You could try looking at some of the older vamps and also including mana accel like dark ritual to help you out earlier in the game. Hello Turn 2 Miri! Also REALLY FUN card with Endless Whispers is Phage. When she dies, your opponent loses. Isn't that just splendid? Mortifying your own Phage for the Win...
Actually, I take that back, it can only happen TURN 5!! Sorry, but that is WAY too slow, I know aggro decks that will have you crying by that time. The trance does little to help you out, since all your guys are cost 3 and 4, try going for turn 1 mana accel like BOP or llanowar elves. THEN it can be turn 4, which in my opinion is still slow. But for casual play this should be fun. I can imagine looks on ppls faces when they are 1 turn from killing you and you pull that out. Always good for a laugh.
It's still a 3 color, 3 creature combo with a casting cost of 3 for 2 and 4 for the redcap. It's a good idea but if your opponent knows what he/she is doing you won't be able to pull it off. Creatures are easy to kill and husks are usually a pretty good warning card, as are the escorts. I can see this happening at the earliest, turn 4. That is only if you get ALL the necessary cards including: Forest, Mountain, Trance, Captain, Swamp, Husk and Redcap. That's 7 cards, there are 1st turn kills that have less cards than that. Again, good idea, but it's too easy to spot and too easy to stop.
Slith, Sliver, Slug, Snake, Soldier, Soltari, Spawn, Specter, Spellshaper, Sphinx, Spider, Spike, Spirit, Splinter, Sponge, Squid, Squirrel, Starfish, Survivor, Tetravite, Thalakos, Thopter, Thrull, Treefolk, Triskelavite, Troll, Turtle, Unicorn, Vampire, Vedalken, Viashino, Volver, Wall, Warrior, Weird, Whale, Wizard, Wolf, Wolverine, Wombat, Worm, Wraith, Wurm, Yeti, Zombie, Zubera That is every legal creature type as you can clearly see, knight is one of them.
Masticore, Mercenary, Merfolk, Metathran, Minion, Minotaur, Monger, Mongoose, Monk, Moonfolk, Mutant, Myr, Mystic, Nautilus, Nephilim, Nightmare, Nightstalker, Ninja, Nomad, Octopus, Ogre, Ooze, Orb, Orc, Orgg, Ouphe, Ox, Oyster, Pegasus, Pentavite, Pest, Phelddagrif, Phoenix, Pincher, Pirate, Plant, Prism, Rabbit, Rat, Rebel, Reflection, Rhino, Rigger, Rogue, Salamander, Samurai, Sand, Saproling, Satyr, Scarecrow, Scorpion, Scout, Serf, Serpent, Shade, Shaman, Shapeshifter, Sheep, Skeleton,
Drake, Dreadnought, Drone, Druid, Dryad, Dwarf, Efreet, Egg, Elder, Elemental, Elephant, Elf, Elk, Eye, Faerie, Ferret, Fish, Flagbearer, Fox, Frog, Fungus, Gargoyle, Giant, Gnome, Goat, Goblin, Golem, Gorgon, Graveborn, Gremlin, Griffin, Hag, Harpy, Hellion, Hippo, Homarid, Homunculus, Horror, Horse, Hound, Human, Hydra, Illusion, Imp, Incarnation, Insect, Jellyfish, Juggernaut, Kavu, Kirin, Kithkin, Knight, Kobold, Kor, Kraken, Lammasu, Leech, Leviathan, Lhurgoyf, Licid, Lizard, Manticore, Mas
The list of creature types, updated through the Lorwyn set, is as follows: Advisor, Anemone, Angel, Anteater, Antelope, Ape, Archer, Archon, Artificer, Assassin, Assembly-Worker, Atog, Aurochs, Avatar, Badger, Barbarian, Basilisk, Bat, Bear, Beast, Beeble, Berserker, Bird, Blinkmoth, Boar, Bringer, Brushwagg, Camarid, Camel, Caribou, Carrier, Cat, Centaur, Cephalid, Chimera, Citizen, Cleric, Cockatrice, Construct, Coward, Crab, Crocodile, Cyclops, Dauthi, Demon, Deserter, Devil, Djinn, Dragon, D
I currently own about 90% of them there are a few that I used to have, but I haven't put a deck up on here that I haven't played myself.
I'd just think it would be easier if we all just message him on the forum, or create a forum discussion on the topic. That way he wouldn't have to see it by looking here, he could just check his messages which he apparently does frequently.
See, this is a good deck, but I really dislike that everyone on this site seems to think that everyone else wants to play in a specific type of tournament, this is a good deck for casual play I like it a lot, so awesome job. Also wheel and deal would be good here, that way with the underworld dreams they take 7 more damage.Same thing with memory jar. I like the idea though, sort of s reverse megrim deck. Maybe add black vise in here too, just for fun.
I know a few people put decks up here looking for comments on whether or not they should shell out the money for them so a sim would be amazing for this site, couldn't agree more with ya'll. I'm in the same situation as amanrocks12345, I've already posted most of my decks and am really looking for more comments but what I'd really like is something else to do on the site. There is the forum and all but I think a sim would be the best way to go.
I disagree, I have plenty of mana accel to get it all out fast. and the fact that there are 4 pieces doesn't concern me too much, I mean there are bigger combos out there that people use. I wouldn't go any higher than a 4 card combo, but 4 isn't bad.
Pariah on Dawn Elemental
Flickerform on the Shepherd = TONS of creatures every turn.
I would add painter's servant in here for Oona, that way every card you mill will yield a creature
OH WAIT, actually, dross scorpion can untap the artifact lands, haha, great call.
and an iron works or ashnod's altar, so essentially it's the same number of cards, perhaps a bit cheaper, maybe I would have switched it out if I didn't NEED 2 retrievers (bad odds) The iron works is a HUGE no, no. The card isn't "better than Phyrexian Altar" it only creates colorless mana, HUGE no no. I need black mana to be created to work my combo, so the ironworks is OUT, unless I put in retrievers instead but I won't. Also, I know what all those cards do, and if I didn't I could look it up.
The vault isn't bad, but I don't really need it, I don't have affinity, nor do I have any artifact into play abilities, nor do I have any sac artifact abilities. The crusher isn't bad if you combine it with rite of consumption but I just didn't put it in, I might later if I feel like it. The retriever, it just doesn't work here, I mean I could FORCE it to work, but i don't want to. I would have to change the shard, the cathodion, and the altar out for myr retrievers (I'd need 2 out)
Copper Gnomes in place of the Dramatic entrance is your best bet.
Since the pact's "lose game effect" only hits the stack once and is not a state based effect, or an ongoing effect, the "lose game effect" does not cause an unbound loop with the angel in play. aka, this combo works just fine TheXile.
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