Hmm, where have I seen this before . . .
Wouldn't Tezzeret be a little more appropriate than Jace?
Well, then, Birthing Pod, Brutalizer Exarch, Green Sun's Zenith, Fauna Shaman, and Chord of Calling all fetch Painter's Servant as well.
Enlightened Tutor to find your win con, Painter's servant.
Question Marks indicate that they are cards you may want to put in. Without the question marks, they are cards I insist you put in.
Elvish Piper? Garruk, Caller of Beasts?
Thromok the Insatiable and Fungal Sprouting for a turn 7 10,000/10,000Here's how it works: By turn 5 you need ten creatures.Devour 10, Thromok becomes a 100/100Fungal Sprouting, 100 1/1 tokens.Cast a second Thromok with Devour 100. 10,000/10,000. Even if you can win by swinging with 100 tokens and 100-power creatures, it may be the high point in your Magic career to have a 10,000/10,000 in play without an infinite combo and in complete legality.
What will Entering the Infinite do for you? You could play Laboratory Maniac or you could play Blue Sun's Zenith if you get the infinite Galvanizer Combo to make your opponent mill out.
I'm not condemning your idea, I'm explaining Guttersnipe. No need to get your panties in a knot.
Ha ha, Stuffy Doll and Pariah -- brilliant! Throw in four Enlightened Tutors to grab 'em.
You can get a Guttersnipe turn 3, a second turn 4 and Shock you opponent for six damage, and on turn 5 you can teleportal and Mizzium Skin for eight to the face and swing in for three more . . . Guttersnipe damage can potentially win you the game if you can't keep Cyclops in play.
BR is Black-Red. You mean UR.
Two reasons: One, it's a bear that matches up the colors of a Lingering Souls deck.Two, it's a two-mana cost sac outlet. Once you have 10 tokens, Cartel Aristocrat, and two Blood Artists, you win the game.
Primal Surge Works well if you only have 1. Once you play it, you're going to exile the second, and then you'll have to wait several turns to top-deck a third. Don't worry about milling out; the card instruct that you "may" repeat the process, indicating you can stop any time you want.
Too much land. Take out 4 plains and put in Fireshrieker or Cobbled Wings --- those will help your Edgewright -- and take out two more for two Emeria, the Sky Ruin.
Should want Awe for the Guilds.
You need Seven card in hand and Chain of Plasma and Stuffy Doll on the field to win.
Stuffy Doll targets a player. It can't hit the Swans.
Cover of Darkness.
A little land-heavy, especially with only 1 card more than 3 mana. Might want to remove some land for some Cranial Platings. Main-board the Puresteel Paladins for Stoneforge Mystic, because the latter is banned in Modern.
381-400 of 511 items