One excellent reason that isn't in the main deck because of price is ulamog. I get where you're coming from because you could run any dragon regardless of color since it's reanimator but sneaking an Eldrazi fatty out like that sounds a bit more difficult to deal with, especially if the spell is able to resolve
I'm trying to get my wife into playing. Even built her a very fancy elf deck that owns face. I think she would enjoy it but she only sees it when I spend money on it. She doesn't see all the crazy fun we have, like the time my friend had 3.7 trillion dragon tokens on the field and hit me for 4.7 septillion in effect damage, not counting the battle damage. It's games like that I enjoy the most
As a lover of rakdos decks of all kinds, I have to say this is one of the best uses of MoC I've seen. I love it! +1 from me
Negative. It's an entirely separate game, therefore your deck is not in any way involved with the subgame. If you had a sideboard however, then you could access it during either the original game or a subgame because it isn't directly related to the effect of shahrazad.
Now it needs to face off against a fungus deck and a snake deck in a three way match. Then the cycle will be complete!
I would replace soulmender with serra's ascendant if you're going to make life gain a thing here. I would also highly recommend at least one more archangel of tithes. Doing that allows you to alternate attacking and still get the propaganda effect out of the untapped one. You might also look into Retreat to Kuzandu for the landfall life gain trigger since you have so many fetch lands in here
You do realize that the ring of ma'ruf requires you having a sideboard right? Exile is technically a part of the game since cards like the new Eldrazi call pull cards from exile and return them to a graveyard
Nice. That's a pretty effective deck build and it can easily be adjusted by players for their meta or personal tastes without dorking it all up. +1
All good. Just shows that we both had a similar thought process on this without being all plagiarized
Looks like puca and I both had similar thoughts on the matter, as well as points.
You do realize the amount of decks that are often made in a single day? Not all of them are going to be looked at. I don't look at every deck I see on the new page. I usually check out the ones that have a like or comment on them already, though nowadays it's often from the poster. After that I look at decks with interesting sounding names or have a strange color grouping for the particular named theme, for example a GW mill deck. That will catch my attention just because it's different. Other things I look at before even giving the deck a glance are if there are tags. I'm more likely to look at a deck that has tags than one without. Then once I do look at a deck I check the How to Play and Deck Description to see what they wrote. If they don't have anything and say there's an "infinite combo" tag, I might question what it is if it's not immediately apparent from looking at the cards. If the deck looks good to me, I'll drop a comment and maybe a like if I think it deserves one. And that's just me personally. Not everyone is like that. Done people won't look at decks for any number of reasons, or they might look but don't comment or like. Maybe look at your views too. That will show you if you're actually being looked at or not. Also, the only person I hear complaining about anything are people that haven't been on the site that long or barely even contribute as far ad commenting and such. I've only been on vault for a little under two years and I've racked up not only rep (which doesn't amount to much anyways) but comments. Puschkin has been here for roughly the same time I believe. And you know what? If you drop a comment on one of our decks asking for help or advice, we'll give the deck a look. We aren't the only ones either. Just drop a line, but don't spam like fifty decks. That's just rude and often gets you ignored, and please don't do it for every deck you make.
Yay New Years deck! Couldn't have picked a better creature for it either! Spent mine eating dinner with a friend and playing some games. Been killing Iron Banner in Destiny, but I rang in the new year with a glass of sparkling red grape juice since I don't drink. Just wish the wife was home to celebrate. She comes back home in about 2 weeks
Ok actually having looked back at natural balance I know why I didn't pick it. My deck ramps quickly do this would only be helping my opponent if I used it. And what are your thoughts on maybe adding a few Explore? And what about trying out Necropotence?
I only have elixir in there in case shit hits the fan and I have to get my deck back. Probably will replace dredge since it was only a last minute find. Pretty sue I missed natural balance. My win con may be silly but it's effective. Believe it or not but I actually had both of your suggested creatures on this list before I decided to go with the man land approach. I also considered bloodghast since this deck is the right type of niche for him guys here's my newest project. Its a bit of a weird one but i think it could be fun to play in some situations. Let me know what you think!
Out of all of these suggestions, there only ones I would be potentially using are damnation, BB, noxious revival, and maybe rotting rats. The rest wouldn't be as useful as you think. I don't need much in the way of graveyard hate because I can potentially snipe if I have shaman out, which I almost always do in my first two turns. I might do a one or two of with bloodghast, but only if I decide to mainboard smallpox
The constant hate is necessary once you put stuff back with a processor though. Keeps them from abusing what you give back
life from the loam would be a good card to consider here. never thought about that one.
Looks interesting enough. Have you tested it yet?
I'm going to hold you to that. I want to see what you pull out of the hat
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