i dont think u need 4 panoptic mirrors, with only 3 cards that can be imprinted on it 2 would be good, that would let u put in enlightened tutor, i have a very similar deck, check it out, its called hand of god
gandalf u r my hero
deus el conflict is right, also if u use those 2 sac lands then there will be less lands in the deck to use for warp world
isochron scepter would help a lot
pretty strait forward
if u actually own all those cards then that is fine
Æther Charge is a great card to add to a beast deck
Rite of Replication is what unknownhunter763 is talking about, and i would also put in another wat to get lands then just rampant growth
is that a shot?
i like this a lor but im not that big a fan of cold-eyed selkie
tasty vampires, i like it
285 is a bit much for one of these decks, 250 is a lot better, or even lower and put in a lot of put b]grave back into library cards, i also have a battle of wits deck, its called cultivating the soul, in it i use the transmute cards to search much faster, i would suggest doing so in here, check mine out
although i could c how u would use him to spare ur creatures from the damnation or wrath of god but that would take 8 mana in 1 turn and thats not very likely
i dont think dust elemental is the best choice here cause u only have middle to high costing creatures and i dont think the elemental is worth putting 3 of them back to ur hand, usually he is used in weenie decks or the like
haha, never mind, i c the oath of druids, but im still concerned about the mana
whats up, with only 8 lands in here i just dont see it being very consistent, also on ur turn 2 i assume u get the sovereigns of lost alara into play but i dont c a way how, u dont have any mana boost and it will take 6 out of the 8 lands u have to make that happen, would u mind explaining how that part works
imagine, being punished for having full life
and my personal style would include silent arbiter for some stall and defense
whats up my man, if ur gunna use test of endurance then u deff need Greater Auramancy for some protection, i would also include idyllic tutor for some faster search
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