i like it, very mice use of mortivore. i have a similar deck, u should check it out, its called kings of the carion
i like this a lot, painters servant would ensure that they never get to play anything ever again, u should check out my deck that does this, its called empty mirror, thumbs up
haha, be sure to check this deck once a week, dudebrodank69 says he is going to write weekly installments
problem solved
big, rusty, trample
and if u want to make it extended u could add in door of destinies for some awesome action
i like it a lot. i would take the plainswalker out though, i know his abil could really come in handy but he will he really hard to keep out on the field and he is expensive anyway, u r better off with another card
quick blast of death
i have about 15 infinity deck that use intruder alarm, i know they work extremely well but i wanted to just use intruder alarm in here for a lil extra damage, not he whole thing
this can be deadly as hell
i call the old man
not an ordinary naya beatdown, its got a nice twist
thanks my man, ive been working this out for a long time
there r tons of other winning hands and through play testing this deck wins turn 1 about 50% of the time
excellent job with the elves, that is certainly a good way to accomplish this. mana reflection is absolutely insane in here, with it out u could prolly oull the helix off in just a few more turns, nice job. i dont know if u have made a dragonstorm deck yet, would u give that a try
oh i plan on it, check my newer version of this deck when it comes out, it will be called end of days
i will make a turn 1 consistent deck out of this combo very soon
the chances of having 2 force of wills in hand r extremely low
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