To search up Melira, you have to sac and search the Pilgrim. You can't sacrifice the finks for Melira, because she'd have to be a four cost.
A bunch of one drops with trample? Sure they can't be blocked by tokens, but legion loyalist isn't really necessary
"THE" deck needs to lose four cards. It also needs to run 4 evolving wilds and 1 terramorphic expanse. It also needs to have a way of tapping for all colors all of the time.This deck needs some work."THE WORK IN PROGRESS" Is more like it.
I thought a while on a deck like this. Really it wasn't quite possible, (All my failed attempts at red blue hypersonic dragon decks supporting), well wasn't quite possible before Prophet of kruphix. Now this deck takes izzet counter burn, and simic control to whole new levels. I didn't even stop there, and in some gruul for aggression, and you have a deck that'll shine in any match up.Regardless if you're gripping a handful of counters, reckless buffing a Savageborn Hydra to no end, this deck will pull through or spell spam trying.
Just revamped this one for theros, and now it's lovely. The spark jolts, land and prisms speed drawing way up, while lay of the land gives you discard fodder for wildguess.
I take advantage of the great innistrad cards, and the reactions between m14 while they will still be in standard together. Right now, standard is swollen to it's bursting point. You have the largest card pool that standard has to offer right now. Neglecting a set because they are about to move out isn't going to give you the best deck possible. You might make the best R2R + as you possibly can make, but it isn't going to be the best possible deck you can make. Innistrad cards are also getting cheaper because of the new set, so now is really the time grab them while people are still experimenting with m14. So it's easier for you to get the cards you really wanted from innistrad. I for one, wont abandon innistrad until I have to. That doesn't mean I am not looking for things to replace, or decks to switch too. Simply put, to play standard, you need to play the best from every block that you've been given. That's what makes it difficult to keep up with.
It's not a block build with m14 stuff in it. It is however, standard. I guess that is what you mean.
Run all the removal spells!
I see a few problems. First off, you are gaining a bunch of life with no added benefits except to have lots of life. You really want massive life as a side effect from your very good looking board state, seeing as Selenya gives you the support for that to happen. Angelic Accord is amazing with Trostani Selesnya's Voice. Pay three, get an angel, get four life, trigger Angelic Accord. So two for the price of one? Great! With all those flying angels, you might want something just a bit more over powered. Entreat the angels are really nice, and there is a new 7 drop mythic, devout invocation, that'd be a nice one to add too. I'd lose trading post, you want to draw cards, not discard them. I'd lose hero's reunion, it's just an extra spell that isn't giving you any card advantage or field advantage. I'd pick up on some populate. Rootborn defense mainly.I'd drop a few voracious wurms, it's a deceiving card. I love what it does for this deck, but it's not a four of. In hindsight, it's actually a four or five drop, considering you'll want it along side life gain spells. So three or two would be perfect. Three trostani Selesnya's voice has worked out wonderful in my own decks.There are two reasons to use lifegain in tournament quality standard right now:1) To go infinite and win the game by default2) Spot a bit of life gain to take the edge off of aggroYour deck doesn't do either. You go all out for life gain, which does make you hard to kill, but will make most matches go to time. That's not a good thing unless you're up by a win. Otherwise its a draw.So in other words, you need to make your deck more lethal, and seriously consider finding a different route to win. You mentioned Archangel of thune being to much for you right now, that is understandable. However, you can still make an excellent life gain deck with out her. Just focus on killing your opponent. Trostani Selesnya's Voice is a lifegain deck all on her own with the right token support. Possibly get a bit aggro with call of the conclave.If you don't plan on playing in tournaments settings, don't conform to the format. Modern Cards are cheaper, they are funner to play, and can be very rewarding. A bigger card pool gives you more possibilities.
Drop goblin grenade for goblin bomb?
Infernal plunge into Molten Steel dragon?
wouldn't storm this deck, he'd need to net zero or positive mana with every creature, to make a really fun storm. Otherwise, he'd storm for two or three tops. And only if that was a low end one like grape shot. Paradise mantle on gelectrode? Now' we're talking
No Ogre battle driver? No Guttersnipe? No delver? What's with the white anyhow? Riot control gains life for all the creatures your opponents will have, not your's. Sure multi-player standard matches and what not. Yet that just raises more questions anyhow. Guttersnipe wants this deck upside down and backwards. Plus, it deal damage to each opponent. So you'll do fine spotting him in. Drop the 8 enchants, you'll want draw spells like quicken and burn spells like searing spear. IF you ran cancel and dissipate, you wouldn't need riot control or saftey sphere. Not to mention, there is always aetherize. Dropping the third color will help you with your mana. Intangible virture is cool, but' you'll just be using the elemental as cannon fodder anyhow. Weapon surge isn't going to be a whole lot of good late game, and isn't really a whole lot of good early game with your creature set anyhow. At best it allows you hit a 4/4 without too much trouble, but that opens you up for a lot of conditional removal... In my point of view, weapon surge is a quick little buff, but next to nothing when you consider ogre battle battledriver. Searing Spear and pillar of lame are all great removal too. Oh and delver, delver is good. Get him. Augur of bolas too. Nivix cyclops. What ever you want really, but at least a playset of guttersnipe, and one from the list.
This is a quicky build, I wanted to bring a mono-red burn that used young pyromancer as it's win but got entirely caught up with my play set of augur of bolas that was sitting in my casual grixis burn deck. So I pulled him an Nivix cyclops out, augmented my deck with some nice lands, and put in awaken the ancient just for some field support. Nineteen spells later, they should be dead. Let us all hope so.
Uh extort? What tournament quality deck runs extort? Oh, none of them? Why is it a problem then?
Eh, I wanted twenty four lands but if you think of it this way, 19 cards in my deck are one drops. I'll have no problem hitting my land, especially with all the draw potential. Realmwright is essential, crypt ghast only doubles mana produced by swamps. So I'll need my islands to also be swamps. That'll give me the mana to drop sphinx of the chimes or dark realms if I need to. Grisly spectacle is a bit of a high cost, but'll put a few cards in the graveyard, and I'll get all creatures from all graveyards when I play rise of the dark realms. I can chump block as many creatures as I want with 1/1's but there is a downside to that plan too. Yet when you need to protect yourself, a 1/1 for 1 isn't as good as a kill spell for two, so I see your point. I really do need more copies of xathrid necromancer, seeing as winning with him seems just a bit more reliable then a realmwright>crypt ghast> Sphinx of Chimes> lots of draw> Dark relms. So I might just drop grisly for two more necromancers. I also might replace psychic strike with more powerful mill cards, because this deck doesn't win with the creatures it has currently, it really needs to rely on creatures from your opponents grave in tandem. Re-animating a bunch of 1/1's, to sacrifice them to get a single 7/7 is devastating, but not good enough against some of the life gain you see in play tests. It was a bit more stable with the zombie tokens, but it seems like I am doing it the LONG way around when you compare it all to Undead Alchemist, saddly, he's an innistrad card I believe. Tome Scour seems like a viable replacement, and some lower cost draw spells like, alter's reap, have been considered, but they all have downsides. I've seen powerful draws come out of quicken into a divination, so it'd work just as good with pilfered plans. This deck will need to operate on very cheap spells so you can avoid having the usual 24 land. I'd like to see this run as low as 18 or 20. However, the current spread doesn't support that low of a curve. So your suggestion of adding two more land is a step in the wrong direction with this particular deck. This deck wants as many apostles as it can fit, 24 would be PERFECT, but wouldn't allow you to do anything but sac and search. IF I could get it to about, say, twenty, you'd probably chime a few times per turn. That'd mean dropping down on some very vital cards. Seeing as, you'll need to put the sphinx on the battlefield as early as possible to do this, you'll need a way to double your mana. Again, why realmwright and Crypt ghast is so vital. I've pretty much came full circle in developing something like this, but when it comes down to it, when it wins, it really wins, but when it loses, it really loses. Making a deck like this (in standard) stable will require some very unique ways of looking at how cards interact with each other, and a break away from the classic deck building structure. Who knows, maybe the answer isn't this build at all, maybe the answer is with self mill and deathrite shaman?
Um? Door Keeper?
Drop three cards, look into silence, and maybe Elite Archanist. Find a play set of aetherling, and hit them harder with the mill. As it stands, you'll have a really hard time stalling until they run out of cards.
May I suggest some draw? Decks based around five drops to combo off need ways to dig through mana to get cards, and you'll need some spells to extort once she is on the field. I'd say fare well to blind obedience in favor of sign in blood, you'll have the life for it, and I'd also drop Syndicate of tithes for tithe drinker, seeing as a bear with lifelink and extort is better then a bear with just extort. The lifelink will help the deck as a whole and tithe drinker is a very solid card. Elixir is a great mill defense, but I don't see it coming in handy too much. It's just more life gain on an already stable life gain build. Essentially it's a pay three and put counters on everything, the whole grave shuffle would be like flavor text. IF you ran more spells that drew cards or possibly even spotted some removal, Elixir would be fine. Yet it still screams sideboard to me...Alive and well is nice but a four of? Sure it's a one drop, but also not really worth playing until late game, seeing as you wont have TOO many creatures on the field. If you drop down on it, you wont have one sitting in your hand. I do like the idea of extorting it, but why not extort something that will give you field advantage or card advantage? Four crypt ghast = lots and lots and lots and lots... you get the idea. So you can afford a higher mana curve. Introduce some field support, and cards that will make your opponent sweat. Blood Barron of Vitzkopa? Maybe. Four crypt incursions is just a little too over the top... especially without any sort of mill, removal, or otherwise. I'd lose it almost all together, or bench that card to the sideboard if you are really worried about re animator. For three you can introduce a number of nice cards that'll help you out. Remember, gaining life isn't your win condition, Archangel of thune is. You need cards that not only work with her, but stuff to get her out. Vitzkopa guildmage is an alternate win considering his abilities. You'll find yourself wining with him almost as much as you win with archangel. Extort will help you get to the win, but it wont usually be the reason why. I like debt to the deathless for big costs, and it is awesome when your opponent is all tapped out. I'd also find a few more lands. Your mana curve would appreciate it.
The land is different in this one then in tithe of armies, because I had to pull some buddy lands for other decks. If you want, you could imagine it had the same mana base as tithe of armies seeing as it would only improve your plays. Like post and suggest comments.Shoot even suggest ideas for future decks.
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