Protection is nice, but you have 12 total creatures. So most likely, you will not be doing too much damage at all until very late game. You are running enlightened tutor, so you can go ahead and drop down on your enchantments for more creatures. There are an assortment of good creatures you might consider to make this deck a little better on tempo. My favorite white one drops are cathedral sanctifier, and champion of the parish. Sure they don't have protection, but they will keep this deck a little more aggressive. Lastly, I have never seen a mono white deck like yours that didn't run oblivion ring and wrath of god. A bit of control will go a long way with this deck. Wrath of God + Brave the elements ftw.With only 22 mana, I wouldn't run more than two Wrath of God.
What do you need the mana ramp for??
Spare from evil is a good card, and would help with aggro vampires or wolves, but gatecrash release several very lethal human combos. I say this deck gets most of its umph around turn 5, where you will usually be sitting on 8 mana or a few gavonys. For those first five turns, there isn't much damage that can be done with your humans anyway. Sure there is a possibility of having a double striking 4/4 parish, but that is not likely. My main point is, the humans in here are not the aggressive point. They do help the tempo, and can get a player on the defensive while you pull out some finishers, yet human victories in this deck are hard pulled.
This deck needs some fine tuning.None of your creatures produce soldiers and very few buff soldiers. Keep your pikemaster, go to the gatherer and find more cards like him. I do like your fencing ace, avacyn, arrester, and elite vanguard, otherwise I would get ride of everything else. (except angels, we will get to them later) Grab some cards that produce soldiers when they enter the battlefield, or cards that buff when a soldier enters the battlefield. Like goldnight commander, attendant knight, captain of the watch, captain of eos, or stormfront riders. Get rid of gather the townsfolk, those are humans not soldiers. Replace it with captains call, Timely reinforcements, or martial coup. Next your enchantments produce knights, not soldiers. Get rid of your knightly bonds, and security blockades for more bonds or call to serves. Zealous strike is strait up better than skillful lunge. I would also consider running 24 land not 20. Lastly your angels. Get rid of voice of the provinces. She is bad. All be it she is the ONLY creature card that produces humans, and therefore, the capable of being used in an infinite flicker combo, she does nothing for your deck. For this particular deck, if you are looking to run angels, go for Serra Angel, Angelic Overseer, Restoration Angel, Angel of Jubilation, or emancipation angel. I don't know how I feel about your executioners hood.
First off, I have seen far worse angel human decks than this, for that I say good job. Second off this deck looks like one you might actually own, so I'll be more considerate on what I suggest as far as price and availability. Third off, I like white decks, and although I don't consider my self a pro, I have some reasonable suggestions you may like. I'll start with the bad cards for this deck. Moorland Inquisitor needs to go, there are plenty of better cards. Serra needs to go as well. I love serra angel, but she's used to give angel decks some power, otherwise there are plenty of other 5 cost angels that are much better. Some off of the top of my head are more hearlds of war, Angelic Overseer (a personal favorite), or restoration angel. You also may want to consider angel of jubilation. Second get rid of pacifism for arrest, if you don't want to add more three cost to do it, get rid of pacifism for bonds of faith. Next divine verdict is bad. I believe rebuke is cheaper for the same effect. You should run more safe passages. Lastly, you should try for 24 land. White decks lack mana ramp, so its best to do all you can do to avoid being mana screw.
I love it, I understand it, I would consider more ways to stop the orzhov combo.
You will need exactly 15 cards for your sideboard, or none. I love the theme.
Instant rape by swarm?
This deck would run slow, and you will definitely get creature screwed early on. Look at spells that might protect you, safe passage is nice. Next off, I would go about buffing these things quickly, like break of day and intangible virtue. Next there are some really cool enchantments and instants that allow you to replicate instance and sorcery spells. Duel casting is an enchantment that is pay one red and tap enchanted creature to copy target sorcery or instant. So you could copy Gather for one red. There are also two instances (legal in standard) called Increasing Vengeance, which is two red copy instant you control, with a flash back cost of three that does it twice, and reverberate which is the same cost same effect except no flash back.
I find it really amusing to use the draw simple hand tool to see how many times I start with battle of wits.
Played against this deck today, it murdered. He swung at me for 32 on turn 5. Not to mention, all Spore flowers.
Are you trolling me right now? 13 Guild gates?
Man I lost my place, press shift enter every once in awhile. After I post like that I wouldn't care if it was in the middle of your sentence. It is really hard to read. You have several thoughts going on at once, and above all else, its hard to know what you said.
Archangel needs to go, So does voice of the provinces.Also sixty forty is a good ratio of creatures to land. So forty land. There are plenty of cards that make soldier tokens, (not as many that make human tokens). Humans are all about other humans. The more you have, the better they work. Break of day is strait up better than glorious charge, run them both, this is edh. White has a huge selection of tap target gets ____ until end of turn most of which are human (or angel). Humans to take a look at would be the lower cost clerics. The will really help your soldiers do work. Since you can also run human spirits really well too, look at doomed traveler.
Definitely got the name right.
Ehem* Almost standard, not until the official release. =D.This deck is pretty strait forward, I think I am going to see a lot of decks that look exactly like this in the future. I think I already have.That being said, why Thalia?
Just being a little different.
Every time you play this deck its going to be different. I'd work on tightening up this deck a bit. Find what aspects you really enjoy about what you built, and focus in on it. As I was looking through, I saw Serra angel, it really threw me off. Besides that being a good card, it is doing nothing for you. Angel Overseer is the same cost, and pretty cheap as far as money goes, but its a 5/3 flying, hexproof indestructible as long as you control a human. Might be a card to go find. (Also Legal in standard)Its' always good practice to make your decks as close to 60 as you possibly can. This gives you the greatest chance in drawing the card you need. Since you run so many cards, that might be hard to tell. Next off, commanders authority is nice, but I have always found it makes my creatures to big of a target to other players. (combo with Angel Overseer maybe?) So I usually hold off on it. Basically what that card will do for you is get you two humans tokens for five mana. Growing ranks is much better. Less cost, and will allow you to start copying your stuff.There are some pretty good human cards that buff when humans come into play, goldnight commander, Champion of Perish, are two just off of the top of my head. Take a look. Champion of Perish might even be an obvious replacement Midnight Duelist.Lastly, I do like this deck. It has given me several ideas my self.
Land burn is really helpful in the long term. It definitely hurts, even if you only manage to destroy one. I especially like how you threw in contaminated ground. Most land burn decks lack bite, I wonder how this one would do in dealing damage to your opponent. Your transformers become especially handy.
You don't have any land? How do you expect to play your cards?
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