
64 Decks, 832 Comments, 7 Reputation

Angel decks are slow because people try to use the biggest, strongest angels out there, and a lot of them. Try using the cheaper angels that are few in number but very effective. Also add more mana accel than just clear the land and scouting trek. Clear the land is expensive for accel and allows your opponent to do the same AND isn't even 100% effective. Scouting Trek doesn't really accel, it just makes sure for the next 5 turns all you draw is land, meanwhile your not drawing any cards to counteract your opponent's moves. Try mana accel cards that put the lands into play, tapped or untapped, and don't give your opponent the same ability. The idea of mana accel is that for every 1 mana more than your opponent you have, that is one turn ahead of your opponent in playing things and this is an incredible thing. Try adding Wall of roots and BOP for accel as well as instants and sorcerys.

Posted 15 June 2009 at 11:05 as a comment on Glorious Angels


I get it, but there are other ways that are slightly easier and more efficient to gain control of your opponent's creatures and more fun ways to choose whether that creature lives or dies. This isn't a bad start though for creature control. Check out my creature control deck for more ideas:

Posted 15 June 2009 at 10:58 as a comment on Creature control


I would appreciate it if people would give explanations for their -1 votes. a vote doesn't help if there is no explanation.

Posted 15 June 2009 at 10:44 as a comment on Naya Aggro


I get the "this is a casual deck" idea but no person in their right mind is going to let you play 4 copies of demonic AND vampiric tutors. they are restricted. Yes they are amazing and that is exactly why they are restricted. Try other search methods.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 23:24 as a comment on flow of futility


ANON, mage slayer is RG, Bant is GWU. I would have LOVED for mage slayer to be GW. So sad... CONGRATS!! I'll be sure to check them out, hey it's summer, I've got the time.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 22:10 as a comment on Bant Beatdown


Aquaduck = BAD land. Don't use it. Use a pain land instead.

If you include painter's servant and grindstone the combo creates a total mill. If of course, you're interested in that sort of crazy thing.

Also if you can mill out the lands, say by utilizing myr landshaper and an option of a few select other cards, you can Mind funeral for their deck.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 22:05 as a comment on unrequited dreams


Ok you need 2 more Rafiqs, 2 more Hierarchs and 4 Rhox War monks. They are 3 mana for a 3/4 lifelinker!! and with all that exalted the get HUGE imagine turn 3 attacking with a 5/6 doublestrike lifelinker and turn 4 attacking with a 6/7 doublestrike lifelinker TWICE! it's insane. Anyway for more ideas check out my Bant deck:

Posted 14 June 2009 at 21:33 as a comment on Exalted Aggro


For this deck I recommend the combo of: Izzet Guildmage + Desperate Ritual + Lava spike for inf spells and inf damage. When you play lava spike slice desperate ritual to it, the ability of the ritual becomes a part of the lava spike spell and gives you 3 mana, use this 3 mana to copy the spell using the guildmage again and again and again until all your opponents are dead. Isn't it nice?

Posted 14 June 2009 at 21:28 as a comment on Punishment divine


Painter's Servant... add it That way nothing on the board can target your creatures. Take out the Signet and sideboard the naturalizes, to make room for 4 Servants. This is my deck from a while ago that is similar to this one:
Hope you like it.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 16:41 as a comment on Darkest hour


Add Crucible of Worlds, that way you can get them back if they die. Oh yeah, and maby add 2 more blinkmoth, that's the kind of land (like factory) that you want 4 of, to pump etc.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 16:35 as a comment on Land ahoy (Mono green)


I like this. Only problems are: The sideboard MUST be 15 cards to count legally and you can increase deck efficiency by using good dual lands instead of all those basic lands. Maybe you won't even need mountains, well not the basic mountains anyway, when you include duals.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 16:32 as a comment on Death tap


Haha, I'd like to see this. I just wonder if your opponents laugh when you pull out a 118 card deck. Sorry but this has too many cards and too many toss and turns to get out what you need and Hellkite isn't even an instant win. The thing is only an 8/8 with pump and regen. It doesn't stand a chance against white, black, or blue creature control. and it isn't fast or efficient enough to stand up to Naya or Bant. It isn't a bad setup to get the hellkite out but keep in mind that in Bant your opponent has an opportunity for a turn 3 attack for 10dmg lifelink. Your deck needs to be faster and more efficient. That can easily happen by reducing the number of cards.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 16:27 as a comment on The Hellkite Comes


Dark Ritual and other mana accel are pretty clutch. Turn 2 Gravepact would be devastating to your opponent. I also agree with ANON, if you make Husk REALLY strong you can Rite of Consumption it to deal a TON of damage too.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 12:32 as a comment on My mouth are bigger than your mouth


Mossbridge Troll IS type 2 legal. Unless of course you are making this deck for after the next block comes out, but M10 will have all new rules and will be silly anyway. This deck may not be as effective then.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 12:22 as a comment on Aria of Victory


If you go dual color RG you can include things like mana accel and Elvish Piper to get things out a lot faster.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 11:05 as a comment on Dragon Flame (tool name I know!)


Check this one out:

It's a stasis deck I built a long time ago. I utilize Chronotog so that I skip my turn and NEVER have to pay stasis's upkeep cost whilst my opponent either dies due to milling him/herself 1 card at a time (which is funny in my opinion) or kills them with black vise.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 10:15 as a comment on Who hate Stasis?


Dawnglow Infusion is a great way to get the entity's power up to max. I also suggest some mana accel to help you get everything out faster. A turn 3 Ageless entity would be pretty devistating. Search cards will make the most of the Wheel or cards that shuffle your library. Add maelstrom pulse since it's AMAZING and will help keep your guys safe and simultaneously upset your opponent or get their pesky creatures out of the way so you can swing for full dmg.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 10:07 as a comment on Immortal Entity


Memory Jar + Megrim = "ok so you take 14 dmg" guarenteed by the time you have 5 mana they are below 14 if you have a megrim out, so it's basically ftw. Too bad it's restricted, and not in extended... or legacy... If you went RB or UB you would have more mass discard mass damage options, but this all black discard works pretty well.

Sad part is that your opponent can get the better of you while he/she is at 1 card, since no discards are at instant speed, see so long as they have the mana to play their hand, you can't make them discard and thus take damage, and they can get the mana cuz they'll still be drawing mana. They'll be slower but still in many cases effective. maybe throw in some things to make them draw too and include underworld dreams. That's what I did.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 00:07 as a comment on charred aces


For a first deck this isn't bad.
Some suggestions:
1 Keep your deck to about 60-65 cards Max.
2 The more copies of a card, the more likely you will draw it, it is very difficult to run a deck strategy when there is only 1 copy of a key element
3 Utilize the sideboard for protection from different types of decks, so you don't have to worry about it maindeck
4 Figure out a main strategy that the deck should exhibit, examples: aggro, storm, mill, counter, prot and utilize those cards that work best together for that strategy.
5 Deck efficiency is an important aspect to any deck, basically how often can you win your best way and play everything even though you draw different cards each time. Dual lands can help this out A LOT since that way you are less likely to get stuck with all one mana color. Overall deck mana cost is very important too, the lower the mana cost the faster the deck. and speed is everything.

This (obviously) looks like an aggro deck, so take the best aggro cards you have and increase the number and decrease the numbers of the others. Example: Boggart Ram Gang = Great for aggro, Prismatic omen = not necessary since you are only playing 2 colors and inefficient compared to dual lands since lands cost nothing and the omen costs 2.
Figure it out as you play the deck. See which cards you think "COME ON COME ON" about and which ones you think "OH NO NOT THIS ONE" about. Increase the number of the former and decrease the number of the latter.

Posted 13 June 2009 at 23:54 as a comment on Earth & Fire


Oops didn't see her in the sideboard. Oh well, Dual lands as always may help your efficiency.

Posted 13 June 2009 at 23:40 as a comment on Death with a Twist


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