Sure I guess I can test that too. Although now I might have too many hand disruption effects in the deck. I might have to move stuff around.
For testing purposes I will run the persecutions. I forgot it can turn attacks into lethal and increase a goldfish speed. I don't want to use skuller because they get the card when it dies. Also pyroclasm is probably going to see less play thanks to the nactl ban. It's a bad card to play with so many 3 toughness creatures. The hand disruption is better you can pluck their wrath and board sweepers off their hand.
I didn't even consider that. Dark confidant will be gone. However I don't think I need a draw engine instead. Persecution looks more like a sideboard card in mirrors imo but it is something I missed I will definitely side a few. For now I guess I will drop bob in favor of removal and elspeth, knight errant until i decide something else. Sorin Lord of inistrad might actually be good here too surprisingly enough.
Apparently a deck similar to mine difference of about 2-3 cards made top 16 so I did a few changes based on that list and have updated my deck. Wurmcoil replaced Ulamog. I am not completely sold on the karn I think oblivion ring might be better but I will test it out and see. Karn can win the game by himself so there is that.
If you are interested here is what I made for mine. Sadly I think I have just too much life drain in the deck and I might have to take out the confidants as much as I love Bob. Anyway I probably need another set of eyes to tell me what to do. I would love your feedback as a fellow modern token deck player.
Probably need help on the sideboard and I am pretty sure that dark confidant should not be in here but not sure what to replace it with. The champions seem to be a necessary evil with all the life drain. It's also possible that hero of bladehold should be Brimaz instead. Any suggestions would be great.
It does look much better. I have been trying to make a W/B tokens deck but so far I just have a skeleton. I have about 50 cards in for the deck but not sure what to add for the last 10. If lifegain is a problem you could try auriok champion. She's a card I am considering because with thoughtseize and bitterblossom and fetches + shocks it hurts a ton.
Actually -2 pride -2 probe -2 remand -3 pierce -3 clique +4 inquisition +3 thoughtseize +4 spectral Possesion +1 of something. Honestly your deck is pretty sweet and I can see it being altered completely. I kinda want confidant in here but at the same time I wouldn't like so much life drain without a way to gain life back.
Drop 2 probles for hand disruption. You get perfect information either way. So that's 2 slots for sure. I would drop pierces alltogeher as well. Pierce is more of a sideboard card and you aren't really a control deck to be running spell pierce. I could probably make an argument for remand too. I think you could ditch probes, remand, pierce, and add hand disruption and possible some more kill spells. Maybe dark confidant for draw since your curve is low. He wouldn't do so badly here since if they do waste a kill spell. Other options could be using maybe a sword or a batterskull in here. Just ideas. This is more of a midrange token deck so running control is pointless. You aren't a U/B faerie. You are esper tokens. Spectral Possesion would also be fantastic.
Dryad Arbor can be fetched with a fetchland in response to a liliana of the veil -2 activation. In a deck that focuses on going all in one one creature sometimes that is invaluable. At the least you should be running 4 misty's.
Oh on a side note you definitely want to add hand disruption in this deck either sideboard or mainboard. Inquisition or thoughtseize. As it is you just flatout lose to most combo decks. Your only spells that interact are remand and pierce and they won't stop it nearly as well. You do have paths for splinter twin but they also run spellskite.
I would run misty rainforest over arid mesa. Your deck is deeper in blue sources than the other colors. You can still fetch hallowed fountains but it also means you will definitely have blue for things like clique.
Ironically it looks exactly like the brew I am running for my merfolk deck although my sideboard is different. Difference in my mainboard is I don't run spell pierce and I have the 4th spreading seas sideboarded and instead I have 2 dismember. You should consider having hurky's recall in your sideboard. Affinity is a tough matchup and we lose game 1 quite easily. Recall allows us to win the games by having a one sided upheaval at instant speed for 3 mana. Other than that nice merfolk deck.
Fetchlands primary purpose is they let you get ANY land you need in zoo decks. They also trigger landfall for this deck. Just because you hate fetchlands doesn't mean people are going to stop them. Adding gatekeeper vines is terrible suggestion for an aggro deck it does help him with his goal. He also doesn't need utility lands in this deck either this isn't a midrange deck. If you think fetches are a waste of land and time then you are the only one they are staples in legacy and modern and any format they are available. Also all the lands you suggested come into play tapped which slows down the deck and they don't count for wild nactl. A zoo deck is fast and doesn't have time to wait for lands to get untapped or for you to naturally draw the right lands. Those are a waste of time for the deck. If anything I would argue this deck needs more fetchlands, and possibly tarmogoyf or grim lavamancer.
What format are you playing this. If this is a legacy deck you need to revamp a bunch of selections. If this is modern which I think it is you need to drop the 4 ponders they are banned in modern. You can replace them with serum visions. I would also drop the myr superion thing since it's a situational card. You could play a varation of the ninja delver deck is playing and it would still be budget friendly. Run bears and ninja of the deep hours. Cheap counter spells too. Also look at mine
Why not just use the protean hulk into the hivemind combo. Alot more consistent and can win fast enough. As it is this deck is too slow and loses to most decks in the format.
Originally this deck did run a godless shrine or some signets for the splash but that didn't work out well. If you draw it it's just something you have to deal with. And you can always discard it anyway. The chances of drawing it are low since it's one of the first things you gifts for anyway. Adding black mana messes with the consistency of this deck.
It's good for tokens but I would rather run maelstrom pulse imo. Do not run go for the throat run dismember or the new infest that gives -2-2 scry 1.
Sure in FNM's you can get away with it. Unfortunately not every game store has that support. I know in my area not a single person plays modern you literally have to go to PTQ's. And if you look at most PTQ the top decks aren't cheap. That's not to say something like a burn deck wouldn't get far since sometimes it's under the radar.
Modern is an expensive format. This isn't even the most expensive modern deck. Ones that run goyf are. Regardless there are also budget versions but if you want to be competitive you have to shell out money. Fetchlands only go up.
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