steam augery?
Why ultimate price? The cards that ultimate prize kills, doom blade already does. Doom blade kills boros reckoner, smiter, unmonstrous fleecemane lion, which are creatures you always want to kill. Ultimate price can't even kill obzedat who is the biggest issue for a control deck
No problem. Can you look at my deck?
Take out the shrikeing afflictions. They don't do anything unless you are already winning. It's a win more card because it means you rakdos charmed or used sire of insanity. Either way they are already dead. But if you are losing and draw it, it's a useless card unlike a thoughtseize that would let you see what their best cards are and take it out.
Is there a reason you are only running one copy of certain cards? It seems counter productive.
Where are your thoughtseizes? If you play black you should be running them.
Sideboard the crusader and run boros reckoner instead. It also makes devotion towards the red god alot easier. Maybe find room for some chandra pyromaster's for draw power? I don't know if you want to use the new 4/4 dragon to curve out or if you don't need him. Could you look at my deck?
Oh I forgot that. In that case that would be pretty sweet. Totally test the green ordeal.
I am guessing you don't have a budget because of elspeth. I would run boros reckoners. They are on curve and really help heliod get devotion. 2 mutavaults would be good here as utlity lands that let you be aggro. Finally, archangel of thune would be a good card here. Instead of god's willing I would use brave the elements. It lets you push though to finish people off. Looks solid. can you look at my deck?
The only problem with your deck is that anger of gods kills almost all your creatures and exiles your chandra's phoenixes and you are running 2 of them mainboard. That card and supreme verdict should be what you should be playing against. I would run 3 or 4 boros charm mainboard instead. Take out 2 anger of gods and 2 helixes and run maybe all 4 or just 3. 4 helixes is too much. Looks good otherwise. Can you look at my deck?
Wouldn't the green ordeal be better. You are already going to win with lifelink. The extra two lands would thin your deck and allow you to draw more answers. Loxodon Smiter would be good in here maybe? I don't really like fabled hero unless you have blue to give him unblockablity because without trample he gets chumped. And smiter is a bigger body that can't be easily traded with. Something to think about. Can you look at my deck?
Needs banisher priest, cartel aristocrat, frontline medic, precinct captain, sin collector, and xanthid necromancers either in the main or sideboard. Those are extremely powerful humans. Heliod himself would also be good in this deck since he gives you a way to make tokens other than elspeth and your entire team vigilance.
This idea doesn't work the way you think it does. First off experiment one is a 1/1 so 1/1 saprolings will never trigger the evolve trigger since none of those are bigger in power of toughness. Cloudfin raptor would get 6 triggers on the stack from the saprolings. However after the first one resolves and raptor grows, the other creatures would not give it more counters because the ability would check and realize that raptor is a 1/2 and would not get counters.
Champion of the parish. Notice how many humans you have.
Needs some thundermaw hellkite.
It's hard to have more win conditions until we see what theros brings. That new god would be good for the deck because it gives scry 1 and later is a 5/5 indestructible.
Vraska is a really good planeswalker since she can vindicate stuff and is golgari. A consideration.
Add 4 mutavaults to hit 26 land. Cards to consider are detention sphere, ratchet bomb, jace, architecht of thought, azorious charm. I am not a fan of running more than 2 aetherlings either. You could look at my UW control deck I made that is also post theros for ideas.
Needs 4 goblin guides,4 vexing devils, 3-4 grim lavamancers maybe, 4 rift bolt, 4 lava spike, 4 magma jet, Other spells are dependant on meta calls. Splashing black for deathrite shaman/bump in the night or white for helix and other stuff is also dependant on what you want to do with the deck. Here is a good example of what a R/B deck could look like.
Obzedat is better in the sideboard as a control killer. You already have enough 5 drops. However if you really want to add him in. I would consider moving one of each of archangel and blood baron to put him in. You could also drop the path of bravery they seem extremely sub par. Your deck doesn't really need the anthem effect.
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