
16 Decks, 237 Comments, 88 Reputation

You pretty much stated why they are in there though. They aren't as powerful. Lynx can do 4 or more damage depending on how you hold your fetches in a course of a game. With the equipment it would be double that. Of course you can play white weenie without lynx and fetches but the only other one drops with that kind of power are isamaru and savannah lion. Their damage will always be 2 and not something like 3 or 5 damage. The equipment also falls off without fetches. You could fix that by adding other powerful equipment like swords or batterskull but those are even more expensive aren't they? Also if his deck didn't have fetches or lynxes and changed the equipment I guarantee he wouldn't have gone 15-5. Those cards were in there for a reason.

Posted 02 August 2013 at 02:41 in reply to #385329 on Standard: $20 Izzet 4 Turn Win


Did you just suggest to use oblivion ring against blood baron of vizkopa? The card that says protection from white. As in it can't be targeted by oblivion ring.

Posted 02 August 2013 at 02:36 in reply to #385309 on Thune the Blood Artist


Varolz, the scar striped would be good here for more sac outlets. Try sorin in here as well since he makes tokens for you to sac and his emblem makes all your current tokens do more damage. Side out your slimes and remove your rest in peaces since they both do the same thing and rest in peace actually hard counters your entire deck it kills off morbid which in retrospect kills the entire synergy of your deck it's the card people will play against you more than ever. Add 3 valroth instead and one sorin. Take out all gather the townfolk for 4 lingering souls. Try to put in gavony township it's good in your deck. I would try to add in tragic slip with all your enablers the -13-13 will tend to activate. Your practically playing junk aristocrats only using thrune to make your dudes even bigger. Maybe try young wolf so you can activate the priest more consistent not sure. Sadly voice of resurgence is totally a 4 of here but it is pretty expensive so I don't blame you.

Posted 02 August 2013 at 02:35 as a comment on Thune the Blood Artist


The problem is him not having them. I for example have all the staples from innistrad so it would be stupid for me to not use them. However if i wanted to play a jund deck I would be hard pressed to do it unless I had huntmasters lilianas, garuuks etc. If I didn't have them I would not even bother with rotation looming. If you have them then by all means. He probably doesn't have those cards you mentioned so why waste time if he wants to play standard. Also who is to say he doesn't have a deck with those cards already in and this is just his skeleton for post rotation?

Posted 02 August 2013 at 02:24 in reply to #385329 on Standard: $20 Izzet 4 Turn Win


Yeah the final complete URW cyclops deck that t woo made does use alot more expensive cards and is extremely potent. But geists, sulfur falls, snapcasters, etc are rotating out and there is no reason to add them in with theros looming. So I see the reasoning for not wanting to add cards from innis and just waiting for theros.

Posted 02 August 2013 at 01:43 in reply to #385329 on Standard: $20 Izzet 4 Turn Win


I just want to state that the only reason he runs fetchlands is for landfall triggers and to thin his deck so he can draw more threats. So his deck would be worse without fetches. Even if you used terramorphics you lose out because they come into play tapepd and WW is about trying to kill quickly. If he wants to make his deck post rotation let him. It might not make much sense but he is preparing for the rotation and there's good reason to do that. He doesn't want to invest in cards he will only play until september.

Posted 02 August 2013 at 01:34 in reply to #385329 on Standard: $20 Izzet 4 Turn Win


Liliana of the veil?

Posted 01 August 2013 at 02:18 as a comment on Mono Black Control v2


Artful dodge needs to be in here. It has flashback and is alot cheaper than teleportal.

Posted 31 July 2013 at 20:58 as a comment on Standard: $20 Izzet 4 Turn Win


If you are going to run that many types of instant's to stop your opponent from doing stuff you might as well run isochron sceptre.

Posted 31 July 2013 at 04:06 as a comment on Extorting Control


You can only have 1 windfall in your deck. That card is restricted to one in vintage and banned in any other format.

Posted 31 July 2013 at 03:51 as a comment on Lets All Draw A Bunch of Cards


Posted 26 July 2013 at 03:54 as a comment on GeneralM_ Read the description


The fact people think the 2nd reply is being a jerk proves my point. Why do you think noone wants to help people when even constructive criticism makes you seem elitist. This is going nowhere because obviously we both have different ideas. I say let it be. Your topic sadly isn't going to change anything. I would rather people harshly tell me the truth than for them to lie to me that my deck is great. I want it to be ripped apart so I know what I need to fix it. No deck is ever perfect it's always changing. It's also a personal preference. But there are some obvious facts when a deck is trash and there is no arguing that it isn't. Plain and simple.

Posted 25 July 2013 at 23:42 in reply to #382708 on How to Comment on a Deck


Noone is being disrespectul or rude. Being honest tends to make people look like jerks but it's still honesty. Again human nature. Grow thicker skin etc etc.

Posted 25 July 2013 at 23:28 in reply to #382708 on How to Comment on a Deck


Problem is when you get crushed in a game of magic some people tend to quit. I know because I have made people rage quit on FNM using my own tier one decks and they get so mad they quit the game there and then. It's actually better knowing your deck is bad so you don't feel bad when you lose or you can try to fix it. People who think their deck is amazing then get crushed tend to blame the game itself and quit. In essence your ideas actually make more people quit the game than mine does. People need to grow thicker skin and stop whining over everything. This applies to everything in life including magic. Right now you are whining over something that is going to continue to happen regardless. I could care less about the whiners. Because I know there's a few people who DO take my advice and learn from it. That alone is worth it. Plus it's hilarious watching people whine and make stupid topics like this one when it's human nature itself you are trying to stop.

Posted 25 July 2013 at 23:22 in reply to #382708 on How to Comment on a Deck


The problem is that if you don't tell them that way they will ignore it anyway. 90% of bad players have this idea in their head that their deck is perfect and they don't really want suggestions on their deck. They want people to praise their idea like it's the next best thing. The first step about understanding criticism is that old players will be harsh because new players have this attitude. there are a few who honestly do want help and those same comments you get hurt over they instad analyze and try to fix their own deck. Honestly people need to develop thicker skin and stop being babied around. If your deck sucks it sucks no question about it. Most of the time it sucks people will try to help them. I was told multiple times how sub par my decks were but I took their advice and made better ones. Look at Travis Woo when he makes a deck. He sees something sucks and he adjusts it to make it better. He makes fun fun brews that don't get totally destroyed. Nothing wrong with playing a non tier one 1 deck. But please don't post a deck and then defend it to the end of the world that it's fun because it's crap. Chances are if everyone says it's crap except the same people who always post that it's great, the deck is probably crap. I do see a lot of bad decks on this site and it's fine this is mostly geared to a casual crowd. The problem is that it goes to their head and their feelings get hurt when they try to make it competitive. It's like the saying goes. The truth hurts.

Posted 25 July 2013 at 23:09 in reply to #382708 on How to Comment on a Deck


I have never understood why people actually get mad over comments and so called attitude on posts. For one this is the internet you cannot deduce the tone of anyone by their post. You can't tell if they are being sarcastic, jokingly, serious, angry, or condescending because they aren't using their voice they are just typing. I have seen your topics and almost all of the so called bad comments were actually not even elitist or condescending the way you put it. What I saw instead was people flocking to your aid because you were whining that you did not want to listen. People even tried to give you facts and suggestions on why you were wrong but the same people kept with the whining about this deck is fun and blah blah. You say this game isn't about winning but the thing is this is a game. A game ends when one person wins or the other loses. There is absolutely nothing wrong with making a deck with a theme none at all. In fact that is the most important part of basic deck building. You want a plan that your deck synergizes. Even junk decks that are juist full of powerful cards tend to have some synergy and a plan. The problem is and it was stated on a starcitygames is when people get attached to a theme so badly they fail to realize they are unable to save the deck. If a deck is fundamentally flawed it will almost always lose unless in a serious bad draw from the opponent or bad luck. I understand that your argument is to play for fun and that is totally true. People would probably back off your decks if maybe everytime you get good criticism 5 or 6 different people come to your aid and whine about trying to make the deck better. Some people like looking at potential ideas and make them better. Yet when people refuse to listen for whaever reason you lose on the chance to learn something to TRY an idea that might have been better than your own idea. That's how homemade brews are made. An idea that is constantly changing. But alas you will no doubt be whining about how blah blah elitistm blah blah anti fun. That is fine but know this. The way the hot list is working your decks are going to keep getting slamed by criticism because many people see them as bad and a good majority of them are. I know several people come here to get ideas for PTQS and such.

Posted 25 July 2013 at 19:53 as a comment on How to Comment on a Deck


So basically if any kind of criticism is given to this deck that doesn't make it sound like it's god's gift to magic people all rush to defend it. Interesting. All the other comments are about how awesome this deck is. But the few posts people try to help the deck everyone goes out of their way to protect the deck because it's fun. What's funny is that I am all for casual decks. I offered ideas to make the deck better that are also budget like delver and guttersnipe and tell him to drop the third color but apparently this means I am an extremely competitive elitist person because I dare give advice on an otherwise perfect deck.

Posted 23 July 2013 at 23:52 in reply to #381913 on Sparky Sparky Boom Man!!


I wasn't complaining I was giving him advice on how to make his deck better. Right now his entire deck is based around pyromancer and if he doesn't draw it or it gets killed he has no way to win. His deck literally has no other threats. The other decks like cyclops run additional threats like geist, or guttersnipe so they don't get blown out by a random slaughter games or removal. He doesn't even have protection for the creature he plans to win with. Just a ton of stall enchantments that will eventually still lose if he can't get his pyormancer to stick. And if elixir is obviously bad then ditch it. No reason to add it in the main unless he plays against a ton of mill then it's a meta call. But it's just so random. It's better in the sideboard. If it's not a sorcery or instant it better have a good reason to be in the main deck and it isn't right now.

Posted 23 July 2013 at 23:24 in reply to #381913 on Sparky Sparky Boom Man!!


Tokens are the only threat you have in this deck.... You have zero threats. How do you win if they play Slaughter games naming Young pyromancer?

Posted 23 July 2013 at 23:16 in reply to #381138 on Sparky Sparky Boom Man!!


why is elixir of immortality in this deck? It does absolutely nothing in this deck. I am unsure about pyromancer because I personally think cyclops is by far the superior card in his RWU shell. Even then guttersniper should be in this deck the way it's in the cyclops deck. He adds a clock to the opponent. Personally I would try to make a UR delver pyromancer deck and use a ton of spells so you can hopefully cantrip. Probably run counterspells and such as well. Splashing white does nothing other than adding terrible cards. You didn't even run any of the charms which would be perfect in this deck for card draw.

Posted 23 July 2013 at 23:14 as a comment on Sparky Sparky Boom Man!!


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