
84 Decks, 179 Comments, 4 Reputation

Simply because the only other good creatures I ended up with all had infect. I only got 5 red cards and 6 blue cards total. I almost went W/B infect but I pulled 3x unnatural predations (instant: G target creature gets +1/+1 and has trample until end of turn). The only real problem I had was not pulling enough removal and 0 flying creatures..not even a plague stinger :( I pulled 1 spread the sickness and 1 pistus strike and 2 virulent wounds. Glissa w/ the sword on her was pretty stupid when I got it out.

Posted 30 January 2011 at 08:48 as a comment on MBS prerelease deck


Nice, I was one of the ones running B/G infect but I did come up against a few really good R/W/Artifact decks. I only managed to go 3-3 but overall I was happy with my draws. Pulled a Glissa, Sword of Body and Mind, and a Geth along with some really fun infect creatures. At the end of the day it was good fun, and good cards! 17th out of 41 isn't too bad either although no prizes for that low haha.

Posted 30 January 2011 at 08:09 as a comment on MBS prerelease deck


I had caress in there and took it out and there's not really anything i want to get rid of at this point to put it back in. As for Painful Quandary...i find haunting echoes to be much more effective for 3BB.

Posted 27 January 2011 at 16:18 as a comment on Standard Discard


have either Archive Trap OR Traumatize not both and where is Memoricide??

Posted 22 January 2011 at 23:03 as a comment on Standard Mill That Doesn't Suck!!!


everyone has a deck like this... it's the in thing to do right now.

Posted 22 January 2011 at 22:35 as a comment on T2 standard infect Turn 3 win


I hope I don't have to cast Day of Judgment with out either a brave the elements in hand or a Knight Exemplar on the board.

Posted 19 January 2011 at 16:22 in reply to #117868 on Knights of the Standard


Yeah Jace would be nice if only for the draw. Distortion Strike is a MUST have if you are playing U in an infect deck. Personally i like Prey's Vegeance over Groundswell put that's up to you. You could add Thrummingbirds instead of Birds of Paradise for the proliferate ability. I would drop all but maybe1 Purtrefax as you should try and win by the time you can cast him. Add in Ichorclaw Myrs, and maybe a Corpse Cur or 2. Take out giantform and add in an instant buff spell...giant growth would be good. If you want to have a few "bigger" creatures I would suggest Cystbearers over Putrefaxes simple for the mana cost. Infect is all about speed. Here is my B/G Tourny Infect Deck, have a look see.

Posted 19 January 2011 at 16:07 as a comment on G/U Infect Control


Take a look at my B/G infect Tourny Deck, it should help you get a general idea of what direction you may want to head if you want to play a fast paced deck.

Posted 19 January 2011 at 16:02 as a comment on Infect deck


When I first made this deck I was running 3 clocks and 2 keening stones, but I found to add those into the deck I lost a lot of ability to control my oppenent. The Guard Gomazoa's help deal with decks that have more creatures than I can deal with via spells. Sure once you are able to get out the keening stone the game is basically over but it by the time you can get it out and use it as essentially a 1 shot kill I found that I either had basically won or was going to lose b/c I had lost control. The only tihng I wish I had room for was a few Tumble Magnets but this set up seems to be able to control most Standard Decks I play against. I have even managed to mill 2 people at the same time in a 3 person match.

Posted 19 January 2011 at 13:45 in reply to #117645 on Standard Milling Machine


Too slow check out my Tournament B/G infect deck.

Posted 18 January 2011 at 20:38 as a comment on White Infect Deck

Permalink Check out this deck of mine, it might give you some ideas too.

Posted 18 January 2011 at 20:35 as a comment on all purpose infect pro


I thought about adding them too but since the islands come into play tapped just like expanse, I don't want to get caught short on mana and not be able to drop a counter spell if i need to.

Posted 18 January 2011 at 19:29 in reply to #117569 on Standard Milling Machine


I agree, but being as they are getting pretty exspensive and won't be standard legal that much longer I just haven't went out and got them to put them in here.

Posted 18 January 2011 at 19:07 as a comment on Standard Milling Machine


You know, originally I had Mire's Toll in here instead but by the time I would get enough swamps down I would be vastly overkilling the amount of cards discarded or they would have no hand already. I would probably keep the blades in MB and SB the gatekeepers in case I went up against a black deck and prob. 1 extra grasp in SB as well. I would like to get 2-3 memoricide's for this deck but I don't know what i would take out yet. I dont have the cards at the moment so i'm not really concerned with it. I'm focused on my B/G infect Tourny deck right now. Take a look at it and comment if you wish!

Posted 17 January 2011 at 11:22 as a comment on Hand, what hand...I have NO hand!


For a group game this deck should perform really well. For a 1v1 game, depending on your oppenent you may find yourself wanting more speed or more control.

Posted 17 January 2011 at 09:03 as a comment on ARTIFECT (artifact infect)...


You should add in Domestication so incase they do get something out you can take it! or maybe some tumble magnets for those creatures like Gaea's Revenge that you can't hit with anything in your deck or an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn which is a common thing around here i don't know about where you play. Jsut some thougths :)

Posted 17 January 2011 at 08:44 as a comment on Obscene Standard Control!!!


mana leaks are really nice especially for early game, you could add in some more creatures for defense. out with the Adept, add in Guard Gomanzoa and/or Wall of Frost. i would personally add in 2x Jace Belerens, or the mind sculptor if you can afford him or happne to be lucky and have a couple just sitting around. I have a very similar deck which works pretty well. you should also look into Into the Roil. The kicker and it's affect are really awesome in this deck for control and mill at the same time.

Posted 17 January 2011 at 08:41 as a comment on Blue mill test


Going for standard legal so Might of Oaks is out. Putting in blue just for Distortion Strike isn't worth it to me, although it is a nice spell I can usually win by the 4-5th turn with this set-up.

Posted 17 January 2011 at 08:38 in reply to #116887 on Infectous Lashings


it's also too slow... if anything contagion clasp is an option.

Posted 17 January 2011 at 08:36 in reply to #116893 on ARTIFECT (artifact infect)...


switch out Tainted Strike for Vampire's Bite (it's a better buff even though you should NEVER kick it) also you may want to put in Throne of Geth instead of Chalice's. with infect you need to be able to win by the 6th turn if not well before that so although a nice combo the lash+triskeilion+tainted strike is relying on you having all 3 in hand and able to cast and it's also not playable until 7th turn with out ramp. There are a couple of artifact creatures with infect coming out in Mirrodin Besieged in a few weeks which may help you out as well.

Posted 17 January 2011 at 08:29 as a comment on ARTIFECT (artifact infect)...


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