
172 Decks, 358 Comments, 100 Reputation

No on the serra angel, replace her with angelic overseer, angel of jubilation, or both. Run a field wipe, terminus or divine reckoning, are some good choices. Drop skyjek, serra avenger is much better, emancipation angel is much better. Think about cards that save or buff your creatures. Take a look this deck I just built, its cheap, and its tournament quality. http://www.mtgvault.com/dynathy/decks/white-wingies/

Posted 02 March 2013 at 00:05 as a comment on White Aggro


Flyers in standard are pretty valuable. The more you have, the more likely you'll win. Why? Because flying creatures in the meta are rare. You might see a play set of a flyer like, thundermaw hellkite, or restoration angel, but other than that, they do not come out to often. Thats why Orzhovs gift, or is it reward? The enchant that gives flying, is really good. So more likely than not, you can swing over the top right up to around turn 5-6 no problem.

If you have any suggestions, or just like this variation of the build, post some comments below! If its good, you'll get rep!

Yay Rep!

Posted 01 March 2013 at 23:56 as a comment on White Wingies


Make the boros reckoner indestructible via boros charm, give him lifelink via azorius charm, activate his ability when he takes damage, have boros reckoner target himself. Every time he deals damage to himself that turn, you'll gain life, and he'll keep dealing damage since he is indestructible. Hopefully you understand the short hand of it all,

Posted 01 March 2013 at 07:39 in reply to #327679 on RWU Tempo


If ANY thing goes to long against control it wont hold its own, that is why control deals with drawing out the game.

Love the infinite life combo, love the variety of counters, and definitely the removal. I love the sideboard, its pretty sold. A reset button is totally necessary, but if you want to only run one, run one that can get passed indestructible and have a miracle cost. Since your chances of drawing it in your starting hand is low. Teminus, or bon fire is the usual I believe.

Other than that, you'll do fine if you take this anywhere. Remember to play the meta though, not every group of people play the same cards. You can take a world class tier one deck to a local's turnny and lose because all they like to run are flyers and your aggro deck happens to only have one flyer.

Seen it happen to a buddy who play's boros aggro.

Posted 01 March 2013 at 07:36 as a comment on RWU Tempo


Doubling Season DUDE!

Still admire your comments.

Posted 01 March 2013 at 06:49 as a comment on Swarm! Seriously! Just Swarm!!


Yes, just a few.

Angel of Glory's rise is a key card for an infinite combo; I have them implemented in this deck:

If you run cavern of souls with your humans, you can run every color of human, and take advantage of some really cool effects. Now I wouldn't run a play set of an human who doesn't already share colors with w/g in this case, but a few splashes would be enough.

Since humans get buffs when they or other humans do things, like die, enter the battlefield, or attack, you could easily make some broken combos that trigger so many other effects.

Some cards that work with that infinite combo are: (prepare for a huge list!)

Azorius Arrester; Detain all there creatures
Attended Knight; Infinite Tokens
Captain of the Watch; Infinite Tokens with vigilance
Cathedral Sanctifier; Infinite Health
Champion of Lambolt; Nothing can block your creatures
Champion of Parish; Literally swing for a million
Court Street Denizen; Tap everything down
Doomed Traveler; Infinite Spirits
Goldnight Commander; Everything is infinitely huge
Urbis Protector; Infinite Angels

And those are just ones that work with your color.

Next, run more control, Arrest works nicely. Blind Obedience does as well. Selesnya Charms also will work nicely in this deck.

Posted 01 March 2013 at 06:42 as a comment on Human restoration


No boros elite? No burning tree emissary?

Posted 28 February 2013 at 21:33 as a comment on RW human


I have a defender deck that I play, I recently just modified it, but I have it built on here. The biggest thing about defenders in standard, is that they are to easily removed by spells. Axe bane wont last very long. If he does though, I usually end up with more mana than I would ever need.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 21:23 in reply to #327498 on Might of Defense


You are aloud only 15 cards in the sideboard.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 21:20 as a comment on Might of Defense


Hey, go look at the boros aggro deck build. See any fliers? No? Well that is what makes sublime archangel perfect for destroying boros aggro decks, assuming you can stall them out until you can buff her up.

Have any suggestions? Maybe for what to run on the side board? Post some comments, if they are good, you'll get rep!

Yay rep!

Posted 28 February 2013 at 21:17 as a comment on Subdue


If they are running a full set of thragtusk, they are running a full set of restoration angel, pacifism or arrest will not help you in that situation, except put you down a card.

Possibly, the best thing you can do about a thragtusk is copy or take control of the sucker.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 19:39 in reply to #327428 on Infisionary


.... No, this wont work. You wont be able to keep the visionary alive for the entire combo to go off. Not to mention, aggro will sweep right under you, control will swing at you for a lot, and not even a fist full of counters will prevent damage being dealt.

Keep the infinite reflection, but putting more than one way to get him out. Grab some good cards that can fight back while you do it too.

Seance, back from the brink, clone, and evil twin. Are all good cards to consider. Not to mention, you might have a ditto deck when you are done.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 03:14 as a comment on Infisionary


Side board bonfire of the damned and Cyclonic Rift is what he means.

As far as this deck goes, it has plenty of removal, and the creatures combo nicely. Yet something about it doesn't sit well with me.
Something about your choice of creatures, and the fist full of removal.

Anyway, you are missing draw power, which is to never be undervalued.

Not to mention, this isn't grixis, as much as it is Izzet, with black splashed in. Your land wants it to be Grixis, but you have THREE cards in it that are black. You have 12 sources of black that will hardly be used. It seems like a waist.

Nephalia drownyard needs to go, nothing in your deck works with mill. Replace it with some basic lands, or lands that can help your creatures do work.

That being said, I still have a leery feeling about how well this would actually run.

Posted 27 February 2013 at 22:04 as a comment on Grixis Midrange


I am not quite sure what makes you thing this is an aggro deck.

Great control deck man, definitely would keep you around for long enough to dish some real damage. I would pick between wrath or supreme and main deck one of them though.

Posted 27 February 2013 at 21:22 as a comment on uw aggro (modern)


You could just drop down on your white sources, you only have one thing that uses them, or not, its really just up to you.
Or you might consider some transguild promenades for your white completely. Those enter tap, pay one, but can tap for any color.
Any time I want to run something that doesn't match colors, that is what I do. It makes for very versatile decks.

Or just sideboard them, not every player runs counters.

Posted 27 February 2013 at 19:13 in reply to #327151 on B/R/W Casual Vampires


Love the price of this one man, not only that, its a good flying build in general. I'd lose the moonsilver spear, but that's just me. I don't like that equip, it gives you an angel for 8, and makes them a huge target.

Posted 27 February 2013 at 19:10 as a comment on Azorius Detainers


Yuup! Thats what I do, just drop a few black lotuses, no biggy. -_____-

Olivia, check, sorin, check, vampire nighthawk, check, stormkirk noble???
Maybe switch out tormented soul for stormkirk. He is considered the best aggro red card in standard right now.

Then get some cavern of souls, declare vampires, and watch that blue player's face turn white.

Posted 27 February 2013 at 18:55 in reply to #327144 on B/R/W Casual Vampires


Running all that land isn't always going to help. Running a few basic lands isn't all bad. Next, run some removal. Take out gather, and thatcher. Lastly, bonfire of the damned for a field wipe. Find a place to fit Boros Elite, and you'll have the capability to swing for seven third turn. The max standard decks aggro decks can swing for third turn. Four turn its something near 16 but that's a different build entirely.

Posted 27 February 2013 at 18:44 as a comment on Naya Humans


Since my sideboard is merely just suggestions for alternate ways to control your opponent on the main board. Post comments of what you'd side for in this deck!

If they are good, you'll get rep! Yay rep!

Posted 27 February 2013 at 18:32 as a comment on Glory's Rise To Power


Nice, gotta love the aberration. Let me just swing for 30/30 real quick and speed up this game!

Look at chronic flooding too! Its interesting how effective that card can be. Oh no, if I tap this mana to play this creature I mill! It can make players make mistakes that can cost them the game.

Posted 27 February 2013 at 09:19 as a comment on Standard Dimir


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