Perfect replacements for my choice of Angels. I considered all those angels, except, Angel of Glory's Rise, Angel of Serenity, and Angelic Skirmisher are only in there because they are among my favorite cards. This deck isn't really meant to be played, rather, it presents an idea. A sorta guide line to big creatures in standard. I would love to see a competitive or Tournament Quality deck draft biased around some of these principles. That all being said, the deck I actually intend to build because I am excited about it is:
Now that is how its done! Good quality man.
I don't get it .... what do you do? ;D
He is using the standard format dude...
I'd take a look at chronic flooding, it enchants target land with tap, mill three. It really mess with your opponent psychologically, they get worried about milling. Otherwise, you are doing it right.
If you like this deck, or want to make suggestions, please post!
Oh don't get me wrong, I know farseek is good, but with a bunch of two and three drop control, how much is that extra mana needed? I still like the deck regardless if you change it or not. ;D
I was told about the invisible stalker, and definitely considered him. I ultimately threw out the idea. What makes Latch seeker a bad card is also what makes him valuable. No one is going to let a unblockable 3/1 sit on the field if they can help it. I want Latch seeker to die. Since Pilar of (f)lame isn't seeing to much action anymore, I expect to see it searing speared. The quicker I can get latch seeker into the graveyard, the quicker I can use him for Ruinator Fodder. I will probably end up removing tormented soul in favor of invisible stalker, since I do need good targets for cipher spells later on.
I have experimented with take control of decks, but does it much better. I am going back to the drawing board on my Patriot Traitor Deck because of this. Great build, thanks for the revelation.
Love your effort, keep on posting... or should I say questing? Swimming? Fishing? Milling?
Thanks for the input, I didn't think of the Oblivion Ring combo. I am going to use detention sphere instead, since I run blue anyway, and it can exile multiple copies.
The life link helps ajani's final, assuming you can keep him there for five turns.
Yeap. You are doing it right.
Probably the cheapest deck I would ever bring to a tournament, it is definitely a curve ball.I am open to suggestions.
Your unburial rights will never be used. You run six total creatures. All of them seven+ cmc. Its wasting 4 spots in your deck. At the very least, you should run just one of it. The field wipes that would get rid of your creatures, say destroy, avacyn gets past it. If they use planar cleansing, you have counters for it. If you main deck sphinx's reve, and run about 3, you'll never be on the draw, and can take care of the threats. Next off, the aggro is going to hurt. A lot. I usually recommend blind obedience (a good substitute for unburial rights) to stop some of the turn two and three damage combos.
I am surprised, blind obedience is a really good card to only run one of (max of two). I would run four, it stops the burning tree emissary and lightning mauler combo cold. Not to mention, you will be gaining a good amount of life with its extort before you will be in a position to win. It will speed the process up.Next you have four farseeks into nothing special. A second entreat the angels, will definitely put to use the one or two more mana you'll get in your average game.
If you want a great deck baised around zombie mill, check mine out, You can build it for under a hundred dollars, just look for some good deals. Not to mention, I would have no problem bring that deck to a tournament if that is something you'd be into. When you are running a mill deck, you don't need a fist full of mill cards when you are using undead alchemist. You don't even need a fist full of zombies. Sure, you can swarm them with zombies but it leaves you open to some of the control you'll be seeing.
I am surprised not to see seraph sanctuary in there at all. Or any lower cost angels like Serra Avenger. Love it anyway dude.
Safe passage, or rootborn defense will get around your wrath.
Oblivion ring is an enchantment you control so it works with your armor, you wont need more than one copy of enchants that give you protection on the battlefield anyway, so those would be your search material.
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