i would give the average elephant a 4/4. considering the human in this game is worth 1, and a fierce human is 2, the elephant is clearly strong enough to kill many of them. and any higher and it would be in the realm of the "colossal" creatures
he would be ok, but the main point of this deck is to create direct swift damage. spark elementals true worth is that it is a 1 mana creature so i can play it first turn when the opponent has little chance to stop or block it. hellspark is turn 2 so it can be stopped, i would much rather play incinerate turn 2
in my opinion the easiest way to win with door to nothingness is with prismatic omen, extraplanar lens, 5 lands on the field and 1 on the lens
ya thats a good move
the doubling season really isnt needed here. by the time u play it u should already have 3 or 4 counters on Luminarch Ascension, so that wont do u any good, and when Luminarch Ascension is active u should be able to produce 2 or 3 angels right off the bat, so u dont really need 4 or 6. 3 4/4s with flying is a game winning situation, 6 just isnt needed. u would do better with another rebuff the wicked to make sure that pasky enchantment removals cant set u back
whats up my man, u r missing a very key aspect here. u need 4 pact of negations to make sure that the combo doesnt go off. it is by far the best anti combo card ive seen in a while. i liek the meddling mage and lobotomy in here. very effective. i would consider damnation for massive creature removal in case the opponent is wielding a creature combo. if u dont want damnation then doom blade would suffice. cranial extraction is sort of out of place here. this deck relies on removing the cards before they r played or preventing them from being played. therefore the point of this deck is to not let the graveyard be full of cards that need to be used, so all u will be removing is the non essential cards. other then that i rather like this deck. there is deff room for a good sideboard to make sure u can adjust to specific combos, nice job here. no need for any +1, i just enjoy the feedbacking. i might make a deck like this myself in the future
keep wall of hope, u need turn 3 to play a counterspell or the like to keep the opponent at bay long enough to pull off the combo for the win. wall of hope can buy u at least 3 turns of safety due to life gain and early blocking. trust me, the first turn wall of hope is an excellent play. the control elements u have picked seem strange to me. there r better versions of everything that u have selected. what format r u going for here
Amoeboid Changeling would do the trick
i would love to c a battle of wits deck. ive got one myself
aluren is amazing
hey my man i posted my aluren deck, check it out, its called celestial cyclone
i have a storm version of this deck that iw ill be loading on here very soon, nice job on the deck, i love the theme uve got here
do it to it
i got that one covered with spectral guardian and pact of negation, otherwise it deff wouldnt be worth it
there we go, problem solved
ah hell, i mixed up part of my deck with another one im working on, ill fix it later, for now pretend its not in there
i am really really surprised that i havnt seen the card before now, its so freekin good
what a card
i love eon hub, ive got 2 decks centered around them coming out soon. and hip he isnt worried about killing himself cause all damage is prevented when the combo goes off
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