Why would you avoid black in a cipher deck? It opens up so many awesome cipher too you! Also, why would you run silent departure? Most of the things you can attack with already have unblockable, or can be unblockable. I'd drop the defenders altogether, and spot some control. Counter spells are to be expected in a mono blue. So the whole tarland cipher deal? I've made one myself, and it is really fun to play! Check out the one I built, yes I own it...http://www.mtgvault.com/dynathy/decks/perfect-storm/
It looks like you need one more card. I'd also run more amulets of vigor. Try adding in Malestrom angel, and quicksilver amulet. This deck needs to get up to speed quick, or have a full suit of stall to help it out. You really don't need world fire, unless you plan to kill your opponent that way. Say o-ring a creature to deal damage after it resolves? Like something that deals one damage when it enters. Unless that is your goal, worldfire is not the way to go. Try a cyclonic rift or aetherize, a one sided field wipe would be nice here.
Okay, I'll just kill you BEFORE turn three...No biggy. Let me just get my instant iona combo...
Yes It is, just checked the rulings on the card. So it would double the counters, even on the things that enter. http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=253533Under ruling at the very bottom in the blue text.
I am pretty sure that is incorrect.
Armada wurm is alright; but it takes awhile to grab him. Higher cost tokens like wurm tokens, usually work wonderfully with populate, but low end tokens are better with spells. So it really is your choice. Do you want to gear your deck with the popular populate abilities or do you want to swarm with 1/1 and buff them....This deck likes the 1/1 swarm.
Drop down on some deadbridge chants. You have 12 creatures, so you don't have a very big chance of actually hitting a creature with the mill. Not to mention, in this deck, it'll get you one or two creatures from the grave for six mana at most. With that, you could run Entering, or even morgue burst. Plus deadbridge cost six! So it's a dead draw in your opening hand. Two or one maybe deadbridge, but otherwise I'd be looking for some removal or trump cards. Jarad's orders has been a favorite for me in standard reanimation. I usually run a more offensive version though. With one or two reanimation suits, and very solid low cost creatures. The assault buy's time for the reanimation combo to kick, and doesn't leave you helpless against a control orientated deck. Working hard to drop one big creature will not always give you game, too many field wipes, too many removal spells, and far far too much life gain. Not to mention, your creatures are unusually low cost to try to reanimate. Woot I just milled my thragtusk, now watch as I pull him out of the grave for six? Doesn't make since to me.
Cool, but mirror matches turn out into pure attrition. I play token spam, but most other decks can't compete with it. Not even other token decks. Why? Thragtusk tokens. Master Biomancer Tokens. Trump cards. Simply put, you need some trump cards and more champion of lambholt. Side in for the mirror, and the control match which are heavy on field wipes and removal. Four growing ranks, and four parallel lives are a bit too much. A good player can realize what you're trying to do pretty quickly, and hold up casting removal spells for your key cards. Then those enchants would just sit there. Lastly, whats up with 69 cards? Drop it down to 60. Then lose four lands. Use farseek for a godless shrine. Figure out what cards do the most work for you and use those ones. Like Lambholt, Vitu-Ghazi, Trostani, Selesnya Voice, doomed traveler. You wont need either giest or scion. You wont need that many wake the reflections either. Even if you are winning now, your deck can preform better with picking out which cards lead to a victory more often then not.
Impractical deck remains impractical.
This one is a long time in the making. There are so many different variations of this deck that also prove just as useful, but this one is my favorite. Reusing bloodrush using morgue burst? Its an awesome combo, and it doesn't take four colors to do it. So why add the fourth? Well great question. With all those cards hitting the graveyard, Consuming Aberration can, in most cases, be more beneficial then swinging with a Sire or a Rakdos, even after blood rush.
Love it! Trump cards and removal. Every card brings the hurt!
I was not suggesting you run master of cruelties in a mono-white. I was just pointing out that were ever there is one win condition there is something to get around it.
Enter stage right, Master of Cruelty? Follow up with a one drop burn? If you are gonna gain life, get chalice of life, and burn for five each turn. It's much better than waiting until you grab that cat.
Oblivion ring nevermore?
Hu-MILL-iation? Hu-Mill-an? Hu-Man-I-Miller? Lol! To bad this deck is going out of standard soon, I love to play this deck. It is really fun, and surprisingly good at what it does.
Kicking the grey oger to the curve. I guess.
I really like this deck. It's hard to play against, and it can bring the threat really early on. Unlike most control decks, which utilizes low end counters to buy time for big beaters, this one does the exact opposite. It drops low end creature, which gradually grow as the game progresses. By the time late game comes along, it has your opponents casting into counters, leaving them unable to stabilize, assuming you've been hitting them with all your evasive creatures. Once you start countering their spells, you will grab some mana or creatures which continue to evolve your creatures. The evasion turns into loads of draw, and can keep you with a hand so you will have options. Use hidden strings to keep your mana untapped, or your creatures untapped if you need a strong defense. Side in for stolen Identity for devastating advantage against a mirror match. Keep a sapphire drake handy against a pesky angel deck, and an omniscience+tamiyo combo for a pretty nasty control deck. Basically this deck is all about synergy and siding into more specified versions come game two. I kept it cheap with my card selection, and a bit creature heavy to get opponents on the defensive.
Really? That's THE only problem? ....facepalm
This was a quick build, it doesn't take very much to make a great block deck...I worked with bant since return to ravnica in this standard, just because it was the curve ball deck that could out preform any innistrad aggro with the right hands. Since then, bant has been getting far more popular. Well, of course! It is just to hard to neglect some of these cards! For those looking for a mid-ranged deck biased around field presence bant is the answer! This kills esper, does well against aggro, especially if you have a trostani opening hand, and is pretty malleable in the mirror match because of the progenitor mimic. Overall, good players do good with this deck. Solid build.
Ah! The deck to beat in standard right now! I am not even sure how my deck works against this beast. Especially since everyone is still all caught up in aggro. I leave those guys starry eye'd and all caught up in there blitz they don't even know they're dead yet.Great build man. It is literally because of this deck that voice of resurgence is so exspensive. Easily going to be one of the best two drops in magic, because decks like these, well they always appear in one form or another!
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