it. As it is, I don't see a way for this deck to abuse the Ichor Wellspring, so I would probably cut that. Also, Culling Dais seems pretty weak. I also then, don't think you have enough artifacts to really support Mox Opal. These all should go, IMO. Playing white, you should add the best white control cards you can - Day of Judgement and Gideon Jura. Elspeth Tirel is pretty good as well. Squadron Hawk and Stoneforge Mystic are also seeing a lot of play right now in the UW Caw-Go decks, and they're using them to great effect. You could try that, I suppose. Also, if you add some of those white cards, you will probably have to adjust your land base a bit more to better support those cards. As for black removal, I don't know why you aren't or wouldn't play Black Sun's Zenith, Go for the Throat, or Disfigure. Give them all a try - they're great cards. Good luck with it.
Yeah, the 4th cobra does need to be included, but I simply haven't acquired one yet.:/ Haha. But I'm confused on what you mean by swapping out 2 big guys for 1 Lotus Cobra?
Oh, and if you do cut the Persectors, I think you could also probably cut the Consuming Vapors as well. They seem decent, but maybe best in the sideboard, if at all. They won't likely save you from the red aggro decks, and against titan ramp or control, they do almost just as little. Maybe if they side in Thrun against you, it could be good. Otherwise, I'd probably ditch them. Also, I think the swords seem really random as one-ofs in the sideboard. They should maybe be some sort of card that will save you against the Caw-Blade decks with Stoneforge Mystic. If they get out their Mystic on turn two and grab their own Sword of Feast and Famine, it seems like a very rough battle for you. Perhaps an additional two Ratchet Bombs? They'd help against aggro, but also when set at two, can stop every creature in the Caw-Go(Blade) decks. At three, it stops their swords which makes their creatures much much worse. Some ideas to kick around. I think if you want to win an FNM, you should at least be somewhat prepared for Caw-Blade, even if it is not very prevelant in your meta, as it is currently considered the top deck in standard.
Umm, I think I would swap all of those out for the Sign in Bloods. Card draw seems like it could really help this deck out. Also, I'm just curious, but do those 2 Mystifying Mazes really tend to help you at all? In my experience with the card (albeit in totally different decks), it's often been a colorless mana that costs too much to reliably use and help with. Besides, it actually isn't even a good help against ANY titan, which are typically the cards you'd want to stop from attacking you the most. In fact, it just doubles up their effects for the turn, even if it spares you 6 damage. I'd much rather just have an additional 2 Tectonic Edge and probably another 2 swamps to the deck (but I just really prefer to run 24 land in a deck like this).
Umm, hate to break it to you, but despite whatever your metagame may be, control is far from gone in the new post-besieged standard. In fact, Caw-Go dominated at the Pro-Tour Paris! The aggro decks are just incredibly cheap to build in comparison (you can build a Kuldotha Red deck for the cost of less than one or two of the Jace's many pro control decks play). It's been my experience that at FNM, red aggro type decks like RDW are much more present, simply because of the ease with which you can build the decks. Control isn't quite as common, but still tends to dominate because it's played most often by the "best" players who have gotten their full playsets of all the expensive cards.
Personally I think I would ditch it.. It CAN definitely swing games, but so can any well timed card, really. The thing is, it just seems a bit too situational to me. I haven't honestly tested the card at all, but it just seems too situational. I mean, you can kill their titan, then use it, but at that point, you already offed their titan right? What do you need past that? I'd rather have another Mimic Vat or some sort of cards like that. Idk. Plus, I think you should have decent game vs. titan decks. It seems like aggro should be more of a problem if they're too quick.
Haha, well there goes that plan then.;) Ok, really, though... The Zenith could stay I think. It is terribly important against decks like Boros and Kuldotha Red. I don't like using land as chump blockers, personally so I would say that portion is a definite no on the Inkmoth Nexus and still vote for Tectonic Edge, but that's just me I guess. I understand the purpose of it and probably wouldn't change it, but I think it's funny that you have Vampire Hexmage in a deck devoted to -1/-1 counters. Haha. Umm, as for more -1/-1 counters... I'm honestly not too sure what more to add I guess. You kind of already are running the main gambit of cards, short of the one particular Engine that may or may not have something to do with Contagion... Quite honestly, for following that theme, you've probably about nailed it, though I still say the Fume Spitters can take a hike. If you wanted to go poison there are many other options to open up the counter theme, even Virulent Wound. In these cases, I'd maybe leave in the Inkmoth Nexus. Umm, maybe only good for the sideboard, but Phyrexian Crusader doesn't honestly seem too bad in this deck against something like Boros or even UW control, with their only creatures being white.
Spell Pierce is soo much better than Dispel! It can hit instants, planeswalkers, sorceries, etc. If you want to go off in the 1st 4 turns or so, it won't even matter that they can sometimes pay the extra 2. It's reallly an awesome card.
Looked like a nice, budget friendly deck for the most part (Grave Titan isn't exactly "cheap" but not terrible either). I made some comments. Hope they helped. If you can ever get the cards for this deck, you really should try it out, or some close version. Probably the most fun I've ever had in constructed magic.:)
I don't think you need 4 (or maybe any) Green Sun's Zenith. It can only fetch green creatures, so most of your titans cannot even be searched up with it... Also, I would probably add a Halimar Depths or two, mostly because it is amazing to search up with Primeval Titan.
Thank you! Good luck with your deck as well.
Oh, Sadistic Sacrement also seems very good against the Kuldotha Forgemaster decks out of the Sideboard. Conviently, besides Tezzeret, they tend to run 3 main win cards to fetch with Kuldotha Forgemaster.
Ok, looks like a solid deck overall. I really do like it. MBC is a fun deck. I think the Inkmoth Nexus probably are not needed here. Without Tezzeret or other poison cards, it doesn't seem like it will do enough in most games. Some combination of Inquisition of Kozilek and Duress seems optimal. It will give you great edge against control and valakut. Speaking of edge, Tectonic Edge seems much better for the deck than the Inkmoth Nexus. I would also maybe want something like 2 Disfigure in the main, probabably over the Fume Spitter as they're essentially the same, but Disfigure is instant speed and kills 2/2's. I could see Skinrender being placed in the Sideboard instead of the main deck, as against a fair amount of decks he's not truly that great. I do recognize the possiblities with Mimic Vat for both him and even Fume Spitter, but it seems a bit too "cute" for the main. If you do expect large amounts of aggro, I suppose he'd be fine staying. I'm not totally sure about Consume the Meek as it kills a large portion of your dudes as well... One last awesome card to think about adding - Nantuko Shade. He can really shine in MBC especially. Just a great card all around and can single-handedly win games. If it sticks against UB control, they basically lose to it in 4 turns or less. Love Massacre Wurm, but this may not be the right deck for it. You should already have enough ways to slow the opponent down and by the time it actually hits in this deck (without any form of ramp) it will probaly be either too late or too irrelevant compared to something like Grave Titan. Prove me wrong here, please because I do like the card, but just don't see it being optimal in this particular type of deck.
Ok, I like most of those ideas, but that discard card from MB is really terrible. You're not going to mill them with 1 extra card like that so it really doens't stop them in any way. I guess maybe (and only maybe) if they play Oracle of Mul Daya...
Thanks man. Yeah, the Jaces and Titans make this deck expensive, but it's relatively cheap without them. It could probably be a fine deck with other similar "bombs" in these colors instead. I've been wanting to give Consecrated Sphinx a try, but have not yet gotten around to getting some yet.
My one suggestion to help play your opponents deck... Exotic Orchard.:) Otherwise, it looks interesting and fun to try and pull off.
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