
32 Decks, 612 Comments, 53 Reputation

Because it's a 4-drop that you're shifting, you really shouldn't have to be that concerned with the mana like that. Maybe swap one plains for a mountain, if even that. If it really is that much better, play the better card!

Posted 07 February 2011 at 17:51 in reply to #125228 on Facesmasher


Very unreliable deck but powerful if you get the PERFECT draw and your opponent doesn't play Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, Doom Blade, Go for the Throat, etc. Any removal stops this deck cold. Besides that, I think Avenger of Zendikar is almost strictly better than the Liege anyways. The Liege needs to survive through a turn to attack your opponent, deal damage, and then attack again. At this point, Ratchet Bomb completely screws you over, leaving you with few or no land remaining. Day of Judgement is even worse for you. With Avenger, you drop it, continue playing land, and attack the next turn once for the win. If they use Day of Judgement, you're still in the same type of position, but at least you still have your land with you... And Grazing Gladeheart is terrible, especially as a two-of in a deck like this. It's sideboard material at best. With a quick start that you hope for, it won't matter if you gain 20 life even.

Posted 07 February 2011 at 16:54 as a comment on 40 Forests


I see. That makes sense for the Revoke I suppose. But I'm glad I could help. Good luck with the deck.

Again, from what I've seen, the 4-drop slot doesn't really seem needed in this deck but it does certainly have potential I suppose. I do like the haste out of the Oxid Ridge. Kor Skyfishers are awesome for sure, but the Hawks compliment them well. Having both provides a lot of nearly unblockable damage, blockers, and great equipment wielding dudes. You certainly don't have to add the birds, though. I can fully understand why you wouldn't. However, in my experience, they have proved to be much better than I had initially expected.

Posted 07 February 2011 at 16:43 in reply to #125076 on T2 Boros Aggro


Well, although it's obviously pretty good in the deck, I think the Vial is better than Fling by a lot. Also, potentially the war strike's could come out. Just an idea anyways. Also, if you wanted 4 of both the vial and the clamp, then you could potentially drop the dragon idea as having the clamp at least gives you a great lategame backup plan besides a super quick goblin assault.

Posted 07 February 2011 at 16:35 in reply to #125195 on Siege-Gang Rape!


Since you're already cheating cards into play... Aether Vial FTW! Uncounterable goblins is always sick. Also, Skullclamp can slow the deck down a bit, but is absolutely insane card draw in a deck like this.

Posted 05 February 2011 at 11:43 as a comment on Siege-Gang Rape!


Now that MB is out, Go For The Throat!!!

Posted 05 February 2011 at 11:21 in reply to #119276 on Suicide to Kill (black sac)


Oh right... So those hands where 1/3 of your deck isn't showing up... Besides, turn 2 ascension is just as good as turn 4 with scepter back up. I mean, you obviously don't have to run with it. It's just that I have very very seldom had a problem with the Scepter and don't see it being terribly likely in this deck (20 of your 40 non-land cards could be imprinted to decent or incredible effect). I mean, sure... you can do it without, but it just seems so much more potent and consistent with. I'm not going to bother arguing it anymore though. It was just a suggestion to begin with, and I'll leave it as such now.

Posted 05 February 2011 at 11:13 in reply to #124498 on ASCENSION


Cunning Sparkmage is also quite good for the SB. Takes out elves, birds, goblins, and anything else with a Basilisk Collar attached.

Posted 05 February 2011 at 01:18 in reply to #125076 on T2 Boros Aggro


Well, there are tons of comments on here and it's late... So for now I'm skipping them. Hope I'm not missing too much with that. Looking at the deck, though, it seems really solid! I personally like this better than the Battle Cry deck. This deck has a much more explosive potential, ableit with the cost of a worse late-game in general. However, the only things I could really see changing the most are the Emerge Unscathed and potentially the Koth's. Koth is expensive so if you don't own him, I don't think he's really needed. He's good, sure... I just don't know if he's really going to be that amazing in this deck. I mean, 4 mana for a 4/4 isn't bad but not great either. If he does ultimate, you have 5 total mountains in the entire deck to use... Not so great really. After taking them out, I'm going to honestly go with the Squadron Hawk suggestion again. It may seem weird, but it really is a killer card. It gives the deck more reach and is a total beating with a sword attached.

For the SB, Arc Runner just seems like a terrible card, IMO. 3 mana for a sorcery speed Lightning Bolt that can't target a creature? No thanks. I'd run Arc Trail instead. It gives you essentially a one-sided pyroclasm against the mirror match or something similar. For my metagame, Revoke Existence doesn't seem needed. Maybe yours is more heavy artifact, but even still, at this point I would focus more toward extra reach against a control opponent or something. Maybe a card like Luminarch Ascension. Of course, with MB out now, artifacts may quickly be a problem in which case I would probably use Divine Offering instead, anyways.

One last SB idea... Infect, while I don't really see it being a huge threat, may try to surface with more budget players and more casual players as well. Mirran Crusader is an incredible answer to them. Not sure if you'll need/want it but it is an idea. Hope this helps. Good luck.

Posted 05 February 2011 at 01:13 as a comment on T2 Boros Aggro


Brittle Effigy is just a great, cheap catch-all removal for the deck that can be tutored up with Trinket Mage. The clasps are also artifacts which makes a big difference here as well. The Certarch, in my opinion just honestly isn't that great of a card. The Thrummingbird has potential, but the fact that it isn't an artifact makes it just a bit worse than the Clasp for now, I think. Thanks for the input, though. I'll definitely keep it in mind.

Posted 05 February 2011 at 01:02 in reply to #124547 on Ub Artifacts


Ok, so I made the Stoic Rebuttle change. Thanks for that reminder. I'd honestly just forgotten but had planned to do it. :/ I do like the one-of Mimic Vat as it is also incredible with to steal my opponents creatures as well, especially titans. Plus, with "just" Wurmcoil, it's potentially 3 mana per turn for a 12 life swing each turn. Plus, if I activate on my opponent's end step, I can actually end up making and attacking with 2 in the same turn which would be nasty. So the one will stay I think. Other than that, I may drop a Tumble Magnet for the 4th Tezz back. Problem is he's basically legendary and expensive to aquire...

Thanks again. Gonna check your Boros deck now.

Posted 05 February 2011 at 01:00 in reply to #124688 on Ub Artifacts


Ok, so now I've updated it just a bit. I swapped out the Masticores for more Wurmcoil Engines and a couple Thopter Assembly. They seem pretty good with Tezz especially. His ultimate gets a lot more potent and he can make each one, albeit slowly, a 5/5. Also, I swapped 1 Mimic Vat for one Mana Leak. It seems ridiculously good a lot of the time, anyways. It's even better when you have an artifact themed deck I'd have to assume. We'll see.

Posted 04 February 2011 at 00:14 as a comment on Ub Artifacts


Ok... But what if you drop it turn 2? I mean, really... How often do you need to worried about being killed in one turn (let alone turn 2). Later, you can drop it turn 3 with 1 mana up for another spell similar, turn 4 you can drop it plus activate... Any later your whole argument is pointless. I just can't see it honestly being bad. It is straight up card advantage if you get even 2 uses out of it and it's just awesome. If they can't deal with it, you almost literally cannot lose.

Posted 04 February 2011 at 00:00 in reply to #124498 on ASCENSION


You know, you're probably completely right about the lack of creatures for the Masticore... Dang. Totally didn't even think about it while I made the deck. Just seemed like such an awesome artifact to be playing with. Ha. Chimeric Mass actually is a card I'm really excited about. It can be tutored up with Trinket Mage and can become massive with the help of Grand Architect. Plus, proliferate should work nicely with it as well. It also dodges sorcery removal which is important at times (can't die easily to DoJ or Journey to Nowhere). I can totally understand what you're talking about with the Tumble Magnets. Maybe you're right here, but I think I'll at least give them a try for a bit. Who knows, they may really prove to be helpful but I definitely can see pulling them at some point.

Opals do seem good, but I honestly am not sure if there is enough artifacts in the deck, plus I just don't want to go buy them at the moment if I have a cheap, relatively decent substitute but I'll look to adding them as I acquire them.

Thanks for your advice. I really do appreciate it. I can tell you've definitely become a much better deckbuilder yourself lately, and seem to be much more creative than myself with your multitude of decks.

Posted 03 February 2011 at 20:35 in reply to #124553 on Ub Artifacts


I could be off but I'm not really sure you need/want either hero. It seems like the white one is better, despite the lack of haste but the problem is they both cost 4... Most boros decks get by with everything costing 2 or less which is what makes them so quick and good. I would cut the Emerge Unscathed and add in another Steppe Lynx again. I can't honestly see any of the other cards being better than turn one Lynx or Guide. The Paladin seems fragile, but worth testing I suppose. I dont think I like the War Driver as they're kind hard to cast in this deck, it seems. Typically it seems like it would at best be turn 3 average of being played which makes it considerably worse. If it were me, I would probably want another 1 or 2 Journey to Nowhere and maybe 4x Squadron Hawk. Yeah, it seems kinda lame I'll admit but I've lost more games to a stupid hawk than any other card in the deck. They get really mean when suited up with equipment. It also gives the deck more long-term stability should it need it. Kor Skyfisher is similar and the "bad" effect he has actually benifits you with bonus landfall triggers or a replayed Stoneforge Mystic.

Posted 03 February 2011 at 16:56 as a comment on Boros Battle Cry


For convenience, here's the link:


Posted 03 February 2011 at 16:46 in reply to #124501 on Artifact Control #2


This seems like a pretty good deck. Not too surprising coming from you, really... I just actually built a Ub build that is meant to abuse Tezzeret as much as possible. I'd really appreciate it if you gave it a look and a comment or two. I like some of the ideas you have going here. I totally had forgotten the metalcraft portion of Stoic Rebuttal! Steel Overseer also seems pretty great, as well. I like Thopter Assembly, but to me it seems like it's pretty high-end for this deck. I suppose if you only run 2 it's ok - just something to think about. Also, I personally don't anticipate too many artifact creatures really making a huge impact just yet. Maybe once the third set is released, but as of now, it still seems a bit rogue. Because of that, I think I would maybe try Go for the Throat instead of Doom Blade.

Posted 03 February 2011 at 16:42 as a comment on Artifact Control #2


If you target him before he has protection, I think it would work really well. But like raggedjoe pointed out, after he has protection doesn't work.

Posted 03 February 2011 at 16:37 in reply to #119734 on Artifact Control #2


Isochron Scepter with cards like Holy Day is pretty incredible against a creature deck.

Posted 03 February 2011 at 16:34 as a comment on ASCENSION


If Journey is the biggest problem... Why not run 3-4 Into the Roil? It seems incredibly good honestly... You cast shape anew and get your big dude. They send it on a Journey, but at the end of their turn, you end that Journey and attack for lethal! (Plus maybe even draw a card!). Oh, and it's just good against other random pesky permanents.

Posted 02 February 2011 at 19:36 in reply to #121585 on Shape Anew


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