The last deck I built was an exalted extort deck. -__-This is what it should look like: about the price? The suggested deck above is a tournament quality deck. The rub about tournament quality decks, is that every card is pretty much reliant on every other card. Sure you could save about two hundred dollars just by dropping the mana for basic lands, but then you'd be color screwed.
Aggro doesn't need boros reckoner. Unless to hold down the fort. They remove him to quickly, and his effect rarely is useful in the aggro, or, goes off. Whats more surprising is, no silver blade paladin, no hunt master, and control as a side board. That is unusual.
Good suggestion, not necessary though. However, if you throw in some ciphers, and kept the idea about exalted, it'd be more than worth that one card. Say four of him, some Sublime, and knight of infamy. That'd be all you'd need. Remove exquisite blood for some mental vapors, take out viskopa for some undercity plague. You could make a pretty good deck. You would have to mess around with the mana curve.
You would drop an infinite life loss combo?Looking at the meta, you'd drop dispel? Especially when there are plenty of two drop instant removal? Right now it is optimized for aggro, and the dissipate will be plenty to stop midrange. Lastly, Knight of Glory isn't half as good as Knight of infammy when you take a look at the meta. The black cards you'll see? Well the zombie who enters tapped and deals to damage (forget his name) or rather zombies in general, you can't stop the nighthawk anyway so why bother, other than that dimir cards. There is one rackdos card, that'd he'd be worth stopping but that is it. Since black is usually thrown in your rackdos removal or esper control, he wont see very much action at all. So no, I will not run four copies of Glory, not in this standard. Okay, a third supreme is nice, but If I was going to run three copies of a field wipe, I would have a mutilate in there, get passed a few indestructible creatures that you may see. (Ahh! Avacyn Angel of hope this game went from bad to worse!)Okay, okay, okay. There is always room for more control. However, this deck needs a certain amount of creatures on the field. To much control, and your exalted will never be lethal because you have to cut down on creature slots. There is a fine line between how many creatures you have, and how much control. If I followed your suggestion, It would look more like what I would be siding into. An Esper control deck that relies a heavy beater. Think about it, one more detention, one more ultimate price, one more tragic slip. That leaves me with only seven creatures. That would make exalted useless. Right now I run ten, with plenty of sources to give them lifelink. So, it is more normal to have three to four creatures buffing each other during mid game. Which is enough for exalted, since its pretty aggro itself. While I am thinking about it, I need to run the exalted land.
So, what do you think? It address some of the weak points in most exalted decks, as well as keeps up with some of the meta. A solid build if I do say so myself. However, there is always room for improvement. Why don't you post some suggestions below, if they are good you'll gain rep!Yay Rep!
Amazing. You sir, are cruel.
Nice! Have you considered cards that return sorcerys from the grave yard?
I like angels, so obviously, all my search material would be those! What would you grab if you had the chance? Emerkul? Worldspine wurm? I want to know!Any suggestions? Post them below! If they are good, you'll get rep! Yay Rep!
Not finished, oh well, Ill just imagine you are running land. Cool deck, drop two aurelias thought. You only need two war leaders. Drop seance. Wont' need it. Reduce all creatures down to three. Run removal, draw, or control. Throw in a field wipe with one of those spots. You might want kessigs wolf run in there, so either mana that taps for any color or splash some green sources for it. IF not, no biggy. Vault of the archangel is also nice. Over all, good.
I fixed the mana curve a bit, I will play test this deck, I shouldn't have a problem. Thank you for your scourglass input, and for master transmuter. I hadn't intended to put dispel in the deck at all, I realized I had put it there after a second look. I wanted another spell, I think it was counter spell, but after some reconsidering, mana leak proved to be better used. Since I have copies of it anyway..Other suggestions would be nice. I have been looking at the standard format to often.
Thanks I try. I don't look at too many modern cards, I've been sucked into standard. Searing spear is the standard meta burn card. Didn't even take a look at bolt. I guess its easy to get tunnel vision when you do this much deck building. Either way, I really appreciate the complement. I haven't been able to play test it.
60 cards is the norm, 24 lands are also recommended.
Yes. I'd throw in some sacrifice and more blood artists.
You need 15 cards in your sideboard.
I have 12 artifact lands, my dispatch wont be a problem. -___-I have ten cmc +10, true, but most of the work done in this deck is being done by a two and three costs... Lastly, this deck is keep the board clear on a constant basis. So you have two four turns of stall, with just the wrath alone. Which is perfect for this deck.Tinker is banned in modern.
Why aren't you sacrificing for some effects on top of all of this? It will trigger all your death effects?You are running 24 land, with only three mana cost stuff, and the max of five (if you scavenge mangler) you could easily drop down to twenty two land, no problem. With that, I'd spot in ultimate price.
Safety sphere? Maybe? Its a five cost white enchantment but prevents them from attacking you. I mean, why else would you need all that mana? You are running 24 lands. Why? Sure that is standard, but you don't run anything above three cost! You could easily drop down to twenty two or twenty! Then you could run a play set of boros charm, silverblade paladin, alpha authority, and etheral armor.
I like it, but where is trostani' selesnya's voice?
Screw that, If I know I am going to lose, I go down fighting. Then something magical happens, I win. You lose every game you don't try. You don't try.Therefore, you lose every game.
Gavony Township, Grove Guardian if you prefer. I probably should take out the shocklands for transguild promenades.If you don't like giving counters to everything, you could run vault of the archangel and isolated chapels instead, then everyonce in awhile, all your humans have lifelink and deathtouch. If that's more your style of course. You could continue like that for slayers strong hold, moorland haunt, or shoot even hellion crucible. It just depends on what you want your land to do for you.
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