I took out the Jace 2.0 and 1 Lilianna and put in 2 See Beyonds since TMS is not gonna happen especially with him going bye bye in a few months.
I was running it with out the white and with out the Liliannas and it just wasn't winning at all so this is what i came up with. It can't really be worse than what i was running.
unfortunately I do not have Jace TMS, and with him rotating out in a few months I can't justify spending the money or the trade value. The See Beyond thing is a valid point and I have noticed the same thing. I just don't know what I would take out for it.
Nice deck. Check out my deck based around the new Tezzy! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=157786
Check out my deck based around the new Tezzy! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=157786
Check out my deck based around the new Tezzy. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=157786
i'm not really looking to make a proliferate deck... i'm more concentrating on Tezzeret's ultimate or simply face smashing with Wurmcoil for the win.
it's not running the new Tezzeret though
I really want to make a Standard deck that takes advantage of Tezz. This is what I've come up with so far from what I have. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=157786
Inkmoth Nexus and I really don't know what you are going to portal other than Wurmcoil which is better of cast in my opinion. Drop the portals and add in other artifacts or drop some of the non-artifact creatures and add more in if you are going to keep the portals.
Forgot to add... If you keep running into removal problems ie: Black Sun maybe do as I have and add in 1x Sun Titan and 2x Emeria, the Sky Ruin. Helps to push through to the win if you are stalled out against control.
Sword of Body and Mind and Sword of Feast and Famine along with a Basilisk Collar and 3 Stoneforge Mystics... drop Honors of the Pure...if anything put them in SB take out Armored Ascension add in 2 more Brave the Elements and 2x Day of Judgements and 3 more Student of Warfares. I would also drop the Skygaurds and also go up to atleast 3 if not 4 Journey's MB Condemn would be a nice SB card against Kuldotha and you have to have Kor Firewalkers in SB against red burn. I run mono white knights in tournaments and this set up works really really well.
I like Archive Trap over Traumatize b/c so many people search libraries now. Maybe a Tome Scour or 4, Concecrated Sphinx and Jace Beleren is a great combo with Jace's Erasure...Blue Sun's Zenith too for that matter. drop Webs they aren't that good... Shriekhorns better if you ask me especially for a 1 drop.
if you're relying on Tezz to win you may consider running at lest 2 if nto 3-4
The deck actually plays really well and Contagion Engine is not that hard to drop with this set up... plague myrs for mana help too. Counting Inkmoths I have 17 creatures so I don't see where that's a low count at all. I'm thinking of adding in 2 Creeping Tar Pits for to have an alternate wincon.
Tezzy is over rated and over priced I'd personally put in something else but that's just me...even Jace, Beleren for draw power.
Out with 2 Corpse Cur and 1 Phyrexian Crusader in with 3x Cancel
no mana leak MB? Personally I wouldn't run Days MB...esp not 4 of them... maybe Wall of Frost or Guard Gomanzoa instead? Or Seagate Oracles.
need creature removal honestly... contagion engine is too slow... splash in red or black for removal and some other spells in my opinion.
Mana leak, archive traps, jace (mind or beleren) and you need some sort of defense.... Wall of Frost or Guard Gomanzoa or something. Tides are about worthless b/c they cost too much. If you want to speed it up you're going to have to add in some Tome Scours and maybe hedron crabs with some fetch lands... deprives work well with that set up since you can return a land and drop it right back next turn.
41-60 of 175 items