Oh nice! I love EDH. However, I seriously doubt I will ever post a decklist on this site, simply because it is a pain in the butt to search through the list of 60+ cards (once you get past the basic land) and add them all. I have a really fun Omnath deck, though. Seriously, though, you should quite "wanting" to get into EDH and just do it. It's some much fun. Haha. Highlander is always great for any format, too.
haha, sure thing. Haven't used my goblin deck in ages it seems!
Haha, sorry! Didn't mean to ruin it. :/ At least you're not trying to use it in an actual tournament like that, though, right? haha.
Glimpse the Unthinkable is awesome but sadly, not extended legal anymore. They changed the rules to only the last 4 years of magic, so everything from Lorwyn block through today. More Archive Trap would be great, since in many competitive decks (especially in extended) people use the Zendikar fetchlands a lot! Theoretically, you could win on turn one (basically) with this. Turn one, they draw their 7 card hand (deck is now 53 cards). They play a fetchland and crack it (deck contains 52 cards). You cast 4 free archive traps and their deck is now 0 cards. Even better is if they cast a preordain and you hit them with all 4 traps in response for the instant win.:) I'll concede that this is highly unlikely, yet enjoyable to contemplate, nonetheless and can demonstrate the power of the card. It's basically 1/4 or more of their deck for 0 mana quite often. Nihil Spellbomb also seems a bit too cute for the deck. Maybe for the sideboard. Although, the black leyline is probably still better.
That's totally fine and I understand. Just giving another perspective.
Nvm... Necrotic Ooze doesn't work like that on the welder...:( Still looks sweet though.
I think you should try for Green instead of white and use Fauna Shaman to find and pitch the Soliton, Overseer, etc. Idk. Looks like a fun deck for sure! Black also lets you use Necrotic Ooze which is like another Myr Welder once one has died.
Megrim costs one more, but it would be like extra Liliana's Caress...
Got it. I think I would move the 2 Hexmages to the Sideboard for the two swamps. Definitely don't have to do all of these things that I'm saying. Just how I would prefer it, I guess. And again, it would take a lot of playtesting to really perfect the numbers on all of the individual cards. That will have to be mostly up to you. Good luck.:)
Well, I would have to actually play with the deck to better tweak the numbers on everything, but yeah. Pretty much. Actually, I really have a thing for at least 24 land in a deck like this, but yeah.. Basically, I'd go +2 Swamp and +2 Inquisition. Idk what 2 cards I would take out for the swamps honestly. Depends on metagame and how well the cards have been work out. Oh, and I'd also probably swap the Mystifying Maze for 2 more Tectonic Edge. The Maze has the same problems as the Assassin and then some. Tectonic Edge is just solid. Idk. They may be working better for you than me but my experience with the Maze hasn't been too great. Usually a last-ditch effort to survive which still typically doesn't quite cut it when I've used it.
Haha, thank you! Yeah, Garruk is truly a beating against nearly any deck! I honestly don't fully understand why he doesn't see more play. He's the sole reason I win sometimes against control decks and really can help a lot against aggro or just being able to ramp is of course nice.:) Any suggestions by chance?
You should also try using Eldrazi Spawn for this Extraction deck! They even can sacrifice on their own! Sounds like fun.:) Plus, Dark Ritual of course is amazing in any black deck that's not restricted to standard. Those two things could help speed it up.:)
This isn't always the worst strategy, but honestly, testing a standard legal deck against one that is only legal in vintage/legacy isn't going to help you much. To figure out the best build for the deck, you need to test it against the decks that are actually played in the current format. Figuring out which cards to put in to stop an Astral Slide deck could/should be completely different from trying to beat a Valakut/UW Caw-Go deck. Those are the things to test against, along with Boros, Kuldotha Red, UB control, and UBx Tezzeret Builds.
Oh, ok. Makes sense about the Wolfbriar and Stag. I love Admonition Angel and really love Wing Shards, too. I would prefer those if it were me, but who knows, I guess. UW could be fun!:) Good luck with it, no matter where you take it.
Cool deck. Could maybe benefit from a blue splash for Venser (planeswalker) - totally random but possible and fun. Plus, it allows for more Cycling cards. Before using the Stag, I feel like you could still use more comes into play effect cards. Not positive on what to use, honestly. Also, the same could probably be said for the Wolfbriar I think. I don't know why you would want him over a card like Avenger in this deck. Since you're obviously not standard or extended legal, I would probably add a few Swords to Plowshares to the deck as top-notch removal. Also, I haven't played too much with the Temple of the False God, but because it doesn't tap without 4 or more other lands, I think if it were me, I would just use a couple Stirring Wildwood instead. More color fixing and a potential blocker/attacker when needed. Looks solid, though. I honestly am not sure what else to even provide for options off the top of my head.
Interesting. That does seem quite odd! I'm giving it a look now.
I still stand by my argument against the Assassin. In casual games where you never know what you'll get (especially if not restricted to standard). In competitive standard however, it just doesn't seem to be good enough to me. It is not good enough against a Titan of any kind as they'll still just gain value out of the comes into play and tap effects they have. Primeval won't take much harm from it when their goal is to kill you with lands anyways... Trust me, I love the card and often play it in multiplayer or my casual decks but it just doesn't cut it for me in Standard. It also does very little to stop the weenie/rush decks... And I'm going to have to disagree with the Duress thing still. I certainly see the reason to play Duress, but it seems like Inquisition is simply best against EVERY current Tier 1 deck in standard right now. It is significantly better against the rush decks and against all the control decks it takes out the counters which are most important in setting up the board anyways. Their Planeswalkers are left wide open if they can't counter your threats first. Plus, it can stop them from playing their Hawks or Mystics and equipment. Duress is fine, but Inquisition just seems to grab almost everything you'd want to grab anyways in almost every early game situation. If the top decks were primarily all true draw-go type control decks, then I suppose Duress would easily win out. Until then... My vote is with Inquisition. In the end, I like the changes but would still take out the Assassins for Inquisition...
Ok, I must say that I think Inquisition of Kozilek is much better in the current metagame right now than Duress as it can grab almost everything that could be important against any deck. The only thing that's usually relevant that it cannot grab is Jace, the Mind Sculptor. But you have ways to deal with him anyways... I'd maybe go with a 3-1 split of 3 Inquisition and 1 Duress. Also, I'm kind of surprised to see no Vampire Nighthawk in the deck. It's a great card for blocking and attacking planeswalkers and everything. Just a wonderful 3-drop. I'm not personally a big fan of Liliana. In my playtesting with her in any deck besides a junky multiplayer combo deck, she's been pretty rough. At best, she's decent - but she's seldom at her best I find. I'd take out Liliana and move the 2 Hexmages to the sideboard and replace them with the Vampire Nighthawks. I do like the Hexmages but they're only really good against Jace decks anyways... Probably would take the Celestial Purge out of the sideboard to make room for them. Celestial Purge doesn't do much for you anymore, now that you have both Doom Blade and Go for the Throat. I can't think of any standard legal cards that one or the other cannot kill that Celestial Purge can (perhaps something with the pro-black sword, I suppose, but that's so situational anyways...).
Luminarch is an amazing card, don't get me wrong, but it probably is best left in the sideboard. It wont really help you at all when you're up against goblins or Boros or even Elves.
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