Honestly I would fit thrags and resto angels anyway. You can't call your deck budget and run voice of resurgence. It's worth more than either thrag or resto. Also take a look at mine. http://www.mtgvault.com/chronoexe/decks/gw-populate-2/
You could possibly run fiend hunters. You can cast one then either vial either wisp or stonecloacker while the remove trigger is on the stack and permanent remove creatures just like mangara does. As for the sideboard you just have to look at what the most used modern decks are. Definitely need affinity hate.
Your deck is completely the same as my deck. http://mtgvault.com/chronoexe/decks/rg-aggro-2/ In fact the only difference is in our sideboard. That said I obviously think this is a really good deck and glad to see great minds think alike.
Your deck has no answer to reanimator decks that can pull out a turn 3, Angel of Serenity to wipe your entire field while still being impossible to kill.
Spectral Flight over Tricks of the Trade. It comes out quicker and accomplishes the same goal. Also drop hero's reunion and add oblivion rings. You might also want to make this an aura deck for mana fixing, and add in the enchantment that gives +1+1 for each enchantment you control and first strike. It will make your deck smoother. If you want to keep the lifegain thing that is fine but this deck can be improved greatly and still be budget.
If you are going to play vintage you might as well add Power 9 cards to this. Otherwise this deck loses to a chalice of the void to one.
This deck is not legal in any format. So any burn deck would be better than this deck.
Instead of running downpours and feeling of dread you could try adding lingering souls.
Your deck is going to have mana issues. Your curve is horrid for a wins deck. A wins deck has to win by turn 6 at the max and curves out at 5 with either conscripts or thundermaw. You have a bunch of really overcosted creatures that are best used in midrange decks.
No goblin guides?
Hellrider is the best aggresive 4 drop in standard. Other noteables are huntmaster of the fells which you can't use, and restoration angel.
The problem with this deck is that it is extremely dependant of facing an aggro only meta. This deck will absolutely lose to any kind of control deck and possibly midrange deck like jund that has spot removal that isn't damage. Heck you can also be blown out by an azorious charm. Don't get me wrong this deck can beat most aggro decks easily but if you face the wrong deck this will easily get 0-2d. This is just something to think about. The lack of hexproof in green is a problem. Maybe you could find a way to splash blue for 4 geists of saint traft. Kinda like hexproof bant so you can avoid that problem.
This deck has no underworld connections. Why run monoblack without that card it's the closes you get to phyrexian arena.
Your curve is too big for a control deck. Your dependant on fog to survive against aggro decks and that will not really cut it. You have way too many high drops and no real way to control. I don't see any way of you making it to the mid game against fast decks. Even other decks would easily beat you since you are too curve heavy and not enough lands. Honestly I would ditch all the cards that are wasting your slot and should either be removed or sideboarded. Staff of nim, elixir, fogs, spiral, witchbane orb, maybe one jace can be taken out for another farseek, azorious charms. I would even take out the angels and run thragtusks instead. I don't know your deck is really a mess.
Since you are already in the colors you might want to think of running the staticcaster+peddler combo in here. Not only are they really good in the mid range perspective allowing you to have an answer to any threat, it also solves your early game problems. Caster+ peddler destroys aggro.
This deck is illegal in any format. Moxes are restricted in vintage you can't have more than 1.
I feel like this deck needs more mana. Your mana curve chart is deceptive because noone plays fury or sphinx for zero. Ideally both spells will be played at X=4 or higher which means you need about 25 land or more to get this to work consistently. I would drop both azorious charms for two land. They seem out of place in this deck.
Add blind obedience. It slows down aggro decks, is relatively cheap, and has extort on it.
His deck wouldn't be standard if he did that.
I like the concept of this deck. I see one problem with it though and that is the fact that your cards are all deep in their colors. Several of your cards require double white or double red and only with dual lands can you consistently play them. My other problem is that guild gate is horrible for an aggro deck you don't want to run them. Cavern of souls seems like it could fit here to fix this maybe but at the same time I think the original problem will still arise. Your deck also loses to targeted removal. Yes boros charm helps protect you but in order to play the enchantment you have to tap yourself out and control would have a field day with you. Honestly I would choose either white or red then change your deck to splash for the other colors while focusing one. Example you choose red, drop all the double white cards and focus on playing red creatures and such while splashing white for boros charm or any other tricks.
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