The Firemind is Modern. Plus, I'm not sure if Plasma Capture works. I'm not sure if the Swans' ability can resolve before you discard to copy the spell. I mean, can a single spell be interrupted by an ability, only to resolve, copy, and be interrupted again? I'd like to get a judge's ruling.
If he says no, will you actually not use it?
You could just use Niv-Mizzet, the FIremind, and that way you wouldn't need to discard any cards you draw. So he enters play, next turn, you draw a card, deal 1 to Swans, draw another card, deal another 1 to Swans, draw another card, etc. Eventually you have 1 card in your deck, so you target your opponent with Niv-Mizzet, and play Lab Maniac, tap Niv-Mizzet and win.
Might want a 60th card, like Glimpse the Unthinkable or Archive Trap.
So if you started with a mountain, 4 Rites of Flame, any other card, and Dragonstorm, you would have and Instant win with 4 Bogardan Hellkites. Wowsa . . .
Ach, Hans, run! It's the Lluhrgoyf!!!
I'm just pulling you leg.
On the Internet, must be true.
Magma Spray
Ponder's banned in Modern.
I always thought the way to land destruction was Liquimetal Coating and Smelt.
Recoup? Another 2 damage with Burning Vengeance, and reusing and old card. It's like Snapcaster . . . for Sorceries . . .
Dude, if you have Master Biomancer out, none of your Undying things will come back from the dead if they already have at least 2 +1/+1 counters. Replace the guy with Zameck Guildmage so that they can have their counter removed and come back from the dead yet again.
Good news! Wizards is retiring the Extended format when Theros comes out, so in about a month, hopefully, it will change to Modern!
If this is a combo play, why not play 4 Kiki-Jikis? This is a hilarious and a laudable concept.
Parallel Lives, then.
Um, dude, if an island gets turned into a forest, it, by definition, taps for blue OR green mana -- for example, Breeding Pool is a Forest Island, and its parenthetical text indicates that it is a definition, not an ability. The opponent will still have the mana he or she needs.
You're playing 4 Isochron Scepter but no instants with converted mana cost 2. You could even put Counterspell and Boros Charm in the deck to Imprint them with the Scepter, just because they're both ridiculous.
Nice deck; you could put in Channel to play a turn 2 Eldrazi; or you could play Spawnsire of Ulamog and try to ramp into his last ability with Emrakul, Ulamog, Kozilek, and couple other Eldrazi, and All is Dust.
Replace Lingering Souls for Midnight Haunting, Raise the Alarm for Gather the Townsfolk, and Spectral Procession for Geist-Honored Monk. This will turn the deck Standard.
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