Ivory Giant is nice, because it taps all non-white creatures, so you can suspend him on turn 2 and land him and the angel on turn 6, leaving your opponents . . . erm . . . Sunblasted.
I'm not really interested in removal because Living End kills all their creatures, and if any are in the graveyard, they get those creatures back.
Scavenge does not trigger Heroic, it's an ability, not a spell.
Maybe slide a Rogue's Passage in there to force through a Master of Cruelties or a live Mogis.
No, protection means the creature "can't be blocked, targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted" by the thing it has protection from. Sure, Pyrohemia targets all his creatures, but the damage is nullified.
You can replace Vandalblast with Shatterstorm. It costs one less, and you don't have any artifacts.
Dude, Appetite for Brains is really bad in Modern. If you're trying to save money, I'd say Duress is better. If you're not, Thougthseize or Inquisition of Kozilek are much better.
Unfortunately, none of the lands in this deck come into play untapped, so the soonest you could even get the hero out would be turn 3, then you could play one him the next turn. I like the deck, I just think it needs to spread out more. 12 Scry lands is a little much, and unless you're trying to save a couple bucks, you should definitely run shock lands over scry lands. Having nothing cost more than three mana makes it seem aggro, but all the lands come in tapped!
Oh, right, forgot.
Thank you! I think it's really fun to play.
All right, I totally understand your critique. I'm not trying to be ignorant or stubborn, I'm just defending my position.
I would consider running 4 Temple of Silence, just for the scry if nothing else; you have only 3 real one-drops. I would also suggest a full 4 Hero of Iroas. Running four means you can sometimes have two or three in play, and that can really cut the cost of big bestow boys like Ghostblade Eidolon. Lastly, I would run Hopeful Eidolon over Nyxborn Shieldmate. As it is, you only have one way to trigger Sunbond's ability, and that's Ordeal of Heliod. Hopeful Eidolon will consistently provide you with life advantage that can help you stay out of range of some of the quicker decks looking to burn you out.
Oh, for crying out loud! I've watched hours of competitive Modern Magic. I've watched David Ochoa play a similar deck at the Magic Player's Championship. I've proxied this deck and playtested it. Your insistence on removing blue does not sway me. The blue stays.
Answer 1: Yes, it works. Shroud means the creature can't be the target of spells or abilities, and Nivmagus Elemental's ability is targeting him.Answer 2: Storm puts copies of the card onto the stack, so Nivmagus can exile any number of the storm copies, because each of them are sorceries.
You are mistaken, sir. The shock lands of Return to Ravnica block have two basic land types. Tribal Flames and Might of Alara count basic land types, not types in basic lands you control. Thank you!
I don't want 18 one-drop creatures in my deck! (4 Lynx, 4 Nacatl, 4 Lion, 4 Ape, 2 Goblin). They all die to Supreme Verdict anyway. Tribal Flames is 5 damage for 2 mana. And Snapcaster lets to reuse Tribal Flames. It's too good to pass up. I mean, just draw some sample hands! It does not cripple the deck. I'm more surprised you people aren't telling me not to play black; I only have black in the sideboard.
But . . . Tribal Flames and Might of Alara . . . and Snapcaster Mage . . .
Man, I loved seeing John Finkel and Reid Duke play this at Worlds in 2012. i was really disappointed that neither of them won.
What you should run is a fourth Phenax or a way to fetch him, like Diabolic Tutor or Jarad's Orders, considering it's kind of hard to win without drawing him.
Yes. Story Circle does not target True-Name Nemesis, so its damage will be prevented.
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