I mentioned that in the card description, you are right btw. Soldiers aren't humans, humans are (can be) soldiers.
World fire is a sorcery, you can cast an instant before you discard your hand. In this case, boros charm, which would kill your opponent. 11 mana total. Hard to come by, but so is that worldfire. Saddly, so can they. Its very common to see worldfires' end in draws. No there isn't a good way to make it one sided. Just play it with a burn spell, when they are tapped out.
It is not easy making a burn aggro deck in the mid ranged area, but yet another solid themed build. With twelve creatures, It may be lacking, they usually come around on time. Comments? Suggestions? Just want someone to rage at? Post below! If they are good, you will get rep.(Bonus points for the catching the bible references)
Start off slow? Look at that mana curve, look at that mana count, look at that removal. Best damn beginner build period. For black that is. It really doesn't matter what the cards are or what you run, as a beginner deck builder, its best to get the land count, mana curve, and concept colors right. Anything other than that, is really asking too much. Considering you don't have the cards, don't have the experience, and you don't have the exposure to how people play.
No problem dude, I have pretty much copied your style of description and how to play sections. Although it is just a coincidence we both all girl decks. The first deck I ever owned in magic was one.
lol, populating humans. Thrabren Doomsayer gets around.
I can't tell if that is a girl in curse of thirst art. I am leaning more towards yes, but to be safe, I went with curse of oblivion.The goal is to make a ladies deck here.
More Angels! I am that guy who loves building Angel decks, yet, Angels are just to costly to run with out shenanigans. Not to mention, a good angel deck is hard to come by. Eitherway, I see this as a solid build. Any suggestions? Post below. Wanna rage at me for purposefully not including black, or more specifically, deathpact archangel? Post below. Wanna discus a strategy you aren't sure of and it has nothing to do about this deck? Post below! IF something you post happens to be good, or funny, or helpful, or possibly you happened to catch that pink floyd reference, you'll get rep!Yay rep!
Beautiful combo, although I'd find away to put hellkite tyrant in there. Maybe drop the Hellkite overlord for him? Getting another 6/6 dragon every time any one of your other dragons attack seems a bit more valuable then a beater like Hellkite Overlord. Considering your entire deck is full of beaters.So when you get your combo out, you'd have four dragons, three of which can attack. If Utvara Hellkite was on the field, those tokens would each make three 6/6 tokens when they attacked. So when it is all said and done, you would have two tapped 4/4 broodmates, and two tapped 4/4 tokens, and three untapped 6/6 tokens, and an utrvara hellkite that you may or may not have swung with to get you another 6/6 token. By the time the splinter copy left the field, it will have given you 2 6/6 dragon tokens by itself. Needless to say, it would be very much unbeatable. Oh gosh, I was wrong, I forgot to consider paralleled lives!
This isn't anything close to a tier 1 deck. I wouldn't really even run this in a casual match. I don't need rancors, this deck needs counters for gyre sage.
A gruul deck with only female art, that is what the sex appeal is all about. Any question? Wondering why I ran one thing and not the other?Yelling at me because neither somberwald dryad or somberwald sage are no were to be found? Post below!
Laboratory Manic would be put on the field by Primal Surge. The first primal surge exiles the second, Then you draw because of Zegana,That would likely draw your second, seeing as you control how the etbs go on the stackThen your second gives you game, because Manic Is on the field. What is the problem....
How many turns would it take to cast primal surge really? Post what you think would be the best play set for this deck!Don't think it is practical? Why? Post below!Make suggestions, get rep. You know how this works.
Then add a corspejack menace.
Oh gosh, this style of Naya. Why is the meta standard so diverse and so well built and so damn good?I would run more wolf run though. TO swing for a million.
Okay, I see why it is version one. You wont need the sulfur falls, but alright. I am going to start with creatures:Abattoir Ghoul works really well with hardcore removalArcheomancer works really well to get back some crucial zombie token spam cards I will talk about laterBlack cat is a good discard card, run more for the effectI have never ran civilized scholar Corpse Traders will give you more discard, which is always goodDeranged Assistant should be used in decks were you play a bunch from the graveyard, I used it in a skaab ruinator deckdiregraf captian, a definate yes if you want to go token side, or sacrifice effect gravecrawler, run four in a zed deck alwaysHavengul skaab is my bouncer for zed decks, for what ever needs to be bouncing makeshift mauler, is good when you have a lot of zed fodder you dont plan to get back,Mikeaus a good card to run one of, you could make a deck around him relentless skaabs is a good card for the zed fodder deck. Dont run too many things that have exile as additional cost thoughrotting fensnake, I never ran him, never will. Looks like a bad cardsightless goul, a four cost two two that cant block and comes back when it dies. Bad card...Skaab Goliath, again, good card, dont run too many exile from grave thoughStitched Drake, a great flier, but comes out late unless you run self mill. Same is true for most skaabs. Works with undead alchUndead exiquitoner: a fun card to run sacrifice effects withwake dancer: good with removal and sacrifice effects, not the best thoughwalking corpse: no. To vanilla zombie goliath: no to vanilla. I made... three (?) zombie decks in the last two days. So I have looked through and through all the b/u/g zombies there are to offer. I'll link them to you. I only build the best quality decks I can, so they are pretty good. http://www.mtgvault.com/dynathy/decks/how-i-run-slaughter-games/http://www.mtgvault.com/dynathy/decks/zombified/http://www.mtgvault.com/dynathy/decks/at-my-wits-end/Take a look at dread slaver, I want to make a deck just around him but Havent done it yet. Pair it with deadly allure and there you are. The zombified deck is a mono black zombie token spam aggro deck. Can't go wrong using the zombies in that one.The at- my - wits end has just about every good zombie combo that I could think of involving death effects. The slaugther games one is one I worked on a bunch. Would run well with black cat and corspe trader.
The angel stacks the exalted. So a creature that already has exalted, would have exalted exalted. That is to say, +2/+2 when ever a creature attacks alone, instead of the +1/+1.Please read this quick though, since it is critical that you know that before making your deck.Thanks for checking out my decks man. I'd love to see what you make when you are done.
Hmm... Nah this looks like blue green black, but in reality, its just blue green. Only two cards have black, and you get the black source with the first farseek. I play a bunch. Both face to face, and online. When I play online, I notice that everyone jumps for those duel lands. Go look around some. You'll find a deck that is running all the shock, all the unless you controls, and all the gates. You know where it is going to get him? 0/x because all his lands will either hurt him or enter tapped. Its a bad deal. Face to face is much different. YOU shuffle your deck. Which doesn't have the same degree of randomization as some of the software the circuits use. I never (usually) miss my land drop. I use my shuffling techniques as just another tool to get me what I need from my deck. As far as my lands go, all my fnm quality decks will look like similar to this. I always try to squeeze a creature buff land in there (even when the colors are wrong) and will always run some basic land. Not only does it keep a few tens and twenties in your pocket, it saves you in the long run.
Sorry Benny Boy, Cant afford the land slots for it. Plus, its usually a self mill problem.
Farseek ;DTrust me, one is more than enough. You have it by the time you need it. I use a similar strategy for ALL my bant decks, the "bant wolf run" by Melissa I believe her name was? Either way, it works wonders.
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