
1 Deck, 644 Comments, 305 Reputation

Divining top is now banned in legacy, FYI.

Posted 23 August 2018 at 04:39 as a comment on Miracles - Legacy (preban)


Doesn't play wall of swords for flavor purposes, am disappoint.
On a more serious note, you should make room for sun titan since most of your stuff is 3 cmc or less. Also Emeria, the sky ruin is almost always good in creature heavy decks.

Posted 22 August 2018 at 20:59 as a comment on No Need For Swords


No problem. I always like helping people make their friends salty :D.
What is your opinion on this?

Posted 22 August 2018 at 17:41 in reply to #617317 on Brago Superfriends


Civic saber is good, steel of the godhead and shield of the overall is also worth a mention.

Posted 22 August 2018 at 17:35 as a comment on 5C GuildBlade


How about hour of promise to find vesuva and dark depths as your "happy little accident"?

Posted 22 August 2018 at 17:23 as a comment on Bob Ross (Drawing Lands)


If you want your friends to never hang out with you again you could put stasis in the deck and use mana rocks to pay for it. Untapping them with brago and whatnot.
Pentarch ward is a good way to protect brago and draw cards.

Posted 22 August 2018 at 16:19 in reply to #617317 on Brago Superfriends


Scornful egotist should be on the list. The card is real bad, but was incredibly relevant back in the days when clashing was a mechanic.

Posted 22 August 2018 at 00:41 as a comment on forgotten / underrated cards


The only "Combo" in the deck is attaching triclopeon sight to Zur, then finding stasis and beating the table down with commander damage. It's a reliable strategy albeit a boring one.
Edit* I guess the rip helm combo was included for some reason.

Posted 22 August 2018 at 00:36 in reply to #617323 on Tier 1 Zur EDH


You might want to consider a few basics. Cards like blood moon, back to basics and effects like bane of progress and/or vandalblast exist. Even 5 color decks run 4-10 basics for decks that run blood moon/back to basics effects. Myr retriever and scrap trawler help with vandalblast like effects.
Lions eye diamond seems mediocre in this deck as well. Sure, drawing seven cards after discarding with kozilek is cute, but there's nothing this deck does that wants you to be hellbent, and discarding the other 2-3 cards isn't always worth it since they might be combo pieces that could just win you the game.
It also might be worth it to find a spot for crucible of worlds. Since you're countering spells with kozilek you could just strip mine your opponent(s) out of the game.

All in all the deck looks good and like it combos out as efficiently as possible. You could just say screw it and accept that you get infinitely punished by back to basics and bane of progress effects as per the deck name, all in combo. I also have no idea what to take out for the cards I suggested.

Posted 21 August 2018 at 16:58 as a comment on All In Kozilek Combo


Tanglewire is another great card to blink to keep those counters up. Also parralax wave.
Strionic resonator plus mana rocks gives infinite brago triggers. You can use enchantments like Lightform to poop your deck onto the field this way.

Posted 21 August 2018 at 16:38 as a comment on Brago Superfriends


Cursecatcher and vial are the only 1 drops we can justify with mainboard chalice.

Posted 20 August 2018 at 21:18 in reply to #617277 on Fishy bois


So 8 2 drop lords, 4 silvergill, 4 vial, and 4 spreading seas is the core of the deck. And most good merfolk with good etb effects cost 2. For 1 drops we have cursecatcher, which is also part of the core.

Posted 20 August 2018 at 21:17 in reply to #617277 on Fishy bois


Seconded. Abrupt Decay main is real good.

Posted 11 August 2018 at 05:43 in reply to #617054 on Lantern Control


Bitter ordeal over ravager. Make your infinite graveyard loop and cast bitter ordeal to exile your opponent's library.

Posted 10 August 2018 at 14:06 as a comment on Heartless Myr Retriever Deck


Psychic Corrosion. Seems ok with wheels.

Posted 09 August 2018 at 05:49 as a comment on You draw, you lose


Also, don't underestimate the karakas-thalia-vial interaction. You get to block, karakas it back to your hand and vial it back in.
Also you can vial in Thalia in response to miracle triggers if they don't respect your mana denial suite.

Posted 07 August 2018 at 21:30 in reply to #616913 on Legacy Death & Taxes


All the fair match ups are fun and reward pilot competency. Combo is your worst match up as it just boils down to whether or not you can get Thalia into play before they combo.

Posted 06 August 2018 at 22:04 as a comment on Legacy Death & Taxes


And? You can activate it at instant speed in response to removal spells. Card is played as a 4 of in 3 different legacy decks.

Posted 02 August 2018 at 12:08 in reply to #616798 on You Shall Not Pass!


Mother of Runes helps protect your dudes.

Posted 02 August 2018 at 04:05 as a comment on You Shall Not Pass!


Imperiosaur and/or Colossal Dreadmaw are excellent finishers in pauper over Greater Sandwurm.

Posted 02 August 2018 at 04:02 as a comment on Baby Ponza


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