
1 Deck, 644 Comments, 305 Reputation

I mean, if we're unconcerned with legality, 4x Sol Ring.

Posted 04 April 2019 at 14:20 in reply to #623599 on Artifact life gain


Instant speed hand hate. Basically hand hate at your opponents draw step.

Posted 29 March 2019 at 21:27 in reply to #623463 on Blue moon


Archangel Avacyn is a Boros commander since her flip side has the color identity red.

Posted 29 March 2019 at 18:21 as a comment on Boros in EDH... Neat ideas?


Blue Moon is a fun deck to run. Have you considered dropping 1 Batterskull and 1 Thing in the Ice for 2 Vendilion Clique? Jace, Vryn's Prodigy is also really good in Blue Moon. Depending on your local meta Anger of the Gods is sometimes good enough to mainboard.

Unfortunately the format is too fast for decks like these. I'm a huge fan of the resource denial game, but unfortunately resource denial isn't good enough to beat Arclight and Dredge in modern. +1 from me though.

Posted 29 March 2019 at 17:50 as a comment on Blue moon


Cards like Magewright's Stone and Thousand-Year Elixir are useful to abuse an activated ablility.

Posted 26 March 2019 at 23:01 as a comment on 20$ Gwafa, Lesson in Politics


I mean, when you guarantee a turn 7 win I do in fact expect a deck to be able to stop it's opposition from winning and protect itself while furthering it's own agenda to secure the guaranteed win. You know, like a combo deck.
Also, it is not a 1 card instant win. You have to cast Kaho, and then look at your opponents for permission to go to your next turn to win. 1 card instant win refers to 1 card, that when you cast it, wins you the game on the spot the same turn you cast it. See tooth and nail or rite of replication.

Like I said, sorry if I seem like an ass, and I'm sorry you're getting salty over people pointing out the glaring flaw of the deck. I just like to see decks that can still play magic after their game plan is disrupted by 1 spell.

Posted 13 February 2019 at 16:47 in reply to #621981 on $20 Win Every EDH Game Turn 7


Fetch lands do not have a color identity as they do not produce mana, or have an activated ability that costs colored mana. All fetch lands are legal in every deck. So you could play a scalding tarn in Gitrog, there's just no point as it doesn't find the lands you need.

Posted 10 February 2019 at 22:12 in reply to #621978 on Git R' Dun [Gitrog EDH]


Your deck description reads (and I'll just copy and paste so there's no confusion) "NO MATTER WHAT CARDS ARE IN YOUR OPENING HAND YOU WILL ALWAYS WIN THE GAME BY TURN 7! I PROMISE!"

This is wrong, if the opponents you play against, even with random groups at your lgs, aren't on guard when they see Kaho as your commander they deserve to lose to this. However, most opponents will see your commander and just kill your commander, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but just playing lands to cast your commander into more removal spells isn't a great way to win the game.

Your biggest point is that it's a 15 dollar deck for casual players, but no matter how casual you are, you at least like having the ability to play magic. Every player that has ever lived likes to at least have the ability to play the game and interact with the board.
However, when you cast Kaho on turn 4, and when Kaho dies on turn 4, that's it, this deck stops being able to play magic. A spell played from anywhere will normally go to the graveyard, unless there is stipulation otherwise, so your cards from Kaho will go to the grave.
Every time Kaho comes into play, it's a new Kaho. The first and second abilities are linked, so you can't cast any spell, just the three you exiled with this version of Kaho. It's similar to how Duplicant will not fatal error the math in the game because it will only ever have one creature linked to his power/toughness modifier.

Please don't misunderstand me, I can appreciate a joke/casual deck and I'm a fan of them usually, but you gotta be able to win through at least a little bit of hate. This deck can't beat a counter spell, or a removal spell.

You also seem to hate on the "expensive edh decks", but I gotta say, most playgroups are okay with proxies, especially of the expensive cards. Nobody wants to spend big money on a commander deck, anybody that has those cards has either acquired them when they were cheaper or has them for other formats. Usually both.

Again, I can appreciate a joke deck as much as anybody else, but there needs to be more ways to win for when Kaho inevetibly dies 30 times. Add some things to protect Kaho and give it haste, Lightning Greaves, swiftfoot boots are the staples. You could also include whispersilk boots. Just, something to protect your combo piece.

Sorry if I sound like an ass, but there a better and budget friendly ways to build decks like this.

Posted 10 February 2019 at 22:09 as a comment on $20 Win Every EDH Game Turn 7


Isn't call the Nauseating. Am disappoint. :P

Posted 10 February 2019 at 21:34 as a comment on Ad Nauseam 3: The Nauseating


Then there's the slightly harder to kill arcanist, isochron sceptor.

Posted 02 January 2019 at 03:06 as a comment on Silence Combo


You know the great thing about decks? You can buy them 1 piece at a time. 99% of decks you see that are over 300 dollars were pieced together over time. The majority of people aren't willing to drop that kind of money all at once on their hobby.
And because commander is usually played among friends you can proxy and play the deck before deciding whether or not you want to actually build it.

Posted 22 December 2018 at 14:48 in reply to #620839 on $20 Win Every EDH Game Turn 7


Since you're playing Seat of the Synod, have you considered including 1 Academy Ruins? Likely over a Darksteel Citadel.
I would also consider playing Myr Battlesphere over Phyrexian Colossus. That or Sundering Titan, since your lands don't have a basic land type.

Posted 12 December 2018 at 05:17 as a comment on Unwinding MUD (Legacy)


Have you considered Darksteel ingot as both ramp and a way to make the lich stick around longer?

Posted 10 December 2018 at 06:49 as a comment on Worldslayer Phylactery


Children plz.
For one, while you are right on principle, one should always credit the creator of a deck, especially if it's just a card for card copy. However, mass land destruction in mono red edh is hardly a new concept, whoever had the youtube video was hardly original with that deck choice.
Secondly, you are in fact white knighting mtgblackman, nobodies decks are original. I guarantee that whatever deck you make, someone somewhere has already made it. Again though, the principle is correct, you're just coming off as kind of a dick.

Posted 02 December 2018 at 23:31 in reply to #618447 on Budget EDH: FUCK CONTROL.


Tuvasa, the Sunlit

Enbantress Prison. Stop your opponent from playing magic with Decree of Silence and Solemnity. Get an Omniscience or Dream Halls in play and cast your deck, well, most of it anyway. Make a bajillion mana with Serra Sanctum and/or Nykthos and activate Sacred Mesa for all of the Pegasus tokens that have ever existed.

Posted 22 November 2018 at 01:49 as a comment on EDH Deck Building Competition


Mental mistep and git probe are not modern legal. Try blossoming defense and become immense in their spot.
Also, you already have fetches, so I could drop 4 forest for 4 breeding pool and ichorclaw for blighted agent.

Posted 19 November 2018 at 23:30 in reply to #470056 on INFECT


Have you considered Experimental Frenzy over Harmonize?

Posted 14 November 2018 at 19:50 as a comment on Titanfall


Retreat to Coralhelm and Simic Growth chamber with one of the creatures that taps to put a land into play = draw your deck on the spot. With lab maniac you win. There's also Mind over Matter and Temple Bell.

Posted 14 November 2018 at 16:45 as a comment on Tatyova EDH


Anvil of bogardan.
Also, as long as they're different permanent types, muldrotha let's you use dream halls to cast spells from your graveyard. Just a suggestion. Usually when I resolve a dream halls I win.

Posted 27 October 2018 at 21:59 in reply to #619082 on Muldrotha the Mindslaver


Let me introduce you to the ultimate Muldrotha card, Dream Halls.

Posted 27 October 2018 at 17:25 as a comment on Muldrotha the Mindslaver


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