twincast doesnt seem like it would be that effective in here
ya i thought about it, it would work too, but it would require a lot of mana, so i put it int he back of my mind, but it would work excellently
haha, nice, im on it
gush is amazing in here
this is very intiresting, i like it a lot, but how r u going to make them tap their lands for mana, maybe throw in magus of the vineyard or something like that to help. check out my mana burn deck, helpless misery
haha, nice, ive been trying to make him useful for a lil bit
if they dont have anything u can attack with ur big guy too
oh i know how it works, but someone else though of it so i dont want to use it
i would deff add some blue and include Squee's Revenge and stitch in time, squee would give u a second chance at a strait run at those counters (the first being fiery gambit) and stitch is pretty self explanitory
im not seeing much of a use for overrun here, the creatures r good enough, and there is a great deal of trample, also explorers scope isnt gunna be much use here
true, there isnt much like infinite flying with haste, but defense of the heart is absolutely on crack, it deserves to be used
defense of the heart and forbidden orchard makes a deadly combo in this deck, forgot to mention it
i rather like this deck, and on a different note, ive been away for a few days, y did all the top rated decks drop by like 10 points
holy shit, what happened
this is a different way to use it
story circle would fit nicely
its dark knight, nice call, i agree about removing the blue, u can deff pull this off without it and it will make ur lands easier to manage
i have a deck that is very similar to this, u should check it out, charon"s wrath
mind spring doesnt really work that well, if u pay 6 mana u only get 4 cards and so on, any of the draw cards that have a set ammount like Concentrate, Counsel of the Soratami, Tidings..will get you a better value for the mana u spend. and u cant use it to deck out the opponent
whats up my man, if u need a longer lasting deck then u deff need to throw in some walls for blocking while ur shadow creatures rule the attacks
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