haha, thanks, i am quite proud ofmyself for this one
i absolutely love this one, prolly in my top 5 favorite decks ive ever created
haha, glad u like it, it is prolly one of the most frustrating things ive ever seen
i know its mainly a creature deck, but trust me, its hard to fine better elements of control
hey there tyler, a phage attack deck is really really hard to pull off, u have to leave him o the field for a whole turn for the opponent to mess him up and even if he survives the turn u still have to land an attack with him. for this to work u need some serious mana ramping and counter protection, dark ritual, pact of negation, things of this nature will help out a lot, also enchantments that give ur creature shroud
whats up my man, animated wall is not the best card for this deck, i would suggest only relying on ur rolling stones and instead of the animated walls throw in some search and protection like enlightened tutor (which will help u search for rolling stones and door of destinies), Greater Auramancy, or Sterling Grove. that way u can be pretty sure that u have a rolling stones and that it will stay on the field. i love a good wall theme, check out my wall deck, morgul ragnarok
it seems like such a strange card to me, what an odd combination of purposes
done done
true, true, that bad boy is going in
my only concern is that it would get killed off too fast for the parasite to take advantage of it
i was talkin about the wall of stone, i am considering the shocker, it would be a good adition
ya, but it costs 3 to get out, and i would rather be able to play underworld dreams of intuition on turn 3 than a wall, thats y i picked the 2 costing walls, on turn 2 all i really have to play is demonic tutor
the red walls r necessary for the parasite to work
i like this deck a lot, i also have a light from within deck, u should check it out, its called holy night
whatever u say dude, this wins turn 5 every time ive played it
whats up my man, i like the idea u have going here a lot. everlasting torment wont help u in here cause Laquatus's Champion wont do damage unfortunately, also i think some mana ramping is really needed here, right now it is a bit to slow, throw some dark rituals in here and some other mana accel for assistance
this is wuite an intiresting deck to play, and i know u can imprint a "take another turn" card on panoptic mirror, i have already made one of those, but this is a different way to use the mirror
whats up, in my experience banefire just isnt a good card for this deck, lets say u can produce 6 mana, that means that u will only do 5 damage for 6 mana which will be pretty optimal for this deck, there r tons of ways to do more damage for less mana, and in a deck like this its a better option not to include banefire
im bill, and i would pretty much keep this bad boy the same now that u added sanguine bond in here, nice job
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