
1 Deck, 644 Comments, 305 Reputation

Damn, haven't seen a pool this bad since my theros sealed pool. I would guess you played some kind of jund weenie aggro. I guess this since your only removal/ playable control is in those colors, as well as your bombs. I am on a phone at the moment so I can't really build.

Posted 19 July 2015 at 12:49 as a comment on Brainstorming: Another Thing!


Charbelcher runs 1 stomping ground. you reveal cards until you reveal a land, with no land the ability never resolves and the game is a draw.

Posted 29 June 2015 at 17:39 as a comment on Experiment


I would suggest 2 tasigur over 2 gurmag angler.
Go for the throat over murderous cut, is more reliable at being a cheap removal spell against amulet bloom and splinter twin.
I'm not sure how to feel about goyf in a deck with so much delve, since delve will likely make goyf smaller. I would rather main snapcaster or dark confidant over goyf for this deck.
Illness in the ranks shits on twin. If the match up is poor you should definitely sideboard it.

That is just my 2 cents, if the deck is working well then ignore the previous statements.

Posted 29 May 2015 at 11:56 as a comment on Grixis Delver? Bitch Please!


I am a bigger fan of doomgape over supreme exemplar, since you can then justify splashing black for rite of consumption.

Posted 26 May 2015 at 22:48 as a comment on Elemental Storm


Good news for you sir, the flying spaghetti monster is being reprinted.

Posted 23 April 2015 at 14:16 in reply to #546949 on Manifest Emrakul


How many decks played ojutai that weren't esper control? if this deck is good in the meta you're in then cool. just saying that ojutai shines in control and is decent everywhere else.
If they turn 3 crackling doom to kill your caryatid then that is a doom not aimed at thunderbreak. Crackling doom was good because it killed siege rhino. Now we have roast. Yes you take 3 to kill an opposing thunderbreak, but unless you're under 8 life, 3 damage is nothing.
There is a reason the only top 8 deck to see ojutai was control.

Posted 23 April 2015 at 12:25 in reply to #546874 on Brainstorming: Here be Dragons


Ball Lightning was in fact printed as a common at it's first printing, much like rancor making it perfectly legal in the pauper format. I'd throw it in over Battlegate Mimic since you only run 8 spells that are both colors.
Porcelain Legionnaire is also really good, I'd say he's better than yearling since it is a 3 power creature with first strike, which makes blocking risky.
You should also drop 2 Pacifism for 2 more madcap skills and the other 2 for 2 more lightning bolts.

Posted 23 April 2015 at 02:19 as a comment on R/W: Are you fast enough?


I think you should drop white for green. 4 Caryatids and 4 Coursers right over Mantis Rider and Orator of Ojutai.
Why? Because Courser has a fat butt that really slows down aggro and gives you card advantage by helping you not top deck lands. Caryatid also helps stop this and helps ramp and color fix for your beefy dudes. A turn 3 Thunderbreak feels oh so good.
You could then drop Ojutai for another stormbreath and thunderbreak. Or keep them in and rely on Caryatid and Confluence to color fix for you.
The reason I recommend these things is because Ojutai is an all star in control but seems fairly mediocre in this deck.

But I'm a but biased and love playing green, so +1 from me.

Posted 22 April 2015 at 22:16 as a comment on Brainstorming: Here be Dragons


Krosan grip is usually the go to. Split second makes it basically uncounterable. Dromokas command is good, but it does't hit vial. Abrupt decay is usually the way I go, but you aren't running black.
Qasali pridemage is really good. instant speed removal on a stick.

Posted 22 April 2015 at 15:41 in reply to #546616 on Modern WG Humans


Thalia is a great toolbox card against all those decks. it is a 2/1 first strike that blocks aggro like a champ, makes counterspells more expensive and makes storm combo a lot more expensive. she is an instant removal target for all three decks so having 3 or 4 isn't terrible.
Against jund it makes their abrupt decay and thoughtseize less valuable.

Posted 22 April 2015 at 12:33 in reply to #546616 on Modern WG Humans


Would highly recommend cavern of souls.
I would drop 4 mayor for 4 imposing sovereign ( does work against splinter twin)
I would also drop 2 student and 2 javelineers for 2 aegis of the gods and 2 aether vial.
Then 2 avacyn pilgrim for 2 more aether vial.
Also should drop 2 gather the townsfolk for 1 more elspeth and 1 more thalia.
I would mainboard precinct and crusader over accorder.

All of this is to basically keep your deck fairly aggro while have mainboard tools against twin and amulet bloom. I'm not sure how you do against blue white delver or tron, but this should be the best way to have game against the meta. I also don't know what your meta is like so this is just my 2 cents.

Posted 21 April 2015 at 13:55 as a comment on Modern WG Humans


Flamekin harbinger is good. harbinger into chaser, attack, sac chaser to fling or it gets blocked andyou trample for a lot, harbinger drops back into play, find another chaser. repeat.

Posted 29 March 2015 at 15:21 as a comment on Elemental


What are your thoughts on this janky deck?

Posted 23 March 2015 at 01:10 as a comment on Brainstorming: Budget issues


More standard jank.

Just a bunch of Jeskai tokens using the new set.

Posted 22 March 2015 at 23:59 as a comment on Type of Players Type of Decks


But elitism is how you enjoy magic. Isn't it?

Posted 20 March 2015 at 11:49 in reply to #540391 on Brainstorming: Budget issues


Dragons of Tarkir has nothing you will play? Are you sure? Do you even run forest or islands breh?

Posted 19 March 2015 at 21:42 in reply to #540391 on Brainstorming: Budget issues


Needs more rabblemaster.

Posted 18 March 2015 at 20:01 as a comment on Mono Red Goodness


Yeah, but no one fears you over a collectable card game.

Posted 14 March 2015 at 20:20 in reply to #541555 on Type of Players Type of Decks


Also, I apologize to everyone else for turning this well intentioned article into a couple of retards throwing fecal matter at each other in the form of arguing over the internet. Yes I did just call myself a retard

Posted 14 March 2015 at 20:19 as a comment on Type of Players Type of Decks


I guess I value enjoying the game for what it is, rather than just sit there bashing everyone's ideas.

Posted 14 March 2015 at 20:15 in reply to #541555 on Type of Players Type of Decks


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