there is little chance of this actually working from what i can c, there r too few of each color card and not all the initiates do things that will help u
haha, nice, but charizard is just way better
im pretty confused as to how this deck is supposed to work, i can c the cascade theme and that u intend to use the initiate to gain effects but there is really no win condition here. can u explain
demonic consultation is risky of course, but with 4 copies of the cards i want then i dont have to worry about decking out if i use it, and in the end its better then vampiric tutor cause it doesnt slow my hand development like vampiric does by putting the card on to of the deck. for any combo deck i prefer to have a minimum of 10 searches, that way by turn 3 i can be basically guaranteed to have all the ingredients that i need, if nothing else i can grab some mana accel to make it go faster
boseiju can make sure that the opponent cant counter the shot, other then that its an easy win
cycle and sting
im pretty sure circle of affliction was made for manabarbs
i like it, manabarbs has always intreged me, i think im gunna have to make my own version of a manabarbs deck
fling is a sweet card, so many uses
the myojins compliment each other quite well, if u can play lifes web and then put the other 2 in play u r in buisiness
haha, you caught me vierge, i just cant make any of my own ideas so i scour the world and waste hours upon hours for the soul purpose of gaining the approval of strangers. if only i could have original ideas, damn me
damn right son, this is an excellent deck, nice job, dont give up just yet, more ideas will come
burned again aye, oh well, u know its good
whats up my man, i like the deck u got goin on here. mesa enchantress isnt really necessary in my opinion, i know ur going for some draw power here but u only have 12 enchantments in the deck, so it wont be that helpful, and on its own it is a rather worthless creature. Guardian of the Guildpact might be a good one to consider adding in here. other then that its a solid build, nice job
oh hell thats lame
whats up my man, this deck seems to be a little scattered, i c elements of control, mill, burn, stall, and a lil bit of everything inbetween, what exactly r u going for here
or use Phyrexian Infiltrator to gain control of their creature, enchant it with pariahs shield, then donate it back tot hem
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