Enchanted Evening is still a blue white card. You need a commander with both colours if you wish to play Enchanted Evening.
May I recommend dropping the 4 Burning Tree Emissary for 2 Voyaging Satyr and 2 Overgrowth? Also moving 1 Obstinate Baloth to the Sideboard and Mainboarding 1 Xenagos, God of Revels.Burning tree is okay, but doesn't accelerate anything you're trying to accomplish with this deck. Overgrowth allows you to further abuse arbor elf and garruk. Voyaging Satyr is just another enabler and can untap Nykthos.If you want to get cheeky you could drop 2 Chord of Calling for 2 Tooth and Nail. Turns out entwining a Tooth and Nail to get a Xenagos and Emrakul usually just wins on the spot.
The amount of times you'll want the ability to get an untapped land during your main phase will be way higher than you think. Got 2 evolving wilds and a Nykthos? Guess we're not casting that arbor elf on turn 1 to follow it up with a second untapped forest to cast utopia sprawl to have 4 mana on turn 2.Casting a 4 mana spell on turn 2 feels real good.
Also the Primalcrux and Khalni Hydra.
The stomping ground is in there for the sideboard cards. Even with just basics, deck thinning is never a bad thing.
Can confirm, Pauper is a real format.
Blazing Shoal, Discard Progenitus, kill them with Blighted Agent. It's why Blazing Shoal is banned in Modern.
... Force of Will? You know, for when you're not on the play and your opponent combos on turn 1 or 2. Daze is also not terrible.I'm not sure why you threw the Legacy label on here. I mean, sure, it's legal in Legacy, but it's certainly not viable for competitive play.
No dragonlord dromoka in your Naya screw control deck?
I think the main thing he/she is going for is going for is making master unblockable with Tetsuko.
Azor's Elecutors, coalition victory, and Darksteel Reactor are a few easy to include cards that fit the "Meet condition X win the game" criteria.
Lightning bolt is infinitely better than brimstone volley. The difference between 1 and 3 mana for a 1 for 1 removal spell in modern may as well be infinite. And if your worried about siege rhino then roast is better. Or flame slash for those wall of omens. But brimstone volley is too costly to play.Also, I never said this would dominate an fnm. If it is, your local meta is not very competitive.Basically you're trying to do what coco humans is doing but worse. Like I said, this may seem harsh. But I do like seeing homebrew decks, however I like seeing those homebrews optimized for what they're trying to accomplish, and there is just nothing I can offer on how to optimize this deck. Maybe if it was faeries or elementals I could offer some actually constructive criticism, but not o, werewolves.
If you can't think of something cool to do in brawl with those cards then that's your lack of imagination. And everything you just said can also be said for commander. There are hundreds, nay, thousands of garbage cards that people play just because they think its fun. And if your meta is so competitive that you can't take a somewhat optimized casual deck to play there then that sucks for you. Fnm is all about testing brews.
You could swap out those Primal Commands for Lead the Stampede, Which would feel really good after a Congregation at Dawn.You could also swap out your evolution charms for Quicksilver Amulets.
Honestly I think this could actually be successful. You get some use out of those random $0.10 rares, the expensive stuff you only need one copy, and it rotates to keep things fresh. I’m probably in for this.All those garbage rares you open from prize packs might actually have a use now.
My Advice is as follows;-2 Krenko-3 Clickslither-4 Horde of Boggarts-2 Goblin War Drums-2 Berserker's Onslaught-4 Goblin Chirurgeon+4 Goblin Ringleader+4 Goblin Lackey+4 Goblin Piledriver+2 Goblin Warchief+3 Skirk ProspecterIf this wasn't tagged Budget I'd recommend at least 1x Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and 4x Food Chain, since you have Goblin Recruiters in the deck.
I understand that part, I was just saying that in general, enchantment hate isn't great. If your meta is full of bogies then I get it, but generally speaking nature's claim and/or destructive revelry are enough. I also own and play ponza a lot, but my meta is not full of enchantments, nor is the overall meta. Mostly it's just search for azcanta and blood moon.This is the enchantment list I've been running for a while, it does relatively well.https://www.mtgvault.com/couch312/decks/as-i-foretold/
Back to nature and hard enchantment hate is bad in modern. You play these decks because of that fact. Also, turn 0 leyline shuts off primeval light.
Runes halo is love. Runes halo is life. Helps shore up aggro matchups. As for tron enchantment anything just accepts that it can't beat tron. The best we can do is sideboard spreading seas and bribery, but the matchup is still nigh unwinnable.
Distortion Strike?
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