
32 Decks, 612 Comments, 53 Reputation

Ok, so new idea... Play white over black and run Stoneforge Mystic with something like 1 Axe or 1 Sword. Those can also pump up your Blinkmoths to kill with and opens you up to DoJ still. Also, you can then play Master's Call! I'm liking UW. But then again, I've always liked UW. Just an idea to keep in mind, still.

Posted 02 February 2011 at 19:05 in reply to #121006 on Shape Anew


As a side note... If you do continue to try the poison route, I would add a few Contagion Clasps to the main. They power up your Jaces, take out an aggressive dude, and poison the opponent as well when you have extra mana up. Contagion Engine would probably work in the SB against decks like elves and boros.

Posted 02 February 2011 at 19:02 as a comment on U/B Infect control


I don't honestly think infect is that great for UB control. Honestly, I don't see many situations where plague stinger really is ever going to help you much. Sure, you can drop him turn 2 and kill in 10 turns... But a control deck doesn't need to ping like that for the win. I'd rather wait a few turns, stall the board out, and drop Grave Titan! Grave Titan can even kill faster than Skythiryx anyways. Flesh Eater Imp is too slow (4 drop) and you don't really seem to have enough creatures to really make it worth playing. Also, the Decimator Web doesn't seem to make much of a difference either. With just that, they die of poison and life at the same time as being milled typically... Just doesn't seem like any of those matter in a control deck like UB with Grave Titans and whatnot. Sorry to be so harsh on this. I'd love to see you totally prove me wrong, but for now, I believe that the normal UB control deck is still just amazing as it was, and actually will just get worse by adding poison. Good luck, though.

Posted 02 February 2011 at 19:00 as a comment on U/B Infect control


Good idea. I'll look into the Gideon. Seems almost strictly better in the deck from Elspeth but I could try both I suppose. Thanks for the idea.

Posted 31 January 2011 at 16:41 in reply to #123083 on UGW


Counterspell - the card. Leads to a fair number of automatic wins as well. Also, against any creature deck, a card like Holy Day stops them cold.

Posted 27 January 2011 at 19:01 as a comment on U/W Control


Well, this looks like a sweet concept. The build looks alright, and having no idea how this will actually play out, I'm just going off a hunch with some of these Ideas... First, this deck looks basically like a UB control build with a combo built in as the win condition. This is important to what the rest of the deck follows after as. Right now, it seems like you're mixing a few things too many in my opinion. The Colossus is perfectly capable of winning the game without the aid of Plague Stingers and such. The land seems perfect actually, as it can also be used to Shape Anew with. Skittles is probably not needed either. If you're gonna run Skittles, you probably dont even really need the Colossus combo. Diabolic Tutor seems a bit too slow. Until you get the combo going, I'd rather just play the control deck and use some cheap card draw to find the combo. This means you could use little Jace and See Beyond (which will also conveniently replace any Colossus you accidentally drew into back to your deck). These are some of the changes I'd make if I were to keep it more-or-less as is.

Another option however, would be to actually try switching to another set of colors. Obviously blue must stay, but each other color seems potentially good. Green seems great as you can drop lotus cobra, explore, cultivate, etc. to help you ramp into a quicker Shape while thinning the deck. Also, it provides the ability to hard cast the Colosuss if the game goes long. White also has its merits in that it plays a great control compliment to blue as well and can work almost as well or better than black for this deck. Control should almost just lose to a resolved shape. Creature decks, however seem more likely to pose the problem. White enables you to use Day of Judgement as a mass removal to stop that onslaught. Just some more ideas to kick around. As always, good luck with whatever path you take the deck.

Posted 26 January 2011 at 19:52 as a comment on Shape Anew


Well, if you hadn't noticed, I've been off this site for a couple weeks now. Umm, I definitly like this build much better than before, even. The maindeck looks incredibly tuned. The sideboard seems like it could be changed a bit. The main things that stick out are those Frost Titans and Sphinx. They may be good I guess but I really don't honestly see where, so much. I feel like there may still be better solutions there, yet. Otherwise pretty briliant. Maybe Negates could go in for the control mirror instead of those creatures for the SB? Something like that seems pretty good. Even another 2 Tectonic Edge can really be beneficial.

Posted 26 January 2011 at 19:31 in reply to #107306 on U/B Control


I haven't actually looked through the comments to see if any of this has already been suggested, but I would really think like 2 more land would smooth things out a bit more. After that, Disfigure really seems a lot better than Stabbing Pain for most situations. Also, Necropede is a really great 2-drop infect guy for a better likelihood of that explosive turn 3 or 4 win. To get it to be a turn 3 win easier, I'd suggest Groundswell also. Once you get to 2 mana, don't crack your fetches until you really need the mana - this will allow you to groundswell big whenever you need/want (even on your opponents turn).

Posted 22 January 2011 at 11:18 as a comment on turn 4 win unstoppable infect


You need a bit more land and at a good amount of filter lands in order to reliably cast Cryptic Command. Using just basics wont cut it at all. Usually you'll want to actually just drop the omen once you have the mana to make it useful. Also, add a bit more control elements to the deck and cut the scapeshift down to 2 or 3. You can really actually win pretty easily simply by playing land once you have valakuts and Omen down (fetches are 6 to the dome). Also, Kitchen Finks is an awesome sideboard card against aggro decks and Great Sable Stag is one of the best cards to play against Fairies after sideboard.

Posted 07 January 2011 at 14:34 as a comment on Valakut


Personally, I believe Memoricide is better, espescially when you're not playing Mono-Black or some odd ramp deck. However, I can see the benefits to the Sacrement - allowing you to really see their whole deck and pick out whatever seems most relevent after doing so. Still, I think the memoricide will typically do more damage - especially against a deck like valakut where all their titans are now gone.

Posted 31 December 2010 at 15:20 in reply to #107306 on U/B Control


Overall, I'd say it definitely looks pretty solid, yes. :) 6 Big threats is a much better/safer number I think (particularly when you only have one Mind-Sculptor) than 8. If you get more Mind-Sculptors, then even 6 may be a bit much. I'm really liking this list, though. As for those white enchantments - those Ratchet Bombs you're adding in can really even help take care of those in a pinch as well.:)

Posted 25 December 2010 at 01:47 in reply to #107306 on U/B Control


Ok, even if the metagame is different, 8 top end threats seems like way too many for this deck. Even a typical ramp deck seldom plays that many or barely that much. A control deck should only need 3, maybe 5 at most, big threats to win the game (not counting something like Jace or Tar Pits). Basically, a control deck such as yours really only needs to stop your opponent through removal and counters. Then, you just draw into more ways to slow the game down and eventually win. It may seem odd but in many cases, an opening 7 card hand for a control deck doesn't want to even see their 6+ mana threat. This is because for at least 6 turns, it does absolutely nothing! If you think about it, 5 big, top-end, threats means you have a 1 in 12 chance of drawing them. This means if you start with a 7 card hand, you will likely draw it before or just in time to actually play it, short of ramping in some way. So, in short, 8 is just simply too many and would probably be better as more control cards - card draw, counters, and removal. I'd suggest one more Jace Beleren maybe (Big Jace obviously is better but much much harder to come by) or maybe even a couple of everflowing chalice as additional targets for your Trinket Mage. Cutting some big threats would also allow you to maybe add in some Ratchet Bombs to the main. There are several good options. It's really coming along nicely, though. Best of luck, as always.

Posted 23 December 2010 at 00:02 in reply to #107306 on U/B Control


Oh, and a deck that wants to counter stuff a lot may benefit more from something besides Forsee - something either cheaper or instant speed like another Jace Beleren or Jace's Ingenuity.

Posted 20 December 2010 at 01:57 as a comment on U/B Control


In my testing, flashfreeze is great against RG decks like valakut but not so much against fast red decks. They're typically too fast and cheap to effectively counter all of their spells. This is where having a few ratchet bombs comes in handy. Also, in the sideboard cards like Vampire Nighthawk, Skinrender, and even Sorin Markov are seeing play now. Also, Inquisition of Kozilek is helpful here as well in the main, alongside the duress. You have 7 big creatures to win with right now. Grave Titan is the best of them for the main deck by a lot it seems. The extra creatures it creates are useful in blocking little dudes or attacking an opposing jace. Plus, it adds up to be a lot of damage to close down a game really quickly. I would suggest adding one more grave titan and dropping the other win conditions, allowing you to get rid of consuming vapors (now that persecuter could be gone) and instead swap in a couple ratchet bombs and Inquisition of Kozilek. I don't think you really need the grasp of darkness in the sideboard either. I guess I don't know your metagame but if there is much for valakut or creature lands, I would add some spreading seas instead. Just some ideas to kick around.

Posted 20 December 2010 at 01:55 in reply to #107149 on U/B Control


Idyllic Tutor could go into this deck pretty well (Because your deck isn't entirely based off speed, idk if it's any better/worse than Enlightened Tutor as the card goes to your hand directly. Can't find artifacts I guess...).

Posted 05 December 2010 at 10:43 as a comment on Infinite Godsire?


Paradise Mantle? Pretty sick idea.:) Utopia Vow would also work virtually just as well for this and still fit the enchantment theme (plus can sort of serve as removal in a pinch).

Posted 05 December 2010 at 10:39 in reply to #103780 on Infinite Godsire?


The rules of magic for normal constructed decks require a minimum of 60 cards.... 40 really isn't an option unless you're doing a limited format like draft or sealed decks.

Posted 04 December 2010 at 01:57 in reply to #103585 on Infinite Godsire?


I like the idea but personally I'm not a huge fan of 4 color decks. If you plan to run Intruder alarm, my quicker and more easily streamlined idea is simply Intruder Alarm + Splinter Twin + any creature with at least 1 power. This is easily a turn 4 win. Personally, if the goal is infinite creatures, this seems like a much better option although I will concede it would be sweet to have an infinite amount of godsire. If you do go with my option though, the deck can be simply red and blue using lots of burn, counters, cheap card draw (preordain, etc.), and cheap creatures as simple even as memnite really. Anyways, good luck with your deck no matter how you build it.

Posted 04 December 2010 at 01:49 as a comment on Infinite Godsire?


Glad it seems to be working out for you!:) Any time. Just glad I can help at all.

Posted 04 December 2010 at 01:35 in reply to #101321 on U/B Control


I understand why you may want to run some of the cards, but having a conflicting win situation just doesn't seem like the best idea. Sword of Body and Mind simply does not seem to be that incredible in a deck like this. UG ramp decks are already capable of such impressive threats that it does not need the equipment to help it out. As for the mill strategy, I personally would abandon it for 2 main reasons.

1: Mill becomes a nearly impossible strategy if playing an opponent with a legendary eldrazi in their deck and is rough even against Trinket Mages finding Elixer of Immortality.

2: You can already make this deck capable of such potent win conditions that are faster/better/much larger threats than mill creatures and trying to throw them both in the same deck leads to a poor win strategy. Take poison decks for example. Would it make sense to run a deck with half infect creatures and half non-infect creatures like Goblin Guide? Of course not! It's like the same type of thing with your mill strategy.

Beyond this, the deck seems like it can certainly have wicked crazy draws and seems like a lot of fun to play. Thanks for pointing it out to me. I do like the idea of Trinket Mage in the deck and had already been debating it in my own list. Have you tested this deck much? How has it worked out for you?

Posted 04 December 2010 at 01:28 as a comment on Birds, Insects & Crabs!!! (Standard)


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