you have too many non-0 cost spells for this to work. You'll kill yourself.
No feast of blood. The thing is a sorcery and against a decent creature control deck (there are MANY in standard), you'll never be able to use it. Run doom blade instead. For jund and naya match ups sideboard another deathmark. You should also run duress. I'd main board the signs and side the consume the meeks for swarm token and weenie decks. Get rid of the revenant and main board the bloodwitches, they wreck baneslayers.
Devastating summons and goblin bushwacker will give you a turn 3 win. I'd add scalding tarn and arid mesa for the landfall triggers on your geopedes.
Hey ANON, long time no see. I played around with levelers, trying to make a competitive deck with them, but sadly being slow is in their very nature. There are only a few I can see being played in competitive formats, but sadly they won't be a competitive theme. Leveling forces you to invest a lot into a creature, which will inevitably be killed thanks to a path, bolt, terminate, or pulse. It makes me sad to say that, I think the idea was really neat. Student of warfare is probably the best leveler out there, so you might want to work with him a bit. All blue decks now NEED to run Spreading seas. The card is completely insane! You may not think it is, but trust me, shutting down Vamps for a turn or 2 due to denying that turn 3 kicked gatekeeper can be devastating. Jund is very 3 color dependent. If you can deny them a color (especially black or green so they can't pulse the seas), you'll cause major damage. I would focus more on a Blue White control deck with levelers who get crazy when leveled high. That way you'll be able to keep them alive and keep your opponent locked down. Add 4 negate and another deprive so that they don't get blown up, and add path to exile for creature control. That's what I'd do anyway.
4 Emrakul is a really really bad idea. If you WW into more than one they all go as a state based effect. You're also going to need a lot more ramp for this. 4GGR0 has been trying to make a list for this on here, you should check his out. Also, here's the problem, if you're playing against white and you warp world, you get Emrakul, they get a Journey to nowhere, you can kiss your Emrakul goodbye (and yes, a lot of white decks main board journey, and those that don't side it). Keep in mind also that in either case that you are talking about, WW or ST, you don't get the extra turn, so watch out for the rush after you WW your opponent.
The deck has no consistency. Narrow it down to a basic idea (other than just dragons). Think about how you want the deck to play and go from there. You'll need to have 4 copies of some cards, that's just how it works. For dragons, I suggest going with a combination of mana ramp and quicksilver amulet. Also... Dragon Blood = Bad card, sorry but it is. Only thing it's good for is persist. Your land base can also use some work. Might I suggest making this only RG. Or you can keep all your 1 ofs and add 40 more cards and go for EDH with Scion as your general. You'll need utility spells though, lightning bolt should be one of them.
Wooded Bastion is a great land, I'd run the duals in place of Basics, not the Bastions.
Knight of the Reliquary is mad expensive, but it'd be great in here. The problem I see you having is with decent creature control, but that's to be expected. I'd take out the safewright quests for other accel. It really isn't that great compared to the mono-green accel you could be running, or Knight of the White Orchard (as white accel).
And before you say it, yes I see the sideboard, but the discard you have won't stand up to a Legacy control deck, not a good one anyway.
The major problem I see is that you seem to have no way of dealing with control based decks. Your deck relies on a few creatures too havily. Once it's figured out (in game 1) your opponent will know exactly what to counter and what to let slide. Legacy also runs enough artifact destruction and very cheap counter magic (Force of will is one) to get rid of all of your vials before you ever get to use them. Not bad though, I just see it being controlled very easily.
I'm glad, I always feel horrible when someone has a great idea and it doesn't have the speed necessary to be competitive. You deck is a lot of fun. As for the Ob-Nix, he's my win condition really. If I warp world into him, his landfall triggers for every single land I warp world into as well. This usually kills off my opponent. Best part about it is that the landfall triggers as he comes into play, so it is on the stack before Ob-Nix dies as a state based effect if I get more than one of them. If I get one and don't win right away, I have a HUGE beater, who is hard to kill since he's black. If I get 2, I win. That's why he's in here. Also, the Cobras are all the color fixing I'll ever need.
This is my Vamps. I'd make yours a bit faster and make your deck exactly 60 cards so you have a better probablility:
Your wallet won't like this, but Jace the Mind Sculptor is one of the best planeswalkers for this deck, Gideon is also REALLY useful, as he can keep the heat off you, or swing if you're out of options.
Devastating Summons would kill in here. you might not thinks so, but it's better than you could ever imagine. It kills on turn 3 or 4 consistently. This is a list by iliketehturtles, it's pretty good:
Progenitus can't be animate deaded. the enchantment becomes an enchant creature, then gets removed by the protection which then kills the creature. But I think reaminator is the best way to run this deck, it will just depend heavily on your draw. I think Null Brooch could be fun in here too.
I actually find Into the Roil to be an amazing card, especially in a deck like this. Creatures are a problem, since you won't want to block with your tokens. I wouldn't run sage owl, since you want to always poly into a large creature... which is the point of the deck.
Donate decks have been hilarious since Donate was first printed. The deck is a great casual deck, and is funny as anything, but they are very slow and don't ever get anywhere in competitive play. They're still always fun decks to play. My personal favorite for these is confusion in the ranks.
For vampires Liliana Vess is a better planeswalker than sorin, as Nocturnus + Liliana is completely insane.
It's looking A LOT better. I'd say add a bit more token generation so that you can warp world for a lot more. I might actually put in siege gang commander or rampaging baloths in place of the bloodbraids, the cascade is a bit risky, as it may not help you at all. I suppose they can be useful though. Try playing it with out the bloodbraids and then with, also be careful about warp worlding into multiple legendaries, as a state based effect they will die and they'll get you nothing. Warp world is a deck that uses mostly creatures so that when you warp world, you end up getting a lot out of it if you don't win on the spot. Here's a link to my deck, I suggest looking at it and adapting some of the major ideas in it to your idea. It'll make it more efficient. I hope that you see that I'm trying to help you, and don't take my negative comments personally. I'm trying to be constructive. You also don't need to make a new deck every time you change it, you can just change it by hitting "edit this deck"
Sneak Attack for Kilnmouth dragon, bogardan hellkite, and dragon tyrant. Quicksilver amulet or belbe's portal with mana ramp to drop it by turn 3 easily. In my GR dragon deck I used to play, I had mana ramp into sneak attack turn 3 (at the latest). On the following turn, kilnmouth, tryant, and bogardan hellkite were all swinging for game.
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