Please do check out that master of waves deck. I think it has potential. I am going to run it on gameday probably. Or esper lol
Oh I just looked at it. What's funny is I just did some test games with the master of waves deck made last night and it stomps it hard. And that's before you sideboard more aggro hate. I bet he doesn't even realize the only reason mono red won was because the control player was color screwed. Guy thinks that doom blade, hero's downfall, burn, and other forms of removal do not exist. Now that mono red showed up people are going to adapt and it will be harder for the decks to do well. It's funny because mono red is normally called the deck that people call mindless. Never heard of people call control mindless probably because you have to think about what you want to do. But yeah guy is whining about our original esper decks we didn't even have copied from anyone but he makes 1st place deck made yesterday lol,
Yeah if I lived in goldfish land where my opponent didn't interact with me until turn 4 I would play aggro all day too. Your weak link is this is earth.
If it makes you feel better why not look at this deck I posted. It's not a traditional control deck. I still bet you will whine about it because the key card beats mono red lol.
I had a jund deck that's what's funny. And I beat aggro decks all the time. And control decks. Why not whine about jund.
Go tell wizards to stop making control cards. Last rotation control was still being played even with everything that was against it. It was extremely skill intensive. I think you're just mad that thragtusk, thundermaw, olivia are gone. Aka your crutch.
I have never seen an 8 year old play a control deck . I have seen several 8 year olds pilot aggro decks though. And I don't mean that in context. As in it actually happens.
It's funny because his name is aggro pro and can't understand that control is difficult to play. It's too bad there aren't any combo decks so you could whine about how skilless those are.
It's funny people say that aggro decks are mindless and require no strategy other than putting your guys sideways. How about instead of whining you find a way to beat those control decks. I mean if it's a crutch you should be able to outplay people.
Yeah I have 3 but was only using 2. I guess you can get away with 3-4 though.
This coming from the guy who runs 3 doom blades and 3 hero's downfall in his orzhov deck then posts in other decks talking about how bad doom blade is and should not be ran. Hypocrticial much?
More like an aggresive deck won because it realized that everyone was going to make mirdrange or control and he figured a fast aggro deck could beat them before it mattered. That's why I said doom blade was a good card since it helps you live against fast aggro. You're the one throwing insults I was simply stating facts. You don't like how noone believes your logic that HD is the end all removal spell and noone wants to run 4 MD. Tell you what. You clearly watch the tournament scene so when you find a top 8 esper deck running 4 main deck HD then you have the right to say anything. But they can't run doom blade at all and have to run 4 HD mainboard. Don't worry though i will be watching the next few weeks too since I actually adapt my decks to the metagame. So if I see this amazing deck I can be in awe.
Funny how you say doom blade didn't make the finals yet every esper ran it. Esper control has 3 decks in top 8. No other archetype had that much. All 3 lists ran both but hey that doesn't mean anything. UW control lost because of taking hands that were a risk. He should have mulliganed but I can see the reasoning in his keep in both ways. Variance sucks. You say noone cares but you do care since you don't have any arguments anymore now that we have hard data. lol
I don't like omenspeaker at all.
It got 2nd actually. Red deck wins got first. Not posted there. He lost because he had mana issues. Variance sucks.
Thoughtseize in the sideboard seems to be the way to go. Just what I figured.[C1]=1&start_date=2013-09-29&end_date=2013-09-29&start=1&finish=32&city=Worcester&start_num=1
Just a comparison. Ashiok might be worth being played in more. See this deck list.
I would just like to point out there was a standard open this weekend. 3 esper control decks made top 8. All 3 ran doomblade AND hero's downfall. 2 of each. But I guess they must be stupid too for not running 4 hero's downfall. Even though a monored deck won it all.
Maybe some sin collectors in the sideboard for control. They combo well with said underworld. Allowing for like a 4 for 1 maybe?
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