It's a 3 dollar card. That's hardly breaking a budget. It's not like I was suggesting expensive cards.
Why do you run demonlord of ashmouth when desecration demon is so much better. It make's them sac stuff allowing your other demons to smash them in the face.
Desecration Demon over Demlonlord Ashmouth. You still get to trigger morbid because your opponent doesn't want a 6/6 flyer hitting them in the face. Or they don't and you have a 6/6 flyer hitting them in the face.
How can a deck be ravnica block and have M13 cards in it?
Run some form of disruption I guess. Or you could always try to play the deck that doesn't get people mad at the table. Instead of running blatant mill effects you could just run draw card effects that let people keep drawing cards and be happy. I would drop the green and go blue black that is by far the best mill colors. Most of your deck is already there you could run howling mines, the kamis, jace beleren and other cards that let players draw cards. Also run sweepers. You tell people that you will make it up to them by drawing cards not knowing they are slowly dying to mill. Once peopel have killed each other and you have 2 or 3 people left just drop mill effects on those people like glimpse, twincast,other cards. A friend of mine called it the happy mill deck. In that it mills people but they are happy because they are drawing cards. They end up killing each other and not the mill deck since it's giving them more resources. Then the last few get finished out of nowhere.
I doubt anyone has a response to turn 1 trisnisphere, turn 2 smokestack then a crucible of worlds. That's with people playing with unrestricted overpowered cards. Even if you are going to play casual I don't see the reasoning with not following the vintage list. Because anyone can just make first turn kill decks that kill everyone in a multiplayer game easily.
Your deck has no way to stop overpowered decks without restrictions.
You need hand disruption in the sideboard to win against combo.
So pretty much playing against your Lgs like I said. When you top 32 a legacy event then maybe you can say those things but honestly anyone can make up stories about their unbeatable decks. All I hear is whining about standard being expensive . And people can pay for magic because they have jobs and such. Seriously posts likes these do nothing for topics. You're just bragging about how you beat expensive legacy decks without proof and how awesome it is despite the fact it has never been heard of before and that it has no real decklist nor does it have any real standings. Anyone can make up stuff like this in the internet. The man asked for help on his deck not about your ethics on how expensive mtg is. FYI: I do not own any legacy decks but I totally don't mind spending the money to make a good one capable of winning real tournaments like opens and such.
No offense but it's hard to believe your legacy deck could beat REAL competitive legacy decks. It is possible you can beat people in your lGS and that is fine. But for real high tournaments I am pretty sure it would get crushed. I never understood why people whine about prices of decks anyway. This game has always cost money from the get go. It's a collectible card game key word collectible and those tend to cost money in the long run.
You need fetchlands so your lynx and geopede can get huge off landfall. It also gives more fuel to your lavamancer. I also agree with goblin guide. Maybe a few ruinator mages sideboarded against tron.
His deck is 340 dollars.... It's only 1000 if you overpay and get an all foil version of your deck which noone should. And how do I look like an idiot when you are posting a VINTAGE deck to compare to a standard deck. How is vintage going to fix his deck where vintage is a format of unfair turn 1 or two wins or lockdowns. Seriously
Also you might want to look into the soul sister build which is what you are trying to make. It's actually pretty cheap to make outside of the serra ascendants that are pricey. Also honor of the pure is awesome for global pump to his white creatures.
Instead of using elixirs of immortality maindecked run 2 loxodon warhammers. And maybe find room for 2 more. They let you win clocks instead of elixir which is at best sideboard material against certain decks.
12 dual land, 4 voice , 3 sphinx's alone makes it 300+. Magic is expensive.
How is this even relevant to this topic. More importantly people sure like to hijack other topics. This is a standard deck not vintage so there is no reason to even discuss that viewpoint.
He has a 128 card deck. He isn't going to deck out.
Ever heard of diversified threats? If you have a lynx and fetches and an armor on a flyer the opponent is forced to choose what to deal with. His deck had multiple ways of winning it wasn't just based on quest. Those glint hawks probably dealt damage to kill off the opponent as well. I say it again if he had changed his deck he wouldn't have gotten the same results. There's a reason fetchland is expensive and why landfall was a stupid mechanic with them in place. Look at any of the boros decks that ran the same concept. It might be a plan B but it's a really damn good plan B. On a side note I love how I am getting downvoted for disagreeing with you despite I have yet to even insult you or your deck. I even gave reasoning on why you were choosing to not add cards that were rotating out. I guess I am elitist for trying to use facts to explain things instead of insulting. what's funny is though if you see most of the comments a ton of people have stated the same thing over and over in your deck and you are still refusing to do anything about it. Doesn't that make you elitist since you think you are above anyone's advice even people who are trying to help in a non insulting manner?
Whispering madness costs more mana and windfall is banned because it allows combo decks to draw 7 cards in high tide decks. Same with vintage which is why its restricted to one. It allows turn 1 kills to be easier.
It works on emerkul because he has protection from colored spells. The thing is though, Emrakul specifically has protection from colored spells. Oblivion ring , as a spell, has no targets at all: it is just a plain simple non-aura enchantment. When oblivion ring enters the battlefield, its ability triggers, and that ability targets. But abilities are not spells, so having protection from colored spells won't stop an ability from a colored source. Blood baron is protection from white and the enchantment oblivion ring is white so it can never target him. That's the reason it works.
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