I know I am not the first to confuse the two cards, they are really similar. Anyway, this deck failed its goal, but isn't much of a fail. It gets even worse when corpsejack is on the field. I had to throw in Laboratory Manic, (another alternate win condition) just so when Prime Speaker Zenga comes on the field, I don't lose. A hidden strategy? Yes, very much so.Tell me what you think? Make suggestions, post comments, troll the shzz out of me, if it is good, you'll get rep! Wait what about trolling?
People just dont get the reference. Sad.Not too many spirit making cards though...Anyway, drop voice of the provinces, she is a bad card. Plus, you really don't need the humans anyway.
I kept this deck cheap by keeping out the shock lands, they aren't really needed anyway. This is mostly black deck, with splashes of u/g
To many creatures, not enough mana. This deck will be colored screwed very often, so drop down on all those different color creatures. Try for sixty cards. There are some good things in there, malestrom nexus, rite of replication, but they aren't being used properly.
Not another bant control! Oh yes, another bant control. Chalk it up! This makes ten. How is this one different? Well, it kills with tokens, not beaters, and it is lethal much quicker than most, while still having the power to stop aggro. Any comments or suggestions? Wondering why I choose seller of song birds of all cards? Post below.
A sex appeal deck is a a deck that runs only cards with art of women. Problem? Suggestions? Wanna know why I ran some things and not others? Comment Below, make suggestions, and if they are good, you'll get rep! Yay Rep!(A perfect deck to match all your perverted play mats, boys will be boys)
Supreme verdict, and Aethrize are both good. I should change to them. Most likely aethrize. However, I can't actually get it in the mainboard. I think it has to do with the A&E symbol preventing me from finding it. Even with so little swamps, crypt ghast effects is more than worth it. When I have it out, it will worth the few extra mana. In fact, without the crypt ghast it would be impossible to run the sideboard. Actually, just unlikely.
I had him, but flashing back those one cost proved much more useful. Not to mention, it is more aggro then normal. You can drop duress first turn, destroy a card, by third turn, you can do it again.
I run this one for the fun. Zombies + Slaughter games + Sacrifice, the only real secret is, don't do the obvious thing. Don't use snapcaster to flash back slaughter games, by the time you can, you'll be running up on a mystic retrieval. Use the evolving wilds to grab the forest if you have a good mana spread. That will let you flash back deadly allure to reuse your dread slaver. Otherwise, the most important thing you can do in this deck is get the Blood Artist to work.
Lilliana Vess isn't legal in standard either...http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=205961See for yourself.
diabolic tutor isn't legal in standard.
Battle of wits decks should really be played against other battle of wits decks. I haven't seen too many competitive builds with battle of wits as its win condition, but this deck has more than one win condition. Why 230? No idea. Suggestions? Comments? Post below! IF they are good, you'll get rep...(you will not get rep for complaining that the deck is too large, do this, and I will delete your post)
He trolled you all! Don't feed the trolls dawgs...
Then what do you do in game two? When they slaughter games your Sphere of safety and your Jace, Architect of thought? Or you happen to go up against one of the myriad of turn four kills? I get it, over the top control? What can beat it right? It's surprisingly more fragile than you think.A few well played counter spells or avoidance spells, say cloudshift or negate, and this deck crumbles. There is also nothing to get people playing cards in this deck. Oh hey everything I play gets removed... huh, I guess I best just wait until I have the perfect hand, play it all at once, and finish this in one turn? Yeap, that will happen. It doesn't matter how much control you have, If I can get spark trooper double strike'd with boros Charm, and then fling him at you, there isn't anything you can do. All that would take eight mana, probably more to prevent him from being countered. The bottom line of this, run more creatures. Just because you can stop what I am playing, doesn't mean I can't wait until the right time. Control decks are meant to buy time until you can play some big beater, or some unstoppable combo.
blood artist, Falkenrath Noble. Do it. Drop the thatchers and the gathers for them.
Oh hey! Look! I have board control, I can swing for lethal, and when I do, I make them do a bunch of shenanigans! I guess now is the perfect time to use this mutilate! Wait... no, that would never happen. Why would I do that?You use field wipes when they are in your advantage. Like the moments when you are creature screwed and going up against a turn four- five lethal aggro deck. By the way, I do not think even Knight Of Glory can stop mutilate since it targets the field not the card.
This is a pretty cheap deck (as far as tournament quality goes), that if played right, becomes a devastating mixture of exalted aggro and esper tempo/control. Yet you have to play it right. It is pretty self explanatory, but requires you to know a bunch about it, and your expected competition. This isn't one I'd bring to a tournament right away. Test the waters first, this deck is not very forgiving of miss plays. Not a bit. A few concerns for this deck, counter spells, and field wipes. Tell me what you think? Post comments, make suggestions, and if they are good, you'll gain rep! Yay Rep!
Gyre Sage and Simic Flux mage are both evolve creatures. That makes 10% of my deck evolve.
A deck that I just threw together out of some simic cards. Nothing to surprising about it. Plenty of fun stuff to do with counters, you'll get a bunch of them!
Your end of turn stuff isn't really worth it. I get how you are trying to keep it cheap, but I don't get why you call it tournament quality. Best you can get with the price? Sure, I'll buy that. But it isn't really tournament quality. Okay cool, no two hundred dollar lands, no crazy combos, no unstopable beaters. What ever. That stuff doesn't make a deck tournament quality anyway. What makes a deck tournament quality is all about how well that deck is against what is called the meta game. I have seen the latest boros aggro tournament quality deck crushed by an azorius starter deck, I have seen the topping tournament quality modern deck swept away by a casual standard deck. How good the deck is, or how expensive the cards are, doesn't make it tournament quality. Tournament quality decks are tournament quality decks because they are really good at going up against other tournament quality decks in what ever format they are considered tournament quality. Outside of format? Well just because they are very good decks they usually do well, but they aren't the best. This deck doesn't address the issues you'd see in standard right now. It is just a well rounded token spam deck for cheap. Which is good, you can win with that, but as I said.
161-180 of 291 items