Needs lingering souls and spectral possesion. Hero of bladehold and intangible virtue are other things. There's a ton of cards like army of the damned that are way too expensive for this deck. You should also run hand disruption if you are playing black because as of now you fold to any combo deck in the format. Please look at my deck.
Your deck needs to run sphynx's revelation. Also want to consider trying to run maindeck timely reinforcements due to the large amount of aggro decks coming. I also do not like espeth in this deck. Knight errant, or jace beleren both would suit this deck better. Also not sure about the lone copy of sword. I would prefer fire and ice or a batterskull instead. I guess it depends on the meta. Please look at my own modern deck
And nvm you chose to run abrupy decays so my point is moot. I don't like running oona and obliterator. I would rather drop one for something like geralf's messenger and or bloodghast. In fact ghast is amazing with your fetchlands and liliana.
Thinning lands is a horrible reason for fetchlands. Only reason legacy run a ton of fetchlands is because they help you get the colors you need, work well with deathrite shaman who got banned in modern, work well with other graveyard strategies like goyf, mongoose, etc, work extremely well with brainstorm which we have nothing like in this format. As of now the only reason to run fetchland would be to get duals or to combine them with something like grim lavamancer or stepped lynx. If you splash green keep the fetchlands but running them to thin your deck is a bad idea. There's already hate bears in the format and you don't need to be weak against them as a deck. You also don't want them to be dead cards to something like blood moon. Just run swamps.
Needs more phyrexian arena. You don't need fetchlands unless you plan to splash a color like green for abrupt decay which is a ton better than hero's downfall.
People who keep telling him to drop anger of the gods need to realize that this is a midrange deck and he needs to survive the early game to get to said midrange. More importantly even if he plays it and kills his tokens, his token producers i.e. elspeth and assemble are not going to suddenly stop producing tokens. His army will always be back and probably bigger because of assemble. Honestly I would drop all the early crappy creatures that die to anger, except reckoner because he synergizes with it, and replace it with either more removal or more midrange threats. You don't need to win the early game you just need to live long enough to overwhelm them. Stuff like archangel of thune are something to keep in mind and warleader's helix. Also do not sideboard the chained to the rocks. It's a very good removal spell for a deck that plays tons of mountains. You probably don't need hammer in here so I would drop it anyway. you aren't an aggro deck you are a midrange deck that wins with tokens or triggers from purphoros as you play tokens.
Also gisela isn't standard.
The effects of protection are often described using the mnemonic DEBT. The permanent or player with protection can't be: Damaged by sources with the given quality (all such damage is prevented) Enchanted or equipped by permanents with the given quality Blocked by creatures with the given quality (if it's a creature) Targeted by spells of the given quality, or abilities with sources of the given quality. Protection is commonly misunderstood as being complete exemption from effects created by cards with the quality being protected from, which would allow, for example, a creature with protection from white to survive the effect of Wrath of God. This is not the case, however, as anything other than the specific things mentioned above is not hampered by protection in any way. Thus, as Wrath of God does not attempt to damage or target the creature, it will still be destroyed. straight from mtgslavation wiki
It lets him SURVIVE long enough to get to end goal of spamming tokens. Look at some of the RW midrange decks using that. Heck my RW deck only runs 4 boros reckoners as the only creatures and uses tokens to win. point is to make time to stop aggro so you can drop your elspeth's and assembles and win the game.
Reckoners give 3 devotion to purphoros and also allow him to easily trade with any other creature in combat. Reckoner with anger of the gods also lets you kill anything with up to 6 toughness. He could easily take out the horses for 3 reckoners since the horse sucks. And because he is playing R/W he will never not be able to cast a reckoner. I don't see you giving reason why reckoner isn't good.
Instead of deathright shamans I would run sylvan caraytids. You have enough stuff to ramp out for and they are hexproof so they won't be dying anyway unless it's mass removal.
4 Boros reckoners always
My junk deck is more expensive because he isn't running thoughtseize. He should have 3+ since it's the best reason to run black.
I used tcgbuilder's because it's more random. Trust me 12 shocks is not enough. Last block it was barely enough by using buddy lands just to get by. That isn't the case anymore. Besides just look at the mana symbol occurance and you see he's playing more white than any other color. His red isn't even that good.
I did test draws. 12 shocklands still don't fix possible problems. He could go green white and completely fix them because the red isn't that good for what he's trying to do. His win cards are in green and white.
The biggest problem with your deck is that your creatures are way too color specific. You want W on turn 1, WW or GW turn 2, RW1, GW1, WW1 on turn 3 and even with dual lands that looks really difficult to pull off. I don't even see the point of adding red in here. If you got rid of it you could fix most of these issues and just be straight GW aggro which is alot easier to pull off. You are even running nylea which means you want to be green mostly because otherwise she does nothing. Just something to think about.
Yeah he stopped saying anything after that. Lol!
That would be good for the sideboard probably. Also can you take a look at a UW version of this deck?
You should be playing elspeth if you are playing white. This is what I have learned so far. -1 angel, -1 jace, +2 elspeth
You run too many aggro creatures for a control deck. You should be running aetherling and/or angel of serenity as your main win conditions. Unfortunately I don't know what exactly green offers to you that block doesn't do much better right now. I would take a look at some UW or Esper control decks to get a basic shell and try to go from there. The loss of thrags, and farseek really hurt bant control though.
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