I should have, but didn't think of it right away,
You would, and find your self with 199 cards in your library, a bunch in your hand, and now instead of looking for bow, you'll be looking for a grave shuffle.
Blanch wood armor is soo good! I love this deck, but would suggest running some huge creatures, to put the piper to work.
Wow, And I thought I read it all. Must have skipped over it.
Glares angerly..... Neither does the land? Problem bro?(jk dawg)
Drop that hero's remembered, and you got a deck that I have no problem taking to FNM. In its replace you ask? Well Probably hero's reunion. Two cost gain 7. That or main board garruk, both relentless and primal hunter!
Ohh, I didn't think of him! Thanks.
Anytime you can get exactly what you need, its a good day. Sadly, searching needs to be timed right. It almost always puts you back a turn, and needs to be done carefully. Overall, this deck can be really deadly, hence, search and destroy. Populating assassins ftw!Comments? Suggestions? Post below for rep!*Disclaimer: Post must be good for rep.
Daring Skyjek is such a bad card. He only flys when you attack. He doesn't help you against them, and he is really easily removed. Don't do it bro. If you ran serra avenger, rather than daring skyjek, (doesn't fit the theme but bare with me) you'd play a two cost three three flying vigilance about of the same time you'd be skyjek, and give that guy flying... You'd be better off with some skyknights. Say, Lyev Skyknight or Skyknight legionnaire.War falcon is a much better card, and still isn't something I would run.All that said, you have more than enough removal for flight control. If they drop a big angel, no problem, by then you'd have so much field advantage, between tokens and soldiers.
You need grave return, and creatures to sack. Grave crawler is good.About some cards for grave return, undying evil, unhallowed pact, driver of the dead, are some good choices. You could constantly return and sac black cat.
I thought I would see a deck based around badass. I don't know how you'd feel about chromatic lantern.
I got a little burnt out on the meta. So I spend my time making challenge builds. I do most my theme deck building while I slave over collecting the cards I need for one of my tournament quality decks. Keeps my mind occupied.
To much draw will leave you without enough cards in your library. I love the deck though. And all the win conditions.Diabolic tutor, demonic tutor, there is another tutor that will let you search up a card for three life, diabolic revelation, and that's it. You pretty much get something to search it. I have seen self mill decks + grave return, and just before they play bow, they return there graveyard. That is usually pretty stable.
Deadly alure and treasured find are used in another sex appeal deck of mine, Sex Appeal (deadly attraction). I plan to use somberwald dryad and somberwald Sage in another build. And all though I don't mind using the same cards over, I like to spread the love.Wow... that is going to be taken wrong considering the type of deck this is. I don't want to many reoccurring cards in this deck, since it offers a bit more difficulty when trying to make it. Plus the extra effort pays off. I don't want people saying, "yawn another sex appeal deck, and mostly the same girls, AGAIN"
My third, all ladies deck. I try to keep cost down with these decks, hence the guildgates. Questions? Comments? Maybe you just like the deck? Post below, I'd love to hear form you!Either way, building all ladies decks posses a interesting challenge, this one was especially difficult. I'd like to know what you think!I plan to make a sex appeal deck for just about every color, so be on the look out for some crazy girls, doing some crazy things!
Super friends meets bant life gain, with a bit of esper draw kicked in. Nice.
I can't stand black decks. That's just my preference. I build them though, just so I get a first hand feel about how they play. I am a white deck, control player personally. I can't stand the simplicity of aggressive decks, and there is too much at stake to be running infinite combo, but I do fall for a good tempo deck (plays a spell every turn, a sort-of mix between aggro and control) every once in awhile.
I like the mana curve better with captains call.
Sadly, Champion of the Parish is in the innistrad block set. Which means it doesn't fit your criteria.
Eh, the fervor isn't really needed. True. Those spots would be much better used adding one more arrester and one more crusade. The goldnight commander isn't all to good either, but I guess.
121-140 of 291 items