If you're gonna play legacy type formats, there are much quicker/better decks. However, I do like the deck but think it would be a lot better if you simply changed a few cards and turned it into a standard legal deck and added a few more land to the deck.
Thanks for your comments. I made the deck a few months ago for pre-scars standard. At the time it did pretty well for me. I just haven't gotten around to actually transferring the deck into the new standard but I may look into it soon. I've been busy trying new/other decks instead recently, though. Good luck with your own UW control decks.:)
If you guys have any other suggestions, even for the sideboard, I would really appreciate it. Thanks for what you've given so far, though.
Yeah, the scroll thief is highly questionable right now. I forsee it being either really good or just terrible. I figured I'd run 3 to give it a try at least. It seems to have potential. I decided against the Trinket engine because it takes up too many slots and hardly seemed worthwhile to be honest. Voltaic key still require 7 mana to make the most out of the Vat which seems like a lot... Small Jace doesn't block, doesn't deal damage, and costs double blue. If I could play more Mind Sculptor I would but not baby Jace I think. Not in this deck anyways. As far as persecutor goes, I love the card but having 1 adept and 1 jace in the entire deck being my only true outs, it seems a bit silly to add it. I really considered it, however in creating the deck. It may be a lot better in a mono black build, running gatekeepers and such instead I think.
Hmm. Well, honestly it seems a little pathetic with the vat because you need at least 7 mana for it to really take advantage of it. I just have 1 for now because I'd like to just test it. If it turns out to be that good, I'll look at adding more.
So... without any blue mana producers, (like island or seat of synod) how do you plan to actually play Broodstar, Qumulox, Into Thin Air, Thoughtcast, etc. They all require blue mana and affinity only reduces the casting cost by 1 colorless mana, not a blue mana. So at best, Qumulox still costs 2 blue mana.
Just can't exile it, but it still can get unblockable because all of the creatures get it; it doesn't target.
Agreed. Mind Sculptor was created broken so 4 is fine for him but then 2 or less baby jace for sure. Maybe even none!
Yeah, which is why I only have two in the main, but usually by turn 4 you can kind of see what type of deck they're playing and make a pretty decent guess. Most blue decks you'll be fine naming either jace or frost titan (depending on your read of if the person can afford it..). Green ramp plays primeval, etc. But I got kinda hosed by a guy playing at least a couple main deck last FNM and it seemed to work fine for him.. Preordain seems good though. Elixer is just needed to help me with my fear of RDW. I hate that deck and hate losing to it even more. It's aweful annoying and the Elixer can help in a long control mirror or something. I haven't really tested this deck but those are my reasons at this point. :/ I may consider cutting a memoricide though from the main I suppose..
Using the mox opal seems very unlikely and improbable. Plus, it simply just isn't probably worth the deck space in my opinion. You will very very seldom pull off a win like this and besides powering the opal, you have 8 virtually dead cards in your deck (plus the 3 opals you can't play while your first is out).. Just has got to be better options...
You need 8 land total just to use the Emeria (which comes into play tapped) which means half the plains in your deck. In a normal game with a deck like this, if you make it that far, you're opponent really isn't much good or is already probably going to win, and in neither case will the Emeria truly help you much. I say cut it altogether for more fetch lands or plains. Squadron hawk also doesn't really seem so great, especially if you don't run the full 4. They still cost 2 for a 1/1 which isn't so great on it's own and are too slow for the optimal use on the Quest. Sun Titan as a one-of seems ok I suppose but still seems like way-late game type card...
I really love the Avenger but it just doesn't work for this deck. If I cast D-Force like I would want to, it will destroy my Avenger and most likely all of my plant tokens (They would have to be at least 5/6, at which point casting D-Force is practically irrelevent anyways). I have considered more tectonic edge but I'm not sure if I really need them with the goblins. They also make the color fixing slightly harder... I may give it a try, though. The Goblin Ruinblaster is actually pretty potent. I've played a few games it turned out to be one of my best cards, especially against a control deck. I can usually be playing one with ease on turn 3 which will cripple any chance of a control deck stopping me most often. Against elves or RDW I would probably side them out. They're just cheap and make my D-Force even more potent. Plus, the haste is nice for extra damage when needed. (I actually have won a game almost entirely off Ruinblaster attacks).
Your deck also has to be 60 cards total or more. You should make it blue/red to add cards like ponder, preordain, wall of frost, mana leak, unsummon/into the roil, etc. You can get blockers, cards to find your combo, and counters to back it up as well as bounce to hold down the fort longer until you get your combo off. Also, while you're playing red, you should add in lightning bolt as well. If you do add blue, add in scalding tarn for land fixing. Good luck.
Sideboard is restricted to only 15 cards. Of these, it may be a good idea to have at least a couple of Emrakul, since by playing it, you get extra turns and do not need fervor. Even if you play 4 and they all die to the legend rule, you still get 4 extra turns. If you play 3 you get 3 extra turns and one Emrakul left.
Pretty sure it's U/W control. Not BW - that means black/white.
So... With no land mulligans and on the draw.... You basically have no choice but to win right? Because I mean, basically you just pick your hand. Seems intense but almost a bit boring. Haha. Good deck though, just doesn't have any interaction...
I don't think I'd want to run Forsee in this deck because of the sorcery speed (if it was an instant I would for sure I think!). As for the Ingenuity, I really wanted to run it but Idk where to fit it in. Plus, it costs 5 which tends to be a lot even if it is a decent payoff... Any suggestions for cuts?
Goblin Ruinblaster totally trumps most of your other land destruction simply by casting approx. the same and providing a 2/1 with haste as well. Check out my Destructive Force deck and comment, please. Has some a nice LD theme as well. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=104053
Besides the fact that that's just crazy, you still need 7 more cards to bring the deck to the legal 60 card minimum required for a constructed deck... Besides decks with nothing above 1 drops or decks that win in less that 3 turns or have lots of ritual cards a legal, 60 card deck should almost never play less than 20 land. At least not if you want to make a deck capable of winning in a real game. If you only run 14 you will lose far more games than not, wishing you could draw that last 3rd or 4th land even but not getting it until your opponent is laughing while they plop down Gaea's Revenge. If you want to run counters and creatures, you will want to be able to play the creature and the counters without untapping in between for protection. Basically, I just don't see your deck having a chance without more land. Sorry but it's true. Look at 99% of the decks taking 1st in major tournaments (besides vintage or legacy formats) and I will guarentee every singe one plays at least 20 if not even up to 27 land! Plus, often cards that search for land or something similar.
Haha, fair enough.
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