illness in the ranks should hardly be an issue now that the superior ratchet bomb is in standard. It's better than illness by far.
Permalink those are my current two main decks in standard.
plasm capture is like a 2 dollar rare.
Plasm capture would be great for this deck. It allows you to ramp up to aetherling with mana open to protect him early on. You could turn 2 farseek into turn 3 have 4 mana up for plasm capture then plasm their 3 drop and play aetherling next turn with U up to protect. Maybe even get a 4 drop if they farseeked as well. Lets you win games early and goes great with your deck. I would take 2 psychic strikes for 2 captures just to try it out.
You pretty much summed up what I said earlier.
I already suggested that you should run liliana's in your deck. They go with your theme. I also mentioned splashing white for extra options like lingering souls.
I will make it simple. You're deck has issues against hexproof decks. Your only interaction is to play mutilate and try to block the creature. Mutilate can be countered. None of your removal hits geist of saint traft or invisible stalker minus mutilate. Elixirs of immortality and Mirko Vosk are honestly a waste of space. Vosk is weaker than Jace who should be in this deck. Elixir is more of a sideboard card and shouldn't be mainboarded. I also tested your deck against most of mine and I haven't really lost against it. There was a few close games don't get me wrong but the lack of quality removal is a reason. Honestly I would splash white and try adding more early game cards to help you. Stuff like lingering souls which works well with whispering madness. Maybe run Liliana of the veil.
They don't need 6 turns. They can goldfish around 5 turns. By 6 you are guaranteed dead if you have nothing to their field. But turn 4 is a standard goldfish kill for aggro. Soul Ransom will not do much they will not discard their hand they will gladly still kill you through it. 2 notion thieves is not enough to consider your deck a control killer. You aren't even running Griselbrand with your crypt ghasts which would make your deck alot better.
I would consider blood barons either in the main or the board. He literally beats some decks by himself like both forms of aristocrats.
To be fair FNM isn't really a good test of how good this deck is. The problem I see with your deck is that it requires a few turns to get started. Decks like naya blitz and other aggressive decks could potentially kill you way before you ever get to mutilate their board clear. You lack early removal which is what you need to survive longer. Your deck doesn't do a good job against control either since the only card that interacts with their plans is notion thief. That means you will probably lose the game against sphinx's revelation decks as well. You need to have disruption for them and you have zero in your sideboard as well. Honestly I don't see you winning against real decks. It does look like a fun thing for FNM though and it could do well there. If you really want to make your deck good enough to win against real decks you are going to have to address the issues I stated.
You could always add that land that lets you play nonland cards as instants in your deck too.
drop the aurelia's, side the pillars, drop the garuuks and add 3 pilgrims and 3 arbor elves. You might want to see if that works though because you also have 4 farseeks. Maybe you only need 4 mana dorks maybe even only 3. You have to test to see how much you need. Also I would try to run the 4 bonfires because you will be able to do more damage this way with this mana accel and it' s great damage. As for aristocrats you need rest in peace in your sideboard to stop their triggers.
Curve is too high. Need mana dorks and/or ramp. You will lose to fast aggressive decks otherwise.
This deck also needs jace architect of thoughts and you should max out on sphinx's revelation.
watery graves?
he has a twitch channel next time I see him I will copy and paste the link for you.
This is the exact copy of the deck being played by someone in starcitygames that won a tournament with. I know because I have the exact same 75 as well and that's where I got the deck. I know for a fact he streams on twitch tv and is always adjusting the deck. You should check it out sometime.
Oh I did not see the omens.
Why run Valakut if you don't have the mountains needed for its triggered ability?
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