
172 Decks, 358 Comments, 100 Reputation

I figured as much but numerically it isn't consistent.

I want to add, SeekerStarcraft, I love the way you think, from what I can tell by this deck (and the finished version) . I really want to see what you build later. Right now I am just trying nudge you in a slightly different direction. All magic players like value. I don't see those six cost of yours giving you what you need out of this deck yet.

Posted 27 April 2013 at 01:33 in reply to #345320 on Current Mana Wins Games


Against whom? Would you like me to demonstrate how I'd destroy this deck?

You need more search, and ones that put it on the field. Dawntreader elk is a good card for this deck, rampent growth as well. What usually end's up happening, when you run that little mana, you fill spots up for search. Search generally slows down your game. If you want to make a very low mana deck, that's cool! Yet your creatures have to reflect that goal.

Why not play cards with more synergy? Dead eye navigator? Seriously? All that is going to do is flicker boarder land ranger, yet he cost to much! When you have six mana, you wont' need to play him. The first thing I would do is drop the huge creatures, and work off some low end flicker and death effect synergy. So when you sac dawntreader you can have some stupid stuff go off. Then return the thing for some more? It works.

I love your fixes, farseek, verdant, urban ev, boarder land, arbor elf, they all get the job done. Yet I kinda want to see this deck move into the three or four color realm. There is just too much death effect stuff in green black blue that looks good, and a huge amount of stuff in red that are nearly auto include. For example, burning tree emissary and infernal plunge.

In general, I'd describe this as a good casual deck, yet I have very mixed feelings about your creatures.

Posted 27 April 2013 at 01:06 as a comment on Current Mana Wins Games


FML, this deck would be annoying to deal with. Yet not impossible. This match up against my bant would be like throwing pebbles at siege tanks with the wrong hand.

However it does have some very obvious weak points. Field wipes, counters, and removal can get pretty harsh. Never more and slaughter games hits pretty hard. First game looks like a definite victory, yet after that dumb side in's like paraselen, a two drop that destroys all enchantments and you gain 2 life for each destroyed that way, will hurt.

Decks that are the most capable of dealing with it will be the mid-ranged control oriented decks, if you let one of those get passed turn five, it is game. Turn seven? An infinite combo went of or is going to soon. Shoot, by turn ten if left alone, my deck will gain several hundred life and have gigantic creatures that are all lethal on there own. That's what I'd suggest you watch out for. Since you'll match most aggro with creature drops pound for pound, and it'll just end up being who can beat each other down first.

Posted 27 April 2013 at 00:33 as a comment on Bant Aura's


That is a pretty in detail how to play, and I haven't told you how to play it yet. I really urge you guys to find a card you like, and make a deck out of it. Anytime we get new cards, I spend my time critiquing them, and comparing them to other cards. If it is not me doing it, than I am watching someone else do it.

If you like what I have said, like this post, if you want to get rep of your own, post something of your own.

Suggestions? Please and Thank you! I would love to here about the potential combos with hidden strings. Even if they aren't standard! I can't possibly know every card that pairs with it, so any info you bring to the table will be meet with enthusiasm and a pat on the back.


Posted 27 April 2013 at 00:20 as a comment on Esper, New Ciphers, New Combos


Mana ramp dawg!

Posted 25 April 2013 at 17:36 as a comment on Blaze Commando Abuse


What do I mean by new meta? Well decks that are quick, and not going away soon. I stayed away from M13 and innistard as much as possible, but with the land base, I sorta broke the trend.

So what do you think? Still think you wont see populate topping?

Posted 25 April 2013 at 17:32 as a comment on Lets' Build A New Meta?!


Tips? Alright, tap and return to hand will be especially useful. Low end counters like dissipate and essence scatter will stop his creatures. If it's aggro? I am stumped. I don't think I have seen a pure izzet deck yet that has kept pace with an aggro deck.

Next off get all the burn you can. Keep him under three creatures. Take advantage of your haste cards you draft, since he should definitely include his. Red white and red blue both make great control burn decks, so you just have to one up him in every turn.

Posted 25 April 2013 at 01:47 in reply to #344302 on Dragons Maze Strategy


I am going to disagree with you on the champions. Having a galvonoth in standard, and pair him with an izzet deck? That is amazing. It is not the best they could have done, but it'll be effective unless they have a champion of their own out.

If you just look at the champions strait, they leave much to be desired, yet when you take into account all the relationships with the guilds, you can start to form better ways to use these cards.

G/W is possibly my favorite champion. She fogs out your tokens, and for obvious reasons, but she is also a 5/7 so it'll get passed all the burn you can throw at it. Pair it with progenitor mimic, now you can always populate an actual creature. Put token copies of a thragtusk on the field? SO broken. Or really what ever card you want!

It also isn't taken out by warleader's helix, which is well on it's way already to be a staple in standard formats, and can you imagine Paragon'ing one of those? 8 damage, 8 health, for free! That is what I call top decking like a boss.

Add in index, and you can set up the combo very easily.

I agree with you on the boros guild leader, he is a six cost indestructible that buffs when he swings, but needs two others to do it. Not worth the time if you ask me. An Aurelia's Fury for four is more worth it in every situation. Aurelia is more worth it in every situation. You can populate and always have four plus creatures if you run naya mid range, but in general, he isn't the best.

Vorel of the Hull Clade is essentially a reusable proliferate that doesn't hit your PW's. Throw him in some of your quest decks. Not to mention, he is THE cheapest champion! Throw in human merefolk, he breaks a lot of tribal decks. He can receive hella buffs, and is compatible with tons of equips that came out in innistrad (if you run them, I dont). He triggers champion, and then for three, he can do it again each turn, yet not to just him, everyone. With simic in this standard, you'll need more dice.

Posted 24 April 2013 at 16:02 in reply to #344182 on Dragons Maze Strategy


Selesnya is going to be my guild I chose. Just because I like that guild, I run that deck, and I have a good Idea of what to expect. Plus populate + battalion, Populate + evolve, populate + extort, populate + bloodrush? All have there good combos! Mostly I am looking for creature control and board presence.
Remember! The minimum deck size is 40! Mill will be much more powerful!

Posted 24 April 2013 at 03:39 as a comment on Dragons Maze Strategy


Oh yes you are totally right my bad. Thanks for the Catch.

Posted 24 April 2013 at 02:14 in reply to #343802 on then they scooped...


Thats funny. Hey I already took all the english I need for my major, dont correct me bud.

Posted 23 April 2013 at 06:02 in reply to #343851 on then they scooped...


This is my casual deck; along with Meet your machine overlords. So I am not worried about format, but great suggestion!

Posted 23 April 2013 at 05:06 in reply to #343802 on then they scooped...


The main idea of this deck is so cheap to get out. A plain red white version of this is also super cheap! I like the USA version because it can work with all those Izzet Cards we like so much!

Posted 22 April 2013 at 02:15 as a comment on Infernal Surge


Like the build looks good ;D

Posted 22 April 2013 at 01:46 as a comment on Standard worthy??


Falkenrath Noble is different from Falkenrath Aristocrat, but falkenrath Aristocrat is a great card. If instead of running krenkos command, you ran gather the townsfolk, it'll have more synergy with the aristocrat. If you drop goblin arsonist for nearheath pilgram, who is also a human, and gives lifelink, you can start to get the infinite combo I was talking about. You'd three of him. You could run only three gather the townsfolk, and then you'd have slots for boros charm. Then maybe three infernal plunges for a third boros charm. IF you want.

I do really suggest changing out krenkos command for gather the townsfolk if you are serious about falkenrath aristocrat. Which for four, is a much better card then Falkenrath noble, which is also four cost.

Posted 22 April 2013 at 01:20 as a comment on Standard worthy??


Goblin arsonist is an amazing card when paired with goblin gernade, otherwise its a dead draw most of the time. Other than that, all you are doing is sacrificing like it's cool. Sure it is cool, but not without more blood artist, and folkenrath noble. Run four blood artist, and however many copies of folkenrwath you can get a hold of or care to run.

Then I'd drop rakdos Crackler. It is possibly the best red/black aggro card you can run (besides stormkirk noble and vexing devil), but unless it was a vexing devil or stormkirk noble, its not worth running. I am not even going to suggest those two as replacements. Rather, why not take a gander at nearheath pilgrim? Then make some room for a boros charm. Then you have an amazing infinite life combo just for the lols. Instant win condition? Yes, I'd find room to fit it in.

So with a bit of shifting some spots around, you can make this deck standard worthy no problem. My suggestions are more toward geared with diversifying the deck a bit. It also would solidify some life loss you would get with your vampires.

Next, your lands. I am seeing it more and more, dropping back on shock lands for if you control lands. Yet more than half of your lands require a land on the field before you can play it. With out a few dual lands, your first few turns might just slow you down, like if you are playing with just pure gates. There is a good chance for it. If anything, I'd run about three of each, or three of two and a playset of one.

Basic Lands are still okay!

Next side board in some grave control, rest in peace is good, and some aggro control, like blind obedience. Since this is a stuffy doll combo deck, your opponents will side in some control, counter, or removal to deal with stuffy. That's when you should side out for just strait aggro. Sweep in for an easy game two win.

Posted 22 April 2013 at 00:50 as a comment on Standard worthy??


I'd imagine you did so well, the sublime archangel by herself is extremly potent card against aggro. Neither Boros or Naya blitz run flyers.

Exactly what I meant by would see coming are increasing ambition, spectral primordial, and again the Sublime Archangel.

First off, what exactly do you tend to search for? Like I think the best card is Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, but just looking at the basic numbers, you run four. With no extra mana ramp, any assuming you hit your mana, you are actually more likely to have drawn Sorin by turn five. The extra search is dynamite in this deck, but it also gives some rare chances to drop down on a few high cost to throw in more solid aggro or removal. Search is always a plus one on just usual draw, and I'd recommend three, but that would require some mana ramping to pull off. Which, white black just doesn't have.

That all being said, If you are searching for either sorin or sublime archangel (a combo that will almost always give you game in this meta) There is a good chance that you'll already have them by the time you actually can pay for your increasing ambition. So I guess you could do something like your primordial, but then you'd be hard pressed for the other two mana, and unless you had seven, he'd sit in your hand before you could use them. I do enjoy the spread of the your card sets, but you can easily drop down on one serra or one sorrin, or one primordial for another something else.

All your aggro is nice, but if you free'd up one more slot you could run something else. Hmm... obezat the ghost council sounds like a logical choice, and I believe it legendary. So running one of them isn't illogical or anything like that. Or you could use that one extra slot for another increasing ambition, although it isn't the best choice. Basically that one extra would just end up being search material for your end game since drawing it before turn ten is unlikely.

Next I would drop the gates. They are seriously bad. Especially if you are looking for a mana to drop a something, and you draw a gate. It always enters tapped. I wouldn't even run two! Basic land is all that is really needed. That is just my perspective.

Anyway, looks really good. I'd hate to go against it. The last concern I have, and there isn't much you can do about it (except for kill them quickly which is the goal of this deck anyway) is that you have no answers for any of the infinite combos there are.

Posted 21 April 2013 at 02:56 as a comment on Standard W/B Orzhov Aggro


Uh? Burna, Light of Alabaster? Seriously, you don't run her in bant enchants?

Posted 19 April 2013 at 21:46 as a comment on Bant Chants


Hey man, don't take offense, we are only trying to help you. If its working for you, don't worry about it. If the decks you play are all naya blitz, then this will work.

I am worried about how effective this deck would be against the infinite combos. If you aren't running aggro to out pace combo, or control to stop it, it eats you alive. Were I play? Well you can pretty much expect everything, Naya Blitz, Boros Aggro, Boros Infinte, Orzoh Infinite, Infinite mill, Humaninmator, ever style of mid range, the tournament quality decks here are numerous.

Trust from someone who has played against it all, you need answers for everything, and since you can't run everything, you just have to go with the best that you got and hope for the best.

Posted 19 April 2013 at 00:44 in reply to #342286 on Bant Midrange [Standard]


This deck has a bit of finesse I wouldn't really see coming. Your aggro hurts, but it really depends on what deck you are running if you can actually get card advantage.

Posted 18 April 2013 at 06:17 as a comment on Standard W/B Orzhov Aggro


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