If you're siding them (Pyroclasms) in, it's going to be against a deck like Kuldotha Red in which case, you'll probably be casting it on turn 2 and 3 at the latest. At this point, even if you kill 2 of your creatures for their entire hand worth of cards, I'd say you still come out miles ahead!
Yeah, you could be very right about all of that. I just love Garruk so I'm going to still keep him in until I've done a bit more testing. You could be very right all along, though. The one thing about the Slimes, though, is that they also take out Colonnades, Tar Pits, and Raging Ravines as well which can be critical (not to mention Valakut). Overall, I just feel like it's always done so much for me, so that will come down to testing as well. I could be wrong, and I for sure will be keeping those suggestions in mind. Thank you! :)
I'm puzzled.. Why no Dark Ritual or Hymn to Tourach? Soo good! I don't see like any of these cards in any of your extraction decks upon a quick look-through. Why not? Turn 1: Dark Ritual, Thoughtsieze, Hymn, and eventually the new Phyrexian Extirpate back to back!
Umm, I don't see this deck wanting Pact of Negation all that bad, honestly. I'd probably usually just want an extra Force of Will, Brainstorm, and some straight up Counterspells. Pact seems like it'd only really be good the turn you drop your dragon. (I like the description, by the way; Niv-Mizzet is so awesome!)
Yep.:) Well, technically I don't own the 2 Stoneforge Mystics yet, but I have a friend that is going to trade them to me as soon as I see him again (probably this next weekend).
Hmm. Quite honestly, I love Garruk so much. To be fair, most of my experience with him has come from my UG ramp deck and he's beyond amazing in the deck. He plays defense, ramp, aggro, everything. It's an incredible 'Walker against control decks. It's nearly impossible for most control decks to deal with the guy (Cawblade is the exception of course, being good at like everything...). Against aggro, he always can at worst create a blocker to eat a bolt and perform a similar function to Gideon. Again, this experience comes from another deck, but I'd like to try him in this deck at least. The overrun ability seems like it could be a potential game-winner as well. He is a definite consideration for cuts, though. For now, however, I'd like to give him a fair chance in some testing. Thanks for the input, though! =)
Well, I've got my Bant deck together... Sort of. I need one more card to cut (it's at 61 right now & I'd like to be at 60). Any thoughts? Suggestions? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=173886
I need one more card to cut. Suggestions?
A few Pyroclasm in the board could go a long way in helping the Kuldotha Red matchup. Maybe chop the Arc Trail for them or something. Kor Firewalker is great, of course as well. But that does seem slightly odd, though most decks really can't beat the "God" draw of K-Red anyways. The problem is the deck is so hit-or-miss... Cool to hear it's doing pretty well overall though.
Sick looking deck. 3 Lightning bolt seems kinda strange honestly, but it's already 61 cards I suppose and the deck looks too good to cut much else. My only idea for a possible change... I see 3 Misty's which only can fetch the 3 Forests. Perhaps adding 1 more Forest for a Raging Ravine? Your deck seems like it can use it's mana up well and quickly so Raging Ravine's come into play tapped effect is potentially harmful. I feel like this might help the mana situation just a slight margin but otherwise it all seems quite solid! Love the build. Lmk how this deck/version works out for you.:) I'm planning to build a Bant colored deck that is similar in function but uses control elements like Mana Leak and Jace over Vengevine and Fauna Shaman (partly because I don't own any Vengevine and they're hard to trade in my area). I'll let you know when I've got it pieced together.
Instead of a couple Island, I would play Halimar Depths to help the combo go off. I could see cutting a few allies for Preordain as well.
I see. I'm not so sure about the Leonins honestly. I mean, they're 2 mana but you can't even for sure have those 2 colored mana on turn 2 and later the extra cost isn't a big deal on something like Slime/Corrupter. I feel like the downside of letting their artifacts come back after it dies is just too unappealing to me. I'd honestly prefer even something like Sylvok Replica or Kor Sanctifiers. Besides, how often do you need to kill an artifact/enchantment on turns 1 and 2? (Quest decks are too rare and whatnot to count). The rest I like, though.:)
Hmm. I'm not sure I like the Lead the Stampede in this deck. It's awesome in something like elves with 35+ creatures but with 28 (less than half your deck), you'll on average get about 2 creatures with much more chance of 0-1 and much less chance of 4-5. Idk. Maybe add back 1 or even both Mystics for it (still nice card advantage) or more Crusaders (Idk why but I'm pretty much in love with them right now, white or black). Acidic Slime could be nice too. Honestly, in terms of gamechanging potential, a turn 3 Slime on the play is sometimes just as good or better than Baneslayer if you can cripple someones mana base or something (keeping them off one of their colors or halting their defenses). Plus, it can kill artifacts which is always pretty handy I think. What other changes have you made? I'm sure I'm missing something here (besides the extra Cobras for Garruk and the fetches to go with them).
Something else that should be noted, I suppose is that I have very very limited testing against the Caw-Blade matchups at this point, so I can't really say if it's at all favorable or not or what should change to help it.
Well, I've piloted the deck a bit now and it is honestly far better than I had expected. Phyrexian Crusader simply wins you games. Plain and simple. That's reason enough for black, honestly. Inquistion/Duress performed wonderfully in pretty much every game as well. Black is great for this type of deck. I was actually most impressed with Contagion Clasp against any aggro type deck. It kills their creatures and makes attacking/blocking hard if you have out even 1 Necropede (which was also quite amazing). Against control decks, it is like uncounterable/blockable damage once you've hit them for just 1 poison and also works amazingly with Jace Beleren. Tumble Magnet did what was needed of it, but was slightly underwhelming, though not bad. Skithiryx was almost always a welcome card and I wish I had 1 more in the deck. Corrupted Conscience was also surprisingly good! Even against the aggro decks it was basically at worst a 2-for-1. So for now, as far as the main deck is concerned, I really don't even think much needs to change or what would besides the land (I still would like more Inkmoth Nexus but haven't gotten them or Creeping Tar-Pits yet). Sideboard could maybe benefit from more Corrupted Conscience though I'm not sure what to drop without more testing at this point. In short, the deck is actually very fun and actually very good! I'd suggest you give it a try if you're looking for something different again. It's also pretty cheap to build (JtMS is awesome,of course, but really not needed for this deck).
Just realized that today already IS Friday... So, Good Luck tonight! haha.
Seems like you already have pretty good mana. Could try one more Tectonic Edge to stop Emeria... Seems like a reasonable call though. Hope tomorrow goes well for you! Oh, and there's no doubt in my mind that Boros IS good. It's just not the right deck for me. Idk what it is. I just can't get on board with red. Haha. I love a lightning bolt splashed or something and Goblins have forever been a favorite deck of mine, but outside of that... Idk. Good cards, just not my style generally. I love card draw and card advantage too much (which Boros can do quite well and is why I wouldn't mind Boros nearly as much). Plus, decks like my UG ramp deck are really solid against most control variants but it kinda gets thrashed by Boros and red decks, which is where some of the hate comes from. Haha. Definitely wouldn't blame someone else for playing those decks though.
Oh, ok. Neat. I still hate red in general but Boros seems like a pretty good deck, regardless (I only hate it because I always seem to lose to it with the decks I enjoy playing most of the time and never can seem to win when I use it - lose lose. Ugh). And yeah, Baneslayers are pretty amazing from turn 5 and past that; before turn 5, it's just an insane beating! However, you are only playing 1 Baneslayer so I'm not sure 4 Cobra's is really worth it in this deck honestly. I feel like Garruk could be a bit stronger and more versatile overall. Although, the Cobra now days may just be great for drawing out removal early. Not sure if it's going to be too much more help past that. :/ I mean, your curve (including sideboard) tops out with 3 total 5 drops and nothing bigger. I'd almost feel that cutting Cobra may not be the worst idea. Idk, though. Just a thought.
Haha, I see. BUG is cool, but I like straight UB better for just control...
Odd... I tried to leave a response and it just got deleted or something as well. But anyways, what it basically said was: You're probably right about Lilianna. I'd just seen a few UB control decks that did well recently running her as a one-of and thought it'd be fun to try her out. As for the Inquisition, I would if I had them but at this point, I just honestly am having a hard time finding more and can't bring myself to spend $4 on them at uncommon, too! Not when I can buy multiple sweet (albeit casual) mythics at that price! I do love the Clasp though. It's extra good with poison and is even just fine taking out an early Lotus Cobra or Goblin. It also works great with Jace (little or big) and Tumble Magnet. Actually adding a 4th instead of removing them. As for Rebuttal, I just like have a true hard counter against the ramp decks and just want it as a one-of. I'll do some testing with the deck though, keeping in mind the Spell Pierce idea but we'll see. It doesn't seem quite as relevant though when I run Inquisition and Duress though. Usually I can nab the non-creature stuff with those and just want to counter threatening creatures with my actual counters. I'm not sure if you meant to say BW or UW, but BW seems pretty bad honestly. White still doesn't fit the poison theme all that well and has a horrible mana base when paired with black. Blue on the other hand is awesome, but just not the path I want to go. It doesn't have the spot removal I want and also doesn't have cards like Duress. Plus, Phyrexian Crusader really is just that good! Really. Added more Tumble Magnets for the Plague Myr. They didn't do much in the deck and were always kind of awkward in the curve anyways. On turn two I'd usually rather keep up a Doom Blade or Mana Leak or even just cast Preordain most of the time. Plus, I'd find myself not needing or really wanting to jump from 2 to 4 mana anyways so the "ramp" didn't do much. Anyways, thanks for your input. Changes have been made. More testing to follow.:)
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