MORE MULCH and you might want to check out going 4 colors and running Unburial Rites with Elesh Norn. 4 snapcasters mages...and snappy in general seems odd in this deck list and i'd go 3 if not 4 Lich. Or just go 5 color to run Faithless Looting.
splash in black with 1 swamp and 4 darkslick shores to flashback souls and drop haunting for something else, and also look at adding Geist of Saint Traft imo. Some of the pro-tour guys are running what i'm talking about.
Guy at my shop is messing around with this but i think you have too many 4 ofs and not enough removal/control. Check out my Grixis List:
That would be a good choice because going up agaisnt a format full of really nothing but hard aggro lists is the challenge. Once you stablize you should be OK.
that's a cool combo but it's too vunerable I feel
I have a U/B one as well but the Grimgrin combo is really slow. This deck aggros so hard and is much faster than the U/B version after testing.
Personally I am not sold on this deck idea. I think it falls behind when you're facing a humans deck with plenty of things to sacrifice (Loyal Cathar/Doomed Traveler/Tokens) and losing the land could hurt you too. I'd favor a B/u aggro zombies build with Grimgrin and Diregraf Captains. If you are going to keep this theme though you might consider Altar's Reap. It's really good when paired with Gravecrawler/Geralf's Messenger/Black Cat.
I have considered him, but I really like the idea of curving out at 3...with the exception of the 2 Grimgrins. That curve also lets me run the 22 land and be pretty comfortable with keeping a 1 or 2 lander. Probe works so well in this deck too, although I have played around with running Though Scour too.
Phyrexian Crusaders x4 in MB is a better option to me.
there are 3x Virulent Wound in MB, you must have just overlooked them :)
He actually works great when flipped with a Phantasmal Image and/or Garruk. It's just another facet of a win-con for the deck. A flipped Mayor on T3 then resolving Garruk making two 3/3 wolf tokens a turn is pretty brutal. I thought about Invisible Stalker but he just doesn't seem to get there for me.
I have to be honest, I'm not a fan of Batterskull here. It can't come back with Titan or Unburial Rites and this list also begs for Liliana of the Veil and Snapcaster Mages. I have also seen and thought of trying a singleton Jace, the Memory Adept in my Solar Flare build. Elesh Norn is good but personally I would have my creature list look something like this: 1x Wurmcoil 2x Sun Titan 1x Grave Titan 3x Snapcaster Mage 2x Phantasmal Image. Timely Reinforcements Main Board may also be dead cards in some matchups, those 2 and the skull would be great to replace with the Mages. Last but not least, i would run 25-26 lands as getting the right colors and hitting land drops are essential in 3-color standard that's not running Birds of Paradise right now.
I find it's actually really good in control matchups or against a heavy removal deck... since there's no more Tec Edge the number of colorless sources has dropped. So just having 1 incase a titan dies is great... or as i stated earlie against a control match-up... a 1/1 spirit still holds a Sword nicely.
Undead Alchemist is an amazing card. I played with it in the release draft and it is really powerful especially in an mostly or all zombie deck. also I would mix up doom blades with Go for the Throats in main and have the abilitity to switch to all of one or the other in SB. Also the rare black priest that can make 5/5 flying demons is a good choice.
I like it but i'm not sure about going BANT with it maybe just G/W. The only real blue card here is Geist which you can do with out. I'd go with 3 Elspeth and 1 Garruk (either but pref. Relentless). If you are going to stay 3 colors I would work in Birds of Paradise which not only color fix but also accelerate since you have a relatively high curve. Maybe chose either Honor of the Pure or Intangible Virture with this set up.
In limited play tests this deck is really good... I'm actually thinking of dropping down to 22 lands though to add in maybe some Crusaders or maybe Geist-Honored Monks. With the BoP and Rampants I usually don't seem to have mana issues. I also added in 1 Sun Titan over a 3rd Hero.
It's a really really good alternate win-con especially if you are forced to drop Day of Judgement a lot and are forced to use Gideon's +2. Maybe when playing against hardcore aggro decks like Tempered Steel or Humans or Mono-Red. Inkmoths with Swords get there really fast and can avoid a lot of removal spells if used correctly.
On that note, if anything take out the lawkeepers for Mirran Crusaders. It's a much much better 3 drop. Especially if you aren't running Gideon which forces them to tap their creatures out each turn (defender creatures not applied). If you get a crusader with a sword on through it gets really nasty really fast, especially with War and Peace.
I would rather equip the stalker b/c it's a sure thing to hit with the sword. Mirran Crusader would be my only better option if you are playing against B/G. But making your oppenent discard and getting to use your lands 2x a turn EVERY TURN after potentially the 3rd turn is pretty broken and pretty good.
Oh and yes Snapcaster Mage is studidly broken good, although I don't think it's really in the banable range being that you are going to have to basically leave 4 mana or more open to play him, which is great late game but if you have to drop him early to get back say a Leak or Removal Spell (other than Dismember) you're going to have to play around him too much... I think 2 maybe 3 max in a deck, 4 seems a bit much b/c you may end up with a dead card in hand early game.... but despite that...HE IS AMAZINGLY GOOD STILL!
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