Well the fact that really no one plays Negate MB and also that a U/W deck dropping Extraction will undoubtedly catch A LOT of players off guard helps it out a ton. Fact being that Stalker may not get 3 more copies but he's a hell of a lot harder to get around than a Squad Hawk, and we all know how much success Caw-Blade had. I also like Nihil Spellbombs coming out of SB right now. That basically kills any GY based deck, maybe throw in a Memory's Journey to SB in with 2 bombs. I personally just don't see GY being good in Standard right now. Mabye later in the block, that will remain to be seen although I do like the idea of bringing a semi-drege strat back to Standard!
Also, I think U/W is going to much better suited to a Caw-Blade remix with Invisible Stalker replacing Hawks and maybe St. Traft or even Mirran Crusader replacing Jace 2.0. Potential for a garunteed Feast and Famine hit every turn after t3... seems good...
Snapcaster targeting what....nah I don't like that soooo... Surgical Extraction. Sorry bro. Extraction I think is an underplayed/rated card especially with the up coming set. I can see it now... I'll use my terrabad jace 3.0 to mill myself 10...hmm look a Ruinator...i'll exhile these 3 creatures and cast him... NO i'll pay 2 life and exhile him and all his buddies.
Sun Titan, Consecrated Sphinx, Tumble Magnet, Contagion Clasp, Stoic Rebuttal over Negate, Elspeth as a one of... 4 Vensers is a little much drop to 3 to add in Elspeth, 4x Seachrome Coast, Spellskite is an amazing card to replace Wall of Omens with as well.
drop down to 2 dragons since they are A) Legendary and B) are a 6 drop and your mana curve is top heavy. Add in some removal ie: Dismember, Go for the Throat, Doom Blade, Geth's Verdict or something of that sort. Flensermite is another halfway decent creature to add in and personally I like pump spells with infect such as: Vampire's Bite or Virulent Swipe.
I use metamorph on my own stuff more than theirs.... Obliterator or Wurmcoil or even a magnet if i need more... don't have access to jace, tms and since he's gone (THANK GOD) in a few months it seems pointless. I did have 2 belerns and 1 lillianna in here originally.
I was also thinking about maybe Wall of Frost...but I just can't seem to talk myself into dropping the nighthawks for some reason...
yeah I don't have access to Jace TMS or i would def. run him. I thought about the guards but there's so much red going around where I am that he dies to bolt... so does nighthawk but at least nighthawk is a continuous threat while he's in play. I've been going back and forth between the number of tar pits and the numer of catacombs and basic lands...trying to limit what I have coming into play tapped as much as possible. With the right draw I can drop a 6 drop on T3 so Sorin or the Titans/Wurmcoil are easily dropped early...if not hopefully the black sun and other removals keep me in the game. Even though I didn't go for Tezz's Ultimate...i won more games with it last week than anything else...irony!
go go Gideon Jura
they are both beasts and in this deck Wurmcoil might as well be a 3rd titan..when everything rotates out i guess WC will be THE titan haha.
Vampire Nighthawk is a beast man... I've seen it win games especially in a control v control match-up... if he hits its a 4 life turn around I upgrade Lilianna's Specters to him. If i has Jace, TMS's they would be in here :( ... card draw is never a bad thing though gets me to the stuff I need faster and with LV in play, you can control your every draw. Disfigures are great early game... kill that stoneforge, or mess up a Kuldotha deck early. Depends on your metagame though, I have to play against a good deal of faster decks so the T1 or T2 removal is ideal for me otherwise i would run 4x Go for the Throats.
needs ramp
OK i've been playing around with Tezz since release in various decks...U/B control and even Esper w/ Venser for flickering artifacts in and out...but I think i finally hit on something...forget his ultimate...heck even put the +1 on the back burner...it's all out the -1. I dropped 3x Tezz in my U/B control deck and switched somethings out for tumble mages/chalices/sphere and a wurmcoil....put in 4x inkmoths and kept 2 jace belerens and 1x lilianna vess and it runs really well. If you are able to get off his ultimate it's gravy just control and beat in with 5/5's FTW. I also kept in a Frosty and a Grave titan. Here's the link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=168923
Mirrorworks and/or Kuldotha Forgemasters... maybe a mana leak or 3 and/or Stoic Rebuttals... and swithc 2 doom blades for 2 go for the throats
Seachrome Coast is a must have... i'd say drop to 3 fortresses and run 4x seachromes and not 4 halimars...maybe 2
I do like that deck but there's already a couple where I play at so I wanted to go about it a little bit different and with a few additional flavors (Spine,Battleshpere, ect) to surprise people. I oringally was only running U/B but thought adding in W for Journey/Venser was a good idea. I thought about dropping Journeys for Masters Calls....good/bad?
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=167291 Here's My standard deck with roughly the same set-up. check it out!
and yes I personally would prob. drop 3x inkmoths into it
Jace TMS or See Beyonds in case you have a blightsteel in your hand... I have a blightsteel/forgemaster deck and I don't have Jace TMS so i run 4x See Beyond
I made this deck pre-Besieged as you can tell... I can't believe it popped up on First Page but... hey that's cool! Yes crusaders in here would be good but maybe just 2-3 and the others in SB since the idea of the deck is a lot of creatures fast.
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