Standard play
So the thing that makes them hard to get rid of is a 9 mana forge that you only have 1 copy of in the deck... You need to get more copies of each necessary card for the deck, having only 1 copy of each card indicates that the deck has no true direction (aside from playing artifacts) so look to finding an overall strategy that will work and build a deck around it. If you want to do artifacts, look at SOA block at Esper cards, that will get you your artifacts. Good luck.
The ledgewalker can only be blocked by creatures with flying, it can't block fliers so I suggest sideboarding cloudthresher, it's not an elf BUT a 7/7 Reach (it can block fliers) that deals 2 to all fliers and players when it comes into play for 6 mana, is pretty amazing.
not type 2 anymore... as of today.
now you have 24 lands... bit too many? not if you add seismic assault... =]
Countryside crusher + terravore = *opponent without destroy spell smack head on table*
I don't really like expanse just because the land comes into play tapped, also then that land can only create one type of mana. I'd look to the new dual lands from M10 (which you have), filter lands from shadowmoor block, the three color tapped lands from SOA block, and Reflecting Pools (if you have some cash laying around) You're playing RGB, so I'd use this 1 Graven Cairns 4 Crag 4 Summit 2 Fire-Lit Thicket 5 Forest 3 Swamp 5 Mountain That way, you have mountains for the new lands and you can make your forests and swamps turn red for the dragons or your excess mountains turn green or black. Play around with it though, That's just how I would start, if you find yourself needing more black or red then add more and take something you don't really need out, it's all flexible). The new dual lands are really tough since they need lands with land types out, they will get more use in extended, vintage and legacy I think since they all have dual lands with land types. They're still awesome though. If you don't have a lot of money left after buying those Pulses you can go for savage lands in place of the filters.
Best advice for a new deck builder is the following: Cards (Try to get your deck as close to 60 cards as possible) (check) Copies (Include multiple copies of each card in the deck. This way it is easier to draw your key components of the deck and have more efficient play. This can be achieved by playtesting at first to see which cards you constantly wish you draw and which cards don't really have any purpose, take the latter out to add more copies of the former) Land Base (An efficient deck can get the required colors of mana and the required amount of mana out quickly. This can only be done by utilizing dual lands in multi colored decks and having a good land-other card ratio) Strategy (usually decks try to work on a specific strategy, such as my Soldier deck that you saw, which is a pure aggro deck, it focuses on aggressive play tons of big creatures etc. There are other types like mill, control, combo, and others.) Speed (Speed is gained by one thing. Mana. Two ways of having speed are:Having a low deck cost or "ramping" by using cards like Birds of paradise, llanowar elves, and other mana accel cards. Having a low overall deck casting cost means that you can play things faster and outrun your opponents. This helps a TON whether it be in getting out blockers, milling for ten on turn 1 or 2, being able to control the early board often determines who wins. For example my soldier deck almost always attack for 3 on turn 2 thanks to its cheap creatures and by turn 4 the game is usually decided.) EFFICIENCY (this is the biggest one, hence the Caps, since it is what wins match after match consistently. Actually, that is just what efficiency is... winning constantly. This can be accomplished by reducing the number of colors to help your land base, increasing the number of copies of a card, including cards that do similar things [you said you need more cards that make tokens... that would make it more efficient]. Having a low deck cost is KEY to efficiency.)(This is kind of a sum of everything)
If this is EDH (Which it is...) then your general must be legendary and No cards are allowed in the deck that have a mana symbol other than those in the cost of the general. Aka, Joiner adept will not be and cannot be a general. Actually, I don't think you have a general for this deck yet, do you have any legendary creatures? Usually people pick their general before they build an EDH deck.
Definitely add the M10 Merfolk liege
Work on your land base, three colors are hard to manage efficiently if you aren't using dual lands (yes... I see the one from M10 above). Maybe include filter lands to help.
That's new as of TODAY (release of 2010)
2010 has some AMAZING soldiers and Honor of the pure is a MUST. I know you already saw it but feel free to check out the description of my soldier deck to see what some of them can do. (Captain of the watch = OMG)
Read the Description before you tell me there aren't enough Cards.
Worship and any other spell that bogs things down without targeting, destroy all lands after playing ghostly prison... ouch... Of course anything that stops it can also stop this deck, at least you'll get a lot of life with the wardens. Honestly I built the Progenitus deck because I thought it would be fun... it wasn't... I played my friend with it just now and he laughed when I did it but I had to keep saying. "Hey, don't kill me this deck has a really funny trick." which you should never need to say. haha.
Bant lost SO MUCH with M10, the land base is so much less then it used to be, they lost Brushland, wastes, treetop village, and coast... HUGE blow to that incredible mana base... so sad... You can still use the Bant land though, and filter lands but now they interfere with the new lands... damn is wizards good at destroying the fastest deck out there. This deck looks ok though, I like your sideboard but you may want Celestial Purge in place of the tenders and Flashfreeze.
Tell me about it, I only built this as a challenge. But keep in mind that WOG will take out all the MSS copies too. Always keep a sideboarded destroy all spell, no joke.
Because Progenitus has Prot everything... and is a 10/10... that is unblockable and can't be targeted... This deck would probably beat my Progenitus combo, I like Sigil Sergent better but the demand for Progenitus was too high and copying a creature with Prot everything was too good a challenge to pass up, then your other deck reminded me of this awesome way to copy things with prot blue that I used a long while ago so THANKS. Oh yeah... This looks good aside from your land base, Use filter lands, the new dual lands, etc. My take on mana base is that if you aren't playing mono-color and you lands aren't worth more than the rest of your deck, your deck could be more efficient.
It's SLOW, but it works.
You can use clone instead of the shapeshifter too, since it has "may" in it's ability.
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